1/18/2008 2:01:16 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Arlington, VA
age: 60
My mother always said it was owning your own home. What she really meant, (although she might not have known it.) was, having the opportunity to buy, and keep a home.
The American dream was, is, and I prey always will be, is the opportunity for an average Joe, (or Jane), who is average in intelligence and health, to succeed in this country by working harder than the next person.
The "DREAM" promises that if you keep your nose clean, if you do not have children out of wedlock, if you do not drink or smoke or do drugs,---if you study hard in school, if you show willpower and live without the newest gadgets,---that with a little help from God, you will be able to own your own home, you will be able to feed your family, and send your children to good schools.
The original American dream had nothing to do with any free government handouts. All the dreamer wanted was to have the government get the heck out of their way so they could climb up the ladder. Maybe not all the way to the top of the ladder, but certainly higher up the ladder than the guy who expected a hand out from the government. (or anyone else)
Most of us here have lived very easy lives. The last time America knew really hard times was in the late thirties. (That is unless you happened to serve in WWII)
Even Vietnam was a cake walk. (You knew you could come home to a free country in a years time)
1/18/2008 2:38:54 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Ditto's, brother! Couldn't agree with ya' more, except for the easy lives part. But that IS objective, isn't it?
I've had a lot of crap that I stumbled over in my life, but I've always gotten back up and kept on truckin'.
One thing I know for a fact, fallin' for government programs is a BIG MISTAKE!
1/18/2008 2:46:02 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Hi michael,
Good thread. Something to think about. Here's my thinking.
I don't think there should be "conditions" set to find our dream in this country.
Like you, I have always worked and paid my way in this world.
I scraped to send my daughter and sons to good schools.
I knew intuitively what I had to give up (extras) to make my goals for my family happen.
There were times when all I ate was the leftovers from my children's plate.
We went through nearly all our life savings for medicine and treatment when my husband was ill.
Yet, even though I struggled at times in my life, there was also so much joy and thankfulness that I was able to manage it all and not loose my home etc.., but I am wise enough to know there are others in this country who don't have those skills, didn't have that life savings, lost their ability to work and earn a living, suffer mental illness or have never known how empowering love can be, from family or God.
I know, you may be referring to people who "work the system" and people who are dishonest, but I believe we (as a society) cannot let one child down for the sins of others.
Unless someone has needed what you are calling "hand outs" they cannot understand the circumstances that brings one to ask for help. I have always found it difficult to judge other people's actions... I feel fortunate, I still have compassion for people less fortunate.
One of the ways mentioned we would be able to have our dream was not to have
"a child out of wedlock". I look at that child as an innocent, born into a difficult situation and am willing (through my government, my church etc..) to give that child a "hand out" by helping his mother provide a good home. She may need job training, education or help to put food on the table.
These are just my thoughts on this. I don't believe we all have it easy.

1/18/2008 3:16:07 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Greensboro, NC
age: 53
I think the early '30s were worse than the late '30s. Either way, the people who realilized the AD the most were the generation who came back from WWII and took advantage of the GI Bill. And they probably thought having government watching their backs wasn't such a bad thing.

1/18/2008 3:19:08 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
For what they had to have given, the government should have their back, and more. Difference is they earned it. There is a difference between freedom and license, but we mix the two.
1/18/2008 3:25:53 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Don't get me wrong! I think Uncle Sam DOES owe a debt of gratitude to the fightin' men and women who put their asses on the line for this country!
What pisses me off are the freeloaders that think those of us who produce owe them!
These folks who say Government should do "X" don't give a damn that the rest of US are paying for it!
1/18/2008 3:40:23 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I agree. That is the difference between freedom and license. Freedon is never Free, license is a right. I agree that there is a state of apathy that has taken over and allowed to increase worse than an cancer there is. Anything I have EVER gotten I had to work for, I was always $.09 cents over the limit for the gift, too young, too old, or any other reason you can come up with. If I wanted it I had to get off myduff and work for it.
1/18/2008 3:44:37 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Greensboro, NC
age: 53
You might call my sister a freeloader even though she probably wouldn't appreciate it. She had a serious illness and draws some kind of disability because she can't work. Some people are deranged and it's no more their fault than getting sick was my sisters. Some kids are born to crack addicts. I could go on but you get my point.
I think this thread was about the American Dream which very few had realized until people like Teddy Roosevelt got sick of seeing robber barons taking advantage of working people. Same for FDR which is why he was elected three times. Now it's trendy for people to give trickle-down talking points even though they used the same schools and grants and infrastructure as the people who never had a chance.
1/18/2008 3:59:02 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
No I would never call anyone in need a free-loader, actually I would never call anyone such a name. There is no such person in my mind. Even people who could "pay their own way, but CHOOSE not to are not free loaders. It is against everything in man to accept something for nothing, and thus the price they pay is probsbly more in different ways than I do bu working.
But as I said, there is an apathy and that is our biggest danger.
1/18/2008 4:02:11 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Greenville, SC
age: 58
Strategery, I can personally identify with your statement.
Some people are snobs. They've either had a lucky life up to now, don't know what disease or mental illness can do to people, don't know the meaning of the word compassion, or they simply can't understand. One person on this site comes to mind.
Thanks for being an understanding comrade.
Best wishes.
1/18/2008 4:04:12 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Greensboro, NC
age: 53
I know better than to get in on any kind of political threads but I can never seem to resist. Until someone makes it on their own without any of the things our taxes provide that I just mentioned, they have no business acting like they're better than anyone else. This is from a guy who owns two small businesses. I'll take a powder now cause this kind of thing really works on my blood pressure.
1/18/2008 4:07:30 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I hope I haven't caused an upset. I hope you stay well.
1/18/2008 4:14:06 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
The american dream when I was a kid was work hard for what you want.. the more you get the higher you hold your head up.. I guess its kind of like success.. only I don't measure success by money as most american's do.. I measure it by my happiness and I think that I am a success.
1/18/2008 4:36:03 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Great grandpa helped his wife break the mold of having to scrimp and save to make ends meet by being given some land because he was killed in the Civil War(War of Northern Aggression). Grandpa was the first to break the mold and move to town after he came home from WWI. He got a house on the main street. That was quite a big deal. When my daddy was little in the depression, he was allowed to have one pair of shoes a year and two pairs of overhauls. He couldn't wear his shoes in summer except to go to church. He carried a baked potato to school for lunch every day in a metal pail. Then, daddy broke the mold. He was the first to go to college....did it on GI bill when he came home from WWII. He got a law degree from Columbia. My husband and I went to Europe to live while I attended Oxford after he came home from Viet Nam. My eldest got a full scholarship to any university of his choice and now is an area general manager for Cracker Barrel(begun by one of our relatives back where great grandpa lived). So, now it has come full circle. Makes you wonder exactly what the American dream ever was. Freedom to pick and choose..to attain goals..accumulate? It means something different for every generation. But, I feel it is basically ......Freedom.
[Edited 1/18/2008 4:36:51 PM]
1/18/2008 4:44:23 PM |
The most common definition of "The American Dream" |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
I believe it is written in the Declaration of Independence, think about it, does anyone remember???? To me this was and is the American Dream.