Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
1.we have all missed the mark[romans 3;23] romans 3;23 says we have all sinned for those that would claim to be the sole exception to this eternal truth, verse 10 of this chapter plainly says no one is good-not even one [romans 3;10] another word for good is righeous the word righeous means one who is as he or she ought to be. when the bible says no one is righeous or good it is not so much reffering to the behavior. but to inner character what exactly is gods glorious ideal... is absoulute perfection jesus said but you are to be perfect[matthew 5;48] in other words anyone who is not as good as god is not acceptable to him.
one definition of sin derived from the greek word hamartia, it to miss the mark as far as the mark of perfection goes... we miss it by a mile although our sinful nature makes it immpossible for us to live up to gods standard. we cannot blame our sin on our nature alone sin is also a deliberate act.
2.sin is a deliberate act [ephesians 2;1-3] another word for sins in ephesians 2;1 is transgressions or trespasses this word speaks of a lapse or deviation from the truth in contrast to simply missing the mark. this is a deliberate action because sin is a deliberate action, we cannot blame our sin on our society, our environmet, or mental state or physical state, everyone has chosen to do wrong if we protest this point we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to excepth the truth. [jonh 1;8]
3.the ultimate penalty for sin is death[romans 6;23] according to the bible we have offended a holy god we have done this once or twice but so manytimes. that cant keep count roman 6;23] says the wages of sin is death...wages are something you are paid for work rendered in other words, you earn your wages because we have all repeatedly sinned we have earned the penalty of death, which is eternal torment in a place called hell.. amid this talk about sin and death there is some good news, god has given us a way to escape the penalty of our sin he has made it possible for us to have a relationship with him and enjoy the hope of eternal life without punishment.

Miami Beach, FL
age: 39
We are born sinners, so the Bible says. If we are doomed to die, then why be granted life as sinners in the first place??

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
camaro? did you read anything i just stated
god gave us the choice of which path to choose
and when jesus died on the cross he did so we couldnt suffer the ultimate penalty of eternal punishment
as i state again god gave us the freedom to choose which path we take
i think you should go back and read the entire thing again?????
[Edited 5/12/2007 11:16:17 AM]

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
sin is a deliberate act

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
there are three areas of sin lust of the eyes , lust of the flesh , and the pride of life