1/29/2008 5:40:05 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

McHenry, IL
age: 33
I hear you sister. I was talking with a guy for a month and a half through eharmony. Everything was dead on, he told me even that he could not believe what a match we were. Everything he told me was right on. But I would have to wait to meet him for three weeks until he was back in the state. Said he was a professional billards player on tour. Mind you during this whole time we talked or texted at least five times a day. Then the week we were scheduled to meet all of the sudden his aunt is killed by a drunk driver and has to leave the tour to attend to his mom and his aunts belongings, and delaying us meeting an additional three weeks.
Me being the ever so trusting, alright I am so sorry, if there is anything I can do as a friend for you just let me know. We still talked and texted all day. He then kept pestering me for my address. I said no way, you may be privelaged after we finally meet. Didn't think much of it then. The last night I spoke to him, two nights prior to meeting, he wanted to have phone sex. I told him it was a little weird since we had not met yet I was not comfortable. He text me one last time telling me the time of our meet, never showed.
It ruined my weekend, which was last weekend. I wasted a month and a half on this freaking putz. I have googled everything he has told me and it has not been true. But I am letting it make me stronger, and from now on I will smile pretty and watch my back. 
1/29/2008 8:45:08 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Belleville, MI
age: 33
If you had sex that may have been all he was after 
2/16/2008 9:55:23 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 29
Don't listen to dantheman11......He is a loser and look at his profile he is married and looking for an affair(LOSER)
2/16/2008 10:15:08 AM |
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Bernville, PA
age: 40
Here, here working! Dirt ball two posts up! Dustin should investigate that fella!
Sorry about your experience, but be leery of someone who seems able to toss the "L" word around after only 3 dates (or sooner). I believe in love at first sight, but most know not to drip the "L" bomb so soon.
Good luck with your search.
2/21/2008 6:37:08 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Coal Township, PA
age: 39
hi, i live next to three divorced women, ive pretty much seen every comeon line men have to throw, its ashame cause these women are very pretty and fun to be around. your only 33 u have lots of time to find that special someone. time to get wiser and smarter dont listen to all the lines.
2/22/2008 12:19:09 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Ferndale, WA
age: 33
If he REALLY wanted to be with you, he would be. Been there too. As hard as it may be, its time to move on. Sorry you got sucked into that! I know it hurts.
2/22/2008 4:01:46 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Middletown, MD
age: 36
Two things more then likely happened to make him go away
A) you had sex with him and he only fed you what you wanted to hear so he could get in the sack with you. Next time it would be best to be nice but not give in.
B) If you didnt have sex with him he figured after several attempts it was getting too heavy for him as all he wanted was sex.
Either way its best not to get to heavy into someone no matter what lines they feed you till their actions meet their words.
Just being honest
2/23/2008 9:50:14 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Asheville, NC
age: 34
I can't speak on the situation because only this guy and yourself know whats going on, but if you treat him the way you say then he's a damn fool for disappearing like that.
[Edited 2/23/2008 7:05:55 PM]
2/24/2008 8:33:27 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Statham, GA
age: 38
Here's a piece of advise my dad gave me when I was a kid..."Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see and you will never be deceived." Always keep your guard up. You will know he is the one for you when he does something so amazing it could only be love for you that made him do it.
2/24/2008 11:11:06 AM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 30
I agree with Big Larry...this has happened to me a couple of times...I think it is the enormous amount of attention being received on the internet....
Just move on and dont move too fast...take things slow with everyone you meet....he unfortunately probably wont be the last, I know that seems cruel, but it isnt you, its them and sometimes people (either gender) just get lost in the world of internet that it consumes them so much that they would rather keep "looking" then to just continue with the good thing they started with!!!
So my take on it is, he is out there somewhere and he will find me and eventually know my worth...this is what keeps me going 
2/25/2008 12:09:46 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

Independence, MO
age: 36
he has either lost interest or found someone else the main thing to remember is its not your fault hes a dumb ass
2/25/2008 7:25:46 PM |
Confused..can ppl help me? |

age: 65
Everything happens for a reason; I know you hear that from everybody and when you
really think about it.......how many times did one door close and another one opened
on a much grander scale.
What I don't get is when someone has been treated so bad in the past...and then you come into thier life and treat them like gold.......they freak out because there not use to
it and back off or bail...
It sux to be hurt ......you just need this time to re-evaluate the situation and see if it is right for you to move forward or to put your foot down
Talking from experience...I know it hurts...until then...this too shall pass!