New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
I am with munky gurl on this one. I don't believe it would support a creationist view but on the contrary support the nonbelievers with a "see it didn't take a god". ole I am not aware of the scientific study you are talking about, but the tower of babel just jumped in my spirit. I believe God started with nothing and everything that is was created by him.
Texarkana, TX
age: 44
I'm with Munky Girl and Dana, my spirit was going along that same line before I got to your response's. I don't like the statement,"Man Creates". All we have the ability to do is recreate. To take a part of a created being and add it to another is not creating. It is altering or again - recreating. Now when the so called "Scientist" can take people out of the graveyard and cause their spirits to re-enter their bodies, and have them get up and walk around as in Mt.27:52+53. Well then maybe I'll talk to them. All things are in God's sight. The septor is in the hand of the Righteous One. The things that He allows to go on, on this place called Earth surprises me that He would allow it to continue. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only giver of life. We may reform the flesh and cause it to take the shape or form of anything. But it is God and God alone that breathes the breath of life into anything. It is the I Am that sends the spirit of life into any form. To watch a drown victom recieving CPR, while in their lifeless state. Some never regain contiousness. But to see the fear in the eyes of the one that has just been revived. God allows that. If it were up to us. Everyone that had drowned would be Saved. You get the point. Tell them to take the soil that God created and form a Heart and all the veins. Then each and every part, one piece and a time. Then breath the breath of life into their creation. You'll have a mud pie with a lot of hot air. The same hot air that is in the creator of their graven image. I am not convienced by mans deceptive ways. Smells too much like their fathers scent.
God Bless.
New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
just a simple question.
If scientists "make" a man, what kind of man will it be? God gives spirit, He knew us before we were. Will the "creature" be just that, a brainless piece of flesh, I think so.