1/31/2008 10:01:47 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
Do girls take someone breaking up with them harder than boys or does it go both ways.
And if he or she doesn't get that you just want to be friends...how do you knock into their heads without showing your nasty mean side!!!!
1/31/2008 10:05:21 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Ada, OK
age: 44
yes its hard, for both people, guys and the girls, and if you just want to be friends with someone, just tell them i really like you but, i only see you as a friend
1/31/2008 10:27:16 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
Just tell them you only see them as a friend and you are not interested in them sexually(that's the biggest blow to a man who likes you). It goes both ways though, how much rejection will hurt is diretly dependentd on how adament they are to make your theirs and if they have deep feelings already.
1/31/2008 10:30:58 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Sitka, AK
age: 48
I honestly think it has to be both ways unless you are dealing with someone that has no heart. How can it not?
Whether you are the dumpee or the dumper, there are feelings involved, only an idiot would not take those into consideration. I will never understand why some people have to be cruel on the break ups'.
When I have had to call an end to a relationship, I always try to put myself in their shoes. How would I feel? How do I want to hear this? Then one thing I always take care to do is be honest.
The other thing I keep in mind. So it isnt' going to work for us, doesn't mean it won't for someone else. That person will be a pricesless jewel for another why tear them down for being who they are?
And if he or she doesn't get that you just want to be friends...how do you knock into their heads without showing your nasty mean side!!!!
I am sorry, but I see no reason why if you are trying to tell someone that you value them as a person and want to keep them in your like why you would even want to show the nasty side. That to me is counterproductive. By being honest with someone telling them right up front. Hey I adore you as a friend, never crossing that line.
This is just how I would do it
1/31/2008 10:39:17 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
hmmmmmmm.something to think about.....
1/31/2008 10:44:56 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
LOL!!!!thanxs for the advice not what I'm looking for but thanxs.
1/31/2008 10:49:06 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
I hate Love and Veggies.    
1/31/2008 11:30:44 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Sitka, AK
age: 48
dont use the we can still be friends thing unless youre relying on him to be a backup f*ckbuddy if your new man doesnt work out. its an insult to us guys.
I have to ask and kind of disagree abit. I think if you are honest and tell them from the [b ]Start
I really care for you as a friend.. Would you still feel we are playing you.
I have done this before and and it has worked for me.
But of course I don't sleep with my friends. They know that up front.
Just curious is all. not bashing wanting to see a different outlook and learn
1/31/2008 11:36:09 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
I once read this and I think it's very true.
A guy will break up - quick and easy and apparently to us (the women) he could give a shit
A woman will take it and take it and take it - for years - from a dog. Til she's done.
When a woman is done - she's done. NO looking back, no fond memories, no sighs over him.
For a man - he may walk away fast, but he doesn't forget. And once in awhile she will continue to be in his head.
I read it - I did't make it up on my own.
But for me - it's true.
1/31/2008 11:41:17 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
I think this is very true and its kinda the way I feel......its over no looking back but at the same time you learn from it.
My friend once told me its better to break it off early than let things drag out.The longer you wait the more its gonna hurt later
1/31/2008 10:36:10 PM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Waco, TX
age: 23
I like the comments made in this thread, but I would have to say it goes both ways. I've seen females to find it so damn hard to break it off, but I stayed with a few females longer than I should have. I wonder all the time why my sister keeps giving her baby daddy so many chances, but I GAVE my baby mama many chances. I would have to disagree with how guys break up quick and easy. I spend sometimes weeks thinking about a breakup, and she wouldn't have a clue. I guess that why it looks so quick lol. But once it's done, if it wasn't long or didn't produce a child, it's done! You can't say all women will take a bad relationship and try to turn it to gold. I've known many to either break it off or cheat. As for not showin your mean side to get rid of someone, sometimes that's what it takes. What does it matter if you are mean to the guy? He won't be one to pound you later at nights. Get over it and be a biatch lol. Enjoy!
1/31/2008 10:37:19 PM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Hazleton, PA
age: 41
To be honest Missy, I think men actually take it worse. I wouldn't try to take a stab at why that is, but I think it is.
2/1/2008 5:59:44 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Moab, UT
age: 25
i don't really think it is a "girl" or "guy" thing..... i think it depends on the situation and the relationship and each person involved on how well either or takes the breakup..... i think some people can cover up the hurt better then others..... and some bottle it up and it don't come out untill later... for fear of the other seeing them as being weak...
2/1/2008 6:36:15 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Montgomery, AL
age: 42
I think the most serious person takes it harder. If you are in for what you can get, then it's doesn't bother you at all. You can have someone else in the matter of hrs or days.
How do you let them know? Probably by stop flirting with them. 
2/1/2008 6:41:31 AM |
I wonder.What everyone thinks. |

Cape Coral, FL
age: 58
Somehow I feel the man is hurting more! 