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1/15/2008 12:59:28 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 38 online now!

When is a good indication that the person you are chatting with is sincere and worthy of the next step??? How long should you wait before giving your number or the first date???

1/15/2008 1:03:04 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Mobile, AL
age: 30

I think it varies with each person you talk to. If, in chatting you guys have that spark, that chemistry, then why not step it up to phone conversations. Just my opinion. I do think however, i would rather talk to someone on the phone b4 i went on that first date. Talking on the phone is a little more open that chatting on IM's so it can give you a solid idea about the person, and help you decide which way you are def leaning. JMO


P.S what ever you do, just go with your guy or follow your heart as cliche as that is, but be careful.

1/15/2008 1:14:50 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57

I have the same question... I met a guy on a different website, he sent winks and emails, but since I wasn't a paid member all I could do was wink back. That was 2 months ago, I no longer go to that website and have deleted my profile from it...and then I see his profile and photo on DH,3 days ago, so I emailed him. We emailed, IM'd yesterday, lots of questions on his part, What happened, Why did you never email me, and talked on the phone for 2 hours last night.....We like alot of the same things, no lag in the conversation at all, laughed and had a very good time....theres 158 miles between us, he wants to meet this Saturday, me go there......Do I, Don't I?????? I checked him out on zabasearch, seems ligit..... But, I am a bit afaid....well more cautious then afraid....Dilema here. 2 friends of mine said he should come here!

1/15/2008 1:21:01 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Apalachicola, FL
age: 45

I think if a guy wants to meet you bad enough he will come to you. women have to be more careful on the road alot of crazies out there.then perhaps if the relationship continues then maybe go there or meet somewhere in the middle.

1/15/2008 3:18:43 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!

There is no formula for that. You have to use your judgement and vibe you get. It also depends on how long the 1st chat is. If it's a long time and your vibe is good, then why not? I've received numbers after the first chat and or the woman would call me at the end of the chat. It all depends on who you are dealing with and VIBE, VIBE, VIBE. No vibe means obviously no second chat or no number, but maybe second chat if the vibe is marginal but no number and so on. It just depends.

You have to separate the BS from a guy who has his stuff together.

Personally, I like to get the meeting done as soon as possible and get that out of the way. I like to get up close and personal. Chatting has no feelings, no inflection, just words. Phone is ok but you still want to meet the person full circle to get a true vibe and there demeanor.

Do you know how many people get dissapointed after chatting for long periods of times even weeks. The first date is a disaster. I'm not saying that happens all the time, but you want to get the meeting out the way.

[Edited 1/15/2008 3:19:57 PM]

1/15/2008 3:19:19 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 38 online now!

Thx you guys for the advice, and 57, I think he should come to you, in a crowded room of course,lol, be very careful and wish you all luck...

1/15/2008 3:40:06 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 29 online now!

It depends on the person and you always meet in public.

1/15/2008 5:23:18 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Fort Smith, AR
age: 46

I like to go where he lives or meet him half way...I do this just in case I don't feel the connection or he's not what he says he is and if I don't feel the connection then I'm out of there...And too, I feel safer then if he's in my hometown...and not only that...I'm out of town for the adventure...

1/15/2008 9:31:09 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

New York, NY
age: 48

I'm with Best, I like to get that meeting out of the way asap.

But if you want to take it nice and slow, then the meeting can be a month from now.

And I would definitely meet him on your turf. You're more familiar with your surroundings more than he is and unfortunately, although men get killed too, its usually by another man. You rarely hear women surfing men on the internet to do away with them.

Never go to him unless you're meeting his mother, kids or dog.

Wait awhile for that after the first few meetings.


1/16/2008 12:09:54 AM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

age: 53

hmmmm ahhh well i have to say...


you go to him , you call the take your own in a public and neutral zone...even have a friend with you or nearby if you are invited to his home make sure you have an amount of personal self defense tools or capacity...ask yourself ...would you let your daughter do this?

if the answer is no then don't go.

i have met many people from another site...but we were all platonic friends and so i was mostly safe...with the exception of one visitor who was just so spaced out he completely took advantage of my home and hospitality...well i learned from him.... wont do that again. lol

when it feels impulsive it usually is...go with your gut....don't be desperate for his affection or attention...remember you are gorgeous and he is the lucky one if you choose to look in his direction

1/16/2008 7:55:53 AM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Knoxville, TN
age: 37

When I was still having first meetings, I just kinda went right for the juggular and met right away. I had spent far too many chatting hours connecting with someone who when we met there wasn't any chemistry, that I just decided a quick first meeting for coffee or a drink worked best for me. You wouldn't beleive what can come into play after you've spent six months connecting with someone online. They might have bo or bad breath or terrible body language, or there just might simply be no chemistry. I choose not to waste a bunch of time. Internet dating is almost like putting the cart before the horse anyway, on the outside we start out with attraction and go from there, online we start connecting on other levels and may not have any attraction at all.

1/16/2008 7:58:39 AM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Zion, IL
age: 44

I prefer a couple of months myself, If the conversation is great its worth the wait.
This makes sure both parties dont drop interest....jmo

1/16/2008 9:11:10 AM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Crawfordsville, IN
age: 32

I like to get the meeting out of the way fairly soon, you can have alot in common over the phone or via the net, but once you meet theres no hiding the true colors.

As far as traveling over 100 miles to see someone, I would let them come to me. If they cant understand you want to be in your comfort zone, I would have to question that.JMO

1/16/2008 9:23:08 AM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Canton, PA
age: 53

I am always a little worried that I will come across as pushy. No one wants a stalker! But I find a lot of women litle to e-mail and insist that honesty is very important. The only way you can really tell who you are talking to is face to face. Then they want you to describe yourself..what you are looking you have a sence of humor...on and on. Again only face to face can show these things. If you are intersted say so and let the other know you want to meet. The sooner the better.

1/17/2008 7:54:26 PM How long to chat back and forth before meeting...  

Fort Collins, CO
age: 27


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