1/19/2008 9:25:32 AM |
We claim to be Christians |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
We claim to be Christians but we spend more time in the “secular” world. When we are mingling with the seculars are we spreading His word or joining in that sort of fun? I read a lot of profiles that claim to be Christians, yet never see them in here. I’d rather be here to meat a true Christian lady than meat her in one of the secular rooms. It saddens me that this room is as slow as it is.
1/19/2008 9:56:19 AM |
We claim to be Christians |

Hudson, WI
age: 22
Jesus spent his time on earth with the poor, the tax collectors, and the prostitutes. The whole purpose of christianity is to live a life that glorfies God so that others will see your example and follow Him aswell. Stuffy Christians who sit in churchs all week, scared of the "secular world" are losing out on the very reasons why we were created.
p.s You can hardly look at someones dating profile and catergorize their religiouscity. You are better off having an intellectual conversation about Christianity, if you truly want to understand a persons' take on the subject.
1/19/2008 9:58:10 AM |
We claim to be Christians |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
What did Jesus do? Did he stay with a group that felt safe to him or did he get out amongst the sinners? It's OK to be in the other groups & forums conducting yourself in a Christian manner. I would rather see this group be slow & read posts in the other groups & forums that are leading people to Christ.
1/19/2008 9:59:37 AM |
We claim to be Christians |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I like your post sassy
1/19/2008 10:14:37 AM |
We claim to be Christians |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
You are very wise for someone so young. Yes, Jesus was there with the common people. When I am in the 50's forum which is where I stay most of the time I am on here I try to post decent replies to show my morals and Christianity to others. When there are controversal and sexist forums I will not post in them. many times I have considered not coming on here any more but have made so many good friends I hate to lose them. However, I feel 90% of the people posting on this site are not Christians and are either just looking to shoot their mouth off behind the safety of the computer of they are looking for relationships without a committment. I get very turned off with some of the profiles that list sex as #1 priority. What it says to me is Hey, I want someone in my bed when it should be telling me what kind of committment that person will give to a relationship. I am not a prude but there are some things that I don't believe God wants thrown out there for public discussion.
1/19/2008 4:50:11 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Brockton, MA
age: 64
You are very right. You are well beyond your years. God bless you!!!
1/19/2008 5:03:12 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Brockton, MA
age: 64
There is a song Johny Cash sang, Called Long tongue liars, but that is for the Father to judge. "S"
1/19/2008 6:32:44 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

New York, NY
age: 48
I agree with Sassy.
I have always been encouraged to be "in the world but not of it" and that's what Christ taught us. Once you start assigning grades to someone's religious activity, that's where Satan is stirring the pot of pride. Its not worth it. Everyone, where Christian or Atheist deserve our respect and good intentions.
I think C.S. Lewis said it best, in the Screwtape Letters, "Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church". So don't engage in the arguements of right and wrong...just be the best Christian you know how to be.
1/19/2008 7:00:14 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Amen I am on the same side as you all. I am not trying to judge perhaps step on a few toes a bit only to get them to think, am I doing the will of God welts I am here? Jesus didn’t preach to the religious, He spoke to the non religious. He came to heal the sick.
I’m not saying don’t go into the world, that is your job. What I am saying is here is a place we can come to rejuvenate ourselves, and I truly see fewer than supposed taking advantage of it. Yes their will be the hypocrites in here yes their will be the scorners, non believers, and stone throwers in here. If you ignore them in here they will go away. I too post in other threads, but I start here and end here.
1/23/2008 1:22:14 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Lufkin, TX
age: 88
Suppose you are in your late eighties and looking for Christians, where do you go? Oh, the churches are full of "gray hairs" and most are dead on delivery to church. Mine would be horrified to discover that I am looking for a man at my age. I am organist and enjoy the SS and Church service, but the minute I am outside the church, there is no-one, You say I should get involved with the non beiliever. That is hard to know who are Christians and who are non Christians. Would you die for your beliefs? 
1/23/2008 2:27:27 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
God Bless You Lufkin
I pray to God that I have the same spirit as you when I reach your age. I pray to God I reach your age, and with full mental contact. I placed my love life in the hands of God.
I am lonely but He may have better plans for me now, so I pray He will cross my path with her at the right moment. Have you thought about volunteering at retirement homes? Perhaps starting a bible study in one.
Keep His Light shinning, keep praying, God knows you are special, He will provide for you.
1/23/2008 6:55:05 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Stanley, NC
age: 31
I claim to be a human in rags that is saved only by the wonderful grace of God. I like what I am reading here. I beleve that as Christians that we have to meet the seculor world on common grounds. They have to except you as a humane before they will except you as a christian. Find the common ground get the door open and then it is easer to share Gods love with the lost. Most of the times you have to go to there world before they will come to ours.
1/28/2008 3:51:07 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
The post that I put on here has quite a few Christians coming into it and professing their salvation. That makes me so happy--that they feel they have a good place to land.
Yes, the bible does say we are to be in the world--but not of the world. I am not perfect by far,but I do love the Lord--and have been praying for my mate for 2 or so years.
I feel this is the right thing to do--because I do want a solid Christion man to be by my side.
In fact I have a date for Saturday w/a wonderful Christian man--an outing and dinner as friends--noone from on here--not yet.
God bless you and ya all come back--hugsss--Pat.  
1/28/2008 4:07:37 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
Hardin, it must be tough to be looking for a mate at your age! I sure know it is at mine. The good part about growing older is that I know what is right in my mind and I don't have to worry about being pulled into something that I really don't want. I'm sure it's the same with you. Isn't that a good feeling? Have you tried your local senior center. I know after my Mother died, my father spent almost every morning and lunch there. They played cards, listened to music, had entertainment at least once a week and shared a good meal. I know there are many vital people there and a lot of fun and fellowship.
As far as dying for my beliefs...it's hard to say. I know I'm a stuborn ol' gal from Missouri and I guess I would have to say that, yes, I think I would die for what I believe in. Equal rights, children's protection, and peace are a few causes that I feel pretty strongly about. If the situation was right I might consider these causes more important than my existence. Hard to say until put to the test, don't you think? Just my opinion.
1/30/2008 9:21:00 PM |
We claim to be Christians |

Santa Teresa, NM
age: 51
Love and agree w/ most of these comments. Peace and blessings to all.      