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1/20/2008 6:12:37 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Boise, ID
age: 68
There are many in this world who are not Christian. Jews, Buddists, Muslins, and many others. Some like me fit into Pagan. In fact some of the above are considered Pagan since they do not fit into the Big Three (Christian, Jewish and Muslin). I believe in the Divine. That there was a Creator Spirit that is in all thhings and without whom nothing exists. What name you useis up to you. I'm certain this Deity is big enough that all fit.
Now to the person of Jesus or as Iprefer Yesuha ben Josef. I believe that at various times in the history of the human race grate teachers came to point the human race in a dfirection that would be a better course for the race to live. These teachers were so in touch with their Divine nature that they were capable of doing grate works. So wasJesus the Son of God? Yes, I believe he was as are all of us Sons and Yes Daughters of the Divine. In the Bookof Genius in The Bible it states that when God made Adam he breathed into his nostriles and Adam became a walking Spirit. Breath in old Hebrew is the same word as life. Adam was a Son of God as was Eve God's daughter. Through selfishishness and greed humankind lost the contact with their true nature. Teachers like Jesus came who were in contact and tried to point the human race backto their birthright.
Sin is a mEdevil word which was used in archery. When an archer shot an arrow at a target if it hit the bulls eye the judge would say , "Hit" If it missed the Bulls Eye he would call, "Sin" meaning missingthe mark. The church began to use it to refer to the human race missing the mark in their spiritual life.
I do not believe in anenity called the devil I believe that tjis is a cop out to make anexcuse for a persons own wrong choises. I do not believe in a place called hell because I am a father if my sons made mistakes growing up . Did I kick them out of the house I did not Iallowed them to correct their mistakes and learn. I frankly can not accept a loving Creator codemning any of his children to a eternity in suffering and pain. This would not be love.
I believe in reincarnation I believe we are given many oppertunities to get it right. I also believe in karma that people like Gengas Kauhn and Hitler will come back and experiance the very same things that they inflicted on others. Perhaps over many lifetimes.
This is my belief. So are others wrong ? No. I believe that as my church says," There are many paths to the Sacred and All are valid". This is my belief . I do notrequire others to agree and relize many will not this is their right as they have the vision of the Holy which is right for them
1/20/2008 6:31:44 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
Perhaps this follows what you are saying, in my mind it does. Would like to know your thoughts.
While I follow a traditional format, I also believe that the Diety (under whatever name is choosen by a person) has laid out a path for each of us to follow. It is known only to us, if we chhose to listen. We can travel that path, questioning as we go, and getting answers but remaing on that path. We can leave the path, still recieve guidence, however as the path was not of our original design not lead the true life given to us. The part that makes it difficult is the end, knowing what each would bring. However we are not given that, that is why it is called the end. It is not until we arrive there will we know what our life has been. I also believe that, under a given set of circumstances, we may be allowed to "self correct" at any point, including having arrived at the end.
1/20/2008 7:35:48 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Boise, ID
age: 68
It isnot for me to say with regard to your belief system. What you believe iswhat is right for youthe same as what I believe is right for me.
I believe this world would bea lot better and safer place to live if we respected each persons beliefs and didn't try andsauy one is better then another; or one is right and all others are wrong.
Thanks for the input
1/20/2008 7:56:23 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
I don't believe in the end either. I believe in people chanting to me about their beliefs and telling me that I am evil because I don't fit their format. They call this anger and letting it control me if I deny their words or theory. What small minds they have. They can spit forth condemnation but can't take criticism that comes with their attempt at control.
There is only one God. It doesn't matter what name you call Him. It doesn't matter how you practice worshiping him. It's how you have been led to do so. Each has their own heart and mind which should not be controlled by another through any subversive means. I respect your right to your beliefs and practices. Do not attempt to make me conform to them. I have my own.
He who loves God but hates his brother..does not love God. Thus, too, I believe that he who condemns one for disagreeing with them and uses biblical format to do so, is a false prophet and vile. It is purely my belief. I do not attempt to put this on anyone else. If I were to force my belief on others around me, I would be as bad as the vile. There are those that believe as I do.....that does not make me or anyone else a leader. Nor will I be a controller as others are.
To me, this life is to learn from your mistakes and attempt to be a better person for having done so when you leave this life.
NOTE: As I have said, these are purely my beliefs and I do not wish anyone to claim them as their own or to feel the need to agree with me. I respect yours. All I ask is that you respect my right to mine.
1/20/2008 8:12:20 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Good, I guess I don't quite understand what you are saying--maybe because I have never been subjected to it.
My bible says there is a heaven and a hell--this is my belief,as I know the bible to be God's word.
We all have a choice to reject Jesus or call upon him ,and when we die we either go to heaven or hell--depending upon what we chose.
I am not in anyway trying to change how anyone else believes---just explaing my own belief--as a Christian.
Thank you--and God bless you---Pat.
1/20/2008 8:19:08 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Boise, ID
age: 68
You are entitled to your belief and how you practice it. I do not accept the Bible anymore then I accept THe Koran, nor any of the other so called Sacred Books. iwill not go into detail as to why I do not accept the Bible. I relize this is your Sacred Text and you believe it to be the Word of your God I respecty your belief I just don't share it anymore then I share the concept of Hell which I also know the history of.
Thank you for your comment. You are certainly entitled to it.
1/20/2008 8:21:23 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
I'm a catholic and proud of it. I admit that I don't attend church as much as I should, but I still pray daily, I love God and Jesus and I hope to find a woman who shares my religion. I also respect others for their beliefs and opinions.
1/20/2008 9:18:03 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Corning, CA
age: 50
you are far more "Christian" than
millions out there right now
every single religion
has bastardized the words
the original person/prophet said
who can you believe?
every religion boils down to one thing
be good
I was catholic, an altar boy even, served mass with a bishop too,
last time I entered a church for a mass, I ended up having to leave
I started hyperventilating? Stopped in high school - hated the two faced
people I had to deal with every day.
I always say that god has killed more people than anything on this planet.
Hear everyone screaming and hollering at the screen right now!!! LOL
I know!, it is people in the name of god that kill - what's the dif??
my other favorite saying - Thank God I'm an Atheist lol
I believe in a creator, I believe in being good to people, honest, caring, helpful, in my own way.
I believe that through all time, there have been people who showed up and tried to change the course of the history they were living. Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, teachers that wanted to change how their people were living to a better path - some succeeded better than others at getting their words across.
Do I condemn others because they believe in a different god - absolutely not - but those that believe they have to force others to their way - disappoint me, and prove my point! There is not one single written word from any of those people, that tells their followers to kill. Period, so why are there so many killing? Because they listen to a guy - a plain ordinary idiot that turned something precious and beautiful into something they can USE to their own ends - definitely not a godly thing to do.
I congratulate you Good on making a choice to even mention this in here -as I can see it blowing up in a wrong way! LOL
Take care,
This tape will self-destruct in…..

1/20/2008 9:28:59 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 67
I'm a Christian, and proud of it. It has shaped most of my life and my beliefs. I was raised a Baptist. However, during my years of studying and learning and maturing, it is my belief that ALL ROADS LEAD HOME! In my life story that I am writing and plan to publish for family, I wrote a whole chapter with that title.
Do I believe in reincarnation? Can't say yes or no to that! I do believe that it will all be made clear once we cross over. As is written in Corinthians, "We see through a glass darkly, but then face to face". I may have mis-quoted, but that is the gist of it. I believe that all beliefs have some truth, and that it will all come together at the proper time.
I believe in UFO's. I believe in the spirits of the one's who have passed coming back from time to time. I have witnessed it. You just have to know how to interpret the signs. I'm not saying they come back as ghosts, but they do make their presence known.
I don't know much about Pagans, so I can't comment on that, but as I said, I think it will all come together when the time comes. Does the devil exist? I can't say, but I do believe that evil cannot come into our lives unless we invite it.(as in demonic possession) I respect all and their beliefs. After all, none of us willl know the final outcome until it comes.
I do know that when I cross over (I don't believe in death. It's just a transition from one form of life to another) I'll be looking forward to what comes next!
Peace Out!!  
[Edited 1/20/2008 9:34:30 AM]
1/20/2008 9:35:47 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i do not have to agree with your religions or lack of, but i do have the choice of not associating with those who do not share my beliefs. does that make me a prude? in some eyes, yes. I do not condemn your belief system, but i would certainly choose to not allow you to teach my children. After they are grown and leave my house, they are smart and mature enough to choose the path they follow. Again, I do believe my household is mine, and when public schools choose to bring the non-Christian values as the 'way it really is', then that not only offends me, but does it not break the same laws as those of you who wish God not to be in schools?
As a non-Christian, your worth is not lessoned by your beliefs. when your beliefs affect my personal life, it does.
for those who say more have been slain in the name of God, I wish you would study a bit more history. Greed was the key to all those Christian Crusades fraught, not God. Some priest, bishop, even the king, used the name of God to further their own personal gains, nothing more. as non-Christian as the KKK are, they use the name of God in their agendas. Do they act Christian? What is Christian, as you know it, about wars known as Christian Crusades?
[Edited 1/20/2008 9:36:22 AM]
1/20/2008 9:42:07 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Corning, CA
age: 50
"I always say that god has killed more people than anything on this planet.
Hear everyone screaming and hollering at the screen right now!!! LOL
I know!, it is people in the name of god that kill - what's the dif?? "
I read all your post - why not read ALL of mine?
1/20/2008 9:45:11 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Oh........I wasn't arguing or shouting. 
I'm actually Christian. I believe in the Christian religion....just with some doubts. Even the Koran speaks of Jesus. They believe He was a prophet though and nothing more. It's hard to believe in one religion blindly for many reasons. Look at the parts of the bible that have been or were attempted to be destroyed. What about Mary? She had a book that was hidden. It was all written by that professed to be called to do so and translated many many times. Jim Baker and Jim Jones also said they were called to speak for God. I've witnessed, as have you, so many proclaimed Christians on this site not acting what I would call Christianly. I've read the bible.....I know what it says. I do not need it pointed out to me. There is a verse in the bible that says you should not have translaters or any telling you how to decipher the scriptures. Isn't that what they do when they tell me that I am or am not acting correctly and I'm of the devil? Does that make them of the devil? I wonder. Most of the time, I just see them as terribly misled or wanting attention in any manner they can get it. It's sad to see them using the son of God, the prophet, the Lord....or whatever name you choose for back their hatred. There are so many contradictions in all phases. Here, in the bible, in the churches, in science....etc etc. Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, it's up to you what you believe and not up to man to say it is wrong. What I see as wrong is when one chooses to use their beliefs(religion) to condemn you for your beliefs or as a person.
I agree with Mocha.......and believe pretty much the way she does. However, Mocha, doesn't the bible teach you that you will not come back again and that it is not a transition. In effect, you either go to heaven or hell and that is pretty much it. So, like me, there are parts that you disagree with in the bible? or feel possibly there was more to be added? Not sure about that part.
I don't see any fighting going on here. Just a discussion.
[Edited 1/20/2008 9:50:20 AM]
1/20/2008 9:47:18 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Kitchener, ON
age: 54
I am Christian and very proud of it.I beleive there to be a heaven,through our own choices we find our own hell on earth.Whatever we ask in the Lord for the wrong doings He has already forgiven us.I beleive when we go to the other side we are pure of all evils, and we walk to the Kingdom of happinesss and love.I dont go to church as often as I maybe should.I have the Temple of the lord in my heart anytime I choose to pray.
1/20/2008 9:49:26 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Venice, FL
age: 53
I agree. I personally cannot be held accountable for
what has happened in the past, of which I had no part.
None of it was "my" doing. I will condemn anyone
who uses the name of Jesus Christ to perpetrate ANY
evil on another person.
Setting aside all the evil in this world, I feel sad
for anyone who cannot understand what HE was all about.
He was NEVER about evil or hate...HE was all about
love for thy neighbor and living in peace.
How anyone can find fault with this is beyond me?
You don't have to believe in HIM, but how can you find
fault with what HE was all about? Boggles my mind.
1/20/2008 9:52:09 AM |
Not being Christian... |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
It is my believe that God wants peace on earth and in all of us. I know that there are many on this board with various opinions. But there are also those who use his name to kill which I feel is not right. To me, that is confusing God with satan. To me, satan represents the devil.