Tarentum, PA
age: 57
What does lack of sex have to do with anything that has been written here? I believe that we as adults can agree to disagree. Please, I have been out of high school for 40 years, lets not go back.

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 58
Very nicely said. Also "Sweetness", there was a post earlier, somewhere, ???, where you apologized, just in case, you hurt someone's feelings regarding smoking. That was also very nice done.
Good Job Ladies! 
Now let's all party, you too Bob!    
We are all so very very Blessed.

Stanford, KY
age: 57
An educated man. Nice. Thank you for clearing that up.

Falmouth, KY
age: 60
I am certainly not going to say cl**k   

Springfield, MO
age: 53
All I am going to say is I don't know why you call lotus my attorney?? I wasn't even here when you two started. So I saw no reason for my name to be brought up at all. What I posted in the suggestion forum is just what a lot of people think. I said nothing that I would not say to your face. And your friend also agreed. You want to talk sex put it in a locked thread at the top. You want to post your jokes put it in a locked thread at the top. IN THE 50+ group. Yes everyone can say what they want. But do we have to see your long jokes all the time??? I never post to them if you notice. I might open just to see if for once you have something for real to say. If anyone should say they are sorry I think you owe me one for bringing my name up to begin with. As usual wrong time and wrong place.
Cottage tried to start a joke thread. Why didn't you post there like others? Something I would like to know.