Michigan, ND
age: 46
Sucker punched doesn't even come close. How about kicked in the balls and slammed over the head. But I can't blame anybody, that's pointless. Besides, in the final wash, I still love her. How can I not love her? Everytime I look at my little boys, I see a part of her. Now, she's made it quite clear that I'm a piece of shit, why? I've never been told. But getting no notice divorce paperwork on the way back from the hospital sucks big time. Trust me on that one, ain't a fun place to be. Doped up in the ex's car, and being handed the paperwork on the way home. What could I do except laugh? Besides, the drugs were good.

Gastonia, NC
age: 49
I think we each have to take responsibility when it is ours to take. I don't blame my ex or myself. The curcumstances drove us apart. All in all, the divorce made us better friends and him a better father. He was killed in an accident last year and I miss him terribly, even though he was remarried. I miss his friendship and being able to call and say "would you talk some sense into your daughter??!!" He was a great guy and I have a lot of respect for him, still. We just grew apart.

Des Moines, IA
age: 44 online now!
I don't blame him - I wish him well and quite content he left.
We just should not have married. It doesn't make him a bad man, it doesn't make him a good one, an dit doesn't make me a b*tch.
We were 18 and dating we married our Senior year of college we had no idea who we would be when we grew up...

Umatilla, FL
age: 49
News flash....
I blame the hell out of mine.....that sorry excuse for a piece of white human waste....
Nobody asks to be abused. If he died tomorrow I would dance on his grave.....
now...let me tell you how I politically correctly feel..
Sorry for him.