New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
I see alot of wisdom here, how refreshing!!!
I agree with most everything in here I see and well should if we are born into one Spirit. I think the question of the world for me is what is the intent of the world in being in it and does the world control my actions or does my God control the world around me.

Hermitage, AR
age: 33
well have you prayed for the group right above us? if not you need to take a good hard look at what they are saying about us , and how they feel,

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I pray for them above below and around me. Their welfare affects us.

Grove, OK
age: 61
To me to be a true Christian is to be Christ like. To Feed, Clothe, Visit, Take strangers in. Show compassion, Love, Forgiveness, Don't Judge, just Love and forgive. To the best of our ability. It has been left up to us. God has done all he is going to do through his son JESUS CHRIST. Now Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying for us. God The Father wants us to go forth in Jesus name and do the things and greater things than what Jesus done. John 14:12,13,14,15. We have been waiting on God, and God is waiting on us to go forth. Makes no difference what faith or denomanation we are, God did not create denomanations, man did. Jesus prayed a prayer John 17:11 that we all be one even as they are one. We need to come into unity and rise up and do that which he has called us to do, Mark 16:15,16,17,18, In the precious Name of Jesus. So that God the Father be Glorifed not man. And as or when we do, we'll see great revival as we've never seen it before. Praise God................
[Edited 2/13/2008 6:53:24 AM]