6/11/2007 3:32:46 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
rose what makes you think that they really dont go to heaven if thats the case why are they here they have feelings and emotions just like we do. i still say amd believe these magnificent creatures go to heaven to
6/11/2007 3:36:41 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Maryville, TN
age: 45
I like to think that they do. They r so much like us emotionally!
6/11/2007 4:03:30 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
Would you mind sharing the scriptures from your bible and state the preface page, please ?
Yes, down thru the years I have had pretty pets and they do seem to love and understand what you say to them and when to play and run and roll over and play dead...but...that is a taught action, it is not a heart spiritual feeling. Stop and think about how you trained your pets to do what they do..or don't do...how did you correct them and reward them.....Now compare that scenario to one of your children. It is a close call..
I am not sure the animal has only capacity to be trained to function, due to repetition. A child learns by repetition, but completely on a higher plane.
Turkeys for instance are dumber than a box of rocks...they will fall into the water and drown before they can back out. Some say Mules and Donkeys are dumb and stubborn..It takes a lot of perserverance to train them.
I would like to think that we just have memories of animals..when I was little, my dad had a big white female pig name Salome..I rode that pig and my mother walked along side, the quarter mile trek to the mail box and back. One day, my dad said that pig was going to the slaughter house,,,my mother hit the ceiling and said she would not allow our pet to be slaughtered and eaten ..so my dad took the animal to the Sale Barn and sold her and bought Savings Bonds for me. She was our pet. Did she have a soul ? No, she was an animal trained by my dad for me to ride. Did her soul go to Heaven ? No, she had very little spiritual intelligence which she acquired through the attention given her by my family.
[Edited 6/11/2007 4:19:57 PM]
6/11/2007 6:49:32 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
no, rose. my bible has specific rules against that sort of thing. MEG is not very happy now.
6/12/2007 12:38:20 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Minot, ND
age: 38
I'm quite new here...however I feel that "if" there is to be a true discussion-there needs to also include some actual MEAT = AKA validity to what it is your saying otherwise all your doing is bickering. This is not the Lord's will...if we are in fact talking of the same almighty Lord, God our creator! My Lord that I know, is a loving and kind God, and for that I truly believe he will one day again return our world to what it once was before we humans muked it all up. ha aha *please not that is the word of me/another human
Please use that amazing book we call a bible, before you post...let me suggest Isaiah Chapter 11=completely!
Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.
The cow and the bear shall be neighbors, together their young shall rest; the lion shall eat hay like the ox.
The baby shall play by the cobra's den, and the child lay his hand on the adder's lair.
There shall be no harm or ruin on all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the LORD, as water covers the sea.
On that day, The root of Jesse, set up as a signal for the nations, The Gentiles shall seek out, for his dwelling shall be glorious.
6/12/2007 2:59:45 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
why on earth would i reference a book that the one true bible has clearly stated to be bogus?
6/14/2007 9:33:49 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
Was just wondering about it, that's all...
I was reading the Genesis Connection, the creation tells of each days work..God creates all the animals. Then from the dust of the ground, he made or created Adam and Breathed into him life and he Adam became a living soul.....the animals do not have souls.
Just an uptake...good nite...
6/15/2007 1:36:34 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
MEG tells it in a slightly different way.
6/19/2007 7:02:11 AM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
no they dont go to heaven...
6/23/2007 8:24:58 AM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Is your idea of God...a loving father figure? Does He give us what we need to enhance our lives and those around us? Has He given us many gifts in this life and many chances to succeed in our quests? Has He allowed us humans to develope in heart, mind and body as much or as little as we will? So many gifts...some many chances. And with this ability we have to form attachements to the critters that He has also given us, then it would seem to me, that the hereafter is so vast, that there would surely be room for all those we have loved and been touched by. Personally, I won't let heaven be limited to my own imagenation. The possibilites are endless. And if it is true....you all have to stand back aways, cuz I've had enough critter friends in my life to start my own planet!! lol
6/24/2007 2:12:44 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Branson, MO
age: 47
I believe that God made all things, so I believe our little animals will be there. People say they don't have a soul, but I don't know. They sure have hearts.
6/24/2007 2:13:59 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
.....what does dog spelled backwards tell ya?
6/24/2007 2:16:21 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
.......its a fact all animals dream, evn birds dream 12 minute a day
6/28/2007 10:29:01 AM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
if god thought animals were important enough to put on the ark then i think they will go to heaven.
7/3/2007 9:27:29 PM |
do you believe animals go to heaven when they die? what do you think |

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36
..Even in the Scriptures God felt terrible about creating man ....Do Not Blame Him! and if you notice all the creatures around the heavens praising God Don't sound like is one of us...so shit we are f*ck! it is time to stop being so arrogant and full of vanity and shit... we might have to look like panters and trick St Peters at the gate or any other ideas? ...not Catholic...not Jewish...not even petals just what y' all make me... I am a nut!