Quincy, IL
age: 34 online now!
I sit in the drivers seet but let mhim think he's the one in charge! 

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 48
Well Wicked,
I think the truth is when I take a woman out in my car or for a ride in the boat.....I am in control. But I have to admit she controls how she gets to that point.

South Bend, IN
age: 42
Women do, because if they don't feel a spark..it goes nowhere. Because we can think, "it went well, had a nice time, like to see her again". If the man doesn't think it went well...mmm we don't end up calling again....I know that's bad 

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34
A woman chooses her potential mate, not the man
However, the man controls the start of the relationship. However he starts will dictate how good or bad things will go from there on out. I must say, the weak men however, don't take control, they let a woman walk all over them etc... Then she will dismiss him and find someone else because he's not a challenge and has no backbone.
A woman wants a man to take control and take charge, yet be cool also.

Bend, OR
age: 60
Best, you have great insight...
Women control without even trying...kinda a mean thing to do..but they got the tank top with the message on it...(you have all seen it). It is often so true!!!
Women want a strong, confidant, providing security, and dashing man, that is also romantic, and charming...
if he is charming, she will comply with most of his requests.
If she is happy, he is happy cause he is going to get what he wants...
more loving, and better loving...better house keeping, and laundry too. Oh you want hot cooked meals, you bet, we all do! Give and ye shall receive.... all about our needs being met.
Loving that completes both people keep the *couple* moving in the same direction.
If I am starving, for love and affection, I should be brave and end it, and move along.
If you do not end it, you start emotionally cheating, which leads to physical cheating...
and on and on it goes....no one understands...story.
Take care of the relationship that you have, cause it is really hard to find a new person to meet your *laundry list of life qualities.*
Ah..and then there is the US/world economy for today!!!

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34
Exactly Wine 