Tioga, PA
age: 66
What did your town look like according to Penny Postcards?
Click on the state and then on the county and then on the picture to see old penny postcards from that area.....pretty neat.
Click below..
Penny Postcards
I thought this was neat and I hope you like it---hugs--Pat:

Spring, TX
age: 55
Pat.. that was neat.. i just copied and pasted, Penny Postcards, in my browser and brought it up.. thanks for sharing...

Spencer, OH
age: 52
My county isn't even there! But my little town looks pretty much the same as it did 100 yrs. ago-even has a hitching post behind the bank for the Amish.

Spring, TX
age: 55
freak.. would you believe that an old law is still on the books here, that if you ride downtown on a horse and a hitching rail isnt available, an officer of the court has to hold your horse until you finish your business?
my county back in MS? same courthouse I remember growing up. It burned and a new one takes its place. the old jail on the back, unheated or without AC as well, was replaced with a nice brick one now...

Spencer, OH
age: 52
that's a pretty neat law Knight! The place they really need a hiching post here is the Feed Store- they have to tie up to the electric pole there. Once a guy didn't tie his horse tight enough, and the horse started to head for home at a pretty good pace with a little girl alone in the buggy. A good samritan chased the buggy down the road and caught the horse & brought them back!