1/12/2008 3:26:50 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
i'll make my thread based on not namimg names as i believe there are 2 sides to everything-- a pro or a con would have been appreciated in this case--and not calling someone out in several threads for my head but instead taking sides and slandering me for one's gain proves what???--well here's my side--love me, hate me--i believe my opponent is trying to win a popularity contest and it seems i can't fight my own battle without prejudice but some of you fight a dirty war here--i win my wars by having no one personally attack me...so read my side and open up your minds--I believe many won't post just because my side has any creditabilty--thanks anyhow...some of you and your one-sided opinions have spoken in the vying thread already some 50 posts old--see i made an attempt here without asking for someone taking my side--just read the facts...and none of the brave will break the favorite son's side here and see my attempt here at just my side----or they will be perhaps be just like me--hated too--if they post an opinion here...god forbid i make sense--and i will continue to make sure i'm heard --so who who crosses the picket line-- as i'm not looking for supporters just fair opinions of what i say here
ask why that person did"not" answer the emails back to me with a response/ instead posts my emails- sounds like he said/she said to me----no it was to gain momentum choosing sides and everyone to hate me more or much more if they have before--thank god i now know some dislike me and that's the problem here: if that's their belief then this 50's forums should start a special entry group because it's based on one sided BS ...so start a click etc it's already noticeable...this is the 50's group forum--"our" group--not just one or a few to pass judgement to crucify just one because they gather people to pick sides-- some unity here right???
I ask: so why should anyone think they have the right to post an email via a thread--childish and breaks the secret code of an email --i do my talking by an email and if you read what i posted i even said i apologize (but of course instead of a response the author of the thread just felt it was now in the hands of the 50's jury)--now that's BS...rather the chose was to hang someone out to dry live via a thread except for 2 occasions calling me out: 1) one was to protect someone in of one of my threads where a gentleman age 70 was being abused by an un named poster to my thread--i wrote a post to my own thread saying: if my threads are causing people to fight with one another i just should go away: Instead i have an email sent to me via a woman a month ago so dirty that i saved it as a way to remember this woman whose dirty mouth is worse then most men's--then to add to that some men naturally take sides as some did together saying this was a repeat of December thingy--such a nice guy without the facts contributing like a blind billy goat and obviously bias now--from one of his posts today via the thread on taking sides...2) the other by another poster to a thread in the suggestion groups that openly named me openly as soprano ( it's spelled sorprano thank you)in this suggestion thread titled: jokes and comedy and i'm not going to take that schitt again from this mental midget...anyhow if you can't take some humor why are you opening up anything i post to begin with esp from jokes ...and anyhow then demeanor me at the same time...it was never at her expense or any others as i get more emails from people that appreciate what i contribute here and i thank you all who have done that --and everyone can't be loved completely, but in 99.99 % of my posts or threads i never ditched anyone and this two faced person even posted positives to my stuff--so it's ok to call me out via a suggestion post--instead this person could have said: i would appreciate a joke/comedy group because i'm indifferent to what has been posted there==now this poster joined the bandwagon against me via a thread i could not defend myself because you all love the other guy and that's your right--but if you convict someone quickly you have that right but know the facts...all the facts.......................................
BOTTOMLINE: it's a click here not a 50's group and based on closed minded opinions of someone out to hurt another--and esp since you have the right to block me from countering a committee of prejudice via a can of worms opening up this day--shame on you all--i made my attempt to apologize and explain by email toward this special person you all love but she was allowed to give you her opinion... and 1st of all there's 2 sides and why i didn't post on her thread asking for answers via her posts, instead i did it the right way via an email, yes for her eyes only, the way an email is suppose to be or why isn't there a forward option for emailing on this site --and if i'm the bad guy--so be it--my side has been told in this thread--go get dressed for you dance--but before you act on anyone in the future remember you heard this side now--peace...
[Edited 1/12/2008 4:45:09 PM]
1/12/2008 3:30:13 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Republic, MO
age: 60
I hope this ends everything, it is sad to read fighting among two people who dont' even know each other.
1/12/2008 4:21:11 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
you have most of that right
1/12/2008 4:34:36 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Quitman, TX
age: 50
thank you for coming back on and stating your side, i for one always like to hear both sides of the story ,but i always try to remain neutral. I think all of us have something special to share on this site ,and feel that we can, or should be able to without being called out by our "friends". we sometimes as in everything else we do in this life, agree to disagree.
take care all  
1/12/2008 5:55:19 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Columbia, TN
age: 51
Please don't put everyone in the " click" I've never been in one and have no intentions of joining one. Some I talk to here, some I email from time to time, some I greet with a hello, some I joke with, some I don't know well enough or like well enough to respond to at all. I simply choose who I correspond with.
Thank God everyone is different, different personalities, likes, dislikes, etc. And sometimes, those things can clash. I'm not here to say what would have been the best way to handle this situation. I'm just here to say I hope everything calms down and we can get back to the fun we once had on here. It seems like.. since the holidays.. this forum has taken a turn for the worst and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. We have a forum that is very special. Let's all try to keep it that way.
1/12/2008 5:59:58 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 55
Very well said!
1/12/2008 6:03:24 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Lake City, TN
age: 60
If I hear "click" one more time I'm gonna murder someone
1/12/2008 6:04:31 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Trish ya have my vote!
1/12/2008 6:05:16 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
What Trish said. DITTO
1/12/2008 6:07:39 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 55
murdering people isn't nice!
1/12/2008 6:07:42 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Columbia, TN
age: 51
"click" sounds like a damn gang I'm not belittling this argument between the folks. If you feel it.. than it's real. I just can't figure out why the change in the forums since the holidays. It was such a blast at first. I would love to see it repair itself.. and get it back to what it once was. Think we can?
1/12/2008 6:11:14 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Lake City, TN
age: 60
Lack of sex........
That's what the therapists tell ya. 
1/12/2008 6:15:21 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Hebron, IN
age: 54 online now!
Come over to the dance!!!!!!!!!!! Forget this crap. Start having fun again!!!! Enough is enough, don't you think????
[Edited 1/12/2008 6:17:07 PM]
1/12/2008 6:18:19 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Arcadia, MO
age: 59
Personally I'm in a GOOD mood and all is GOOD!!!!!! ...But this happens from time to time and it will pass with everyone laughing....time for both to go to the opposite corners to calm down!!  and just say "POOF" to each other!!! It WORKS!!! 
1/12/2008 6:19:11 PM |
my side as i have rights too |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50
I believe it is properly spelled clique. You click castaƱetas when you flaminco dance. I am a true believer that if you are going to make a point you should spell certain key phrases correctly. Thanks!