1/31/2008 10:15:22 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, MA
age: 34
I have a really hard time trusting, my husband did something bad, we separated. then i dated a guy for 6 months. i broke it off in june. well come to find out hes going to jail for 4 years. i dont think i can trust again
1/31/2008 10:18:41 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
I completely understand where you're coming from. My first love proposed to me, he was everything I wanted and more, I loved that man more than I have ever loved another human being... 2 years later I hear through the grape vine he knocked up some chick he had a one night stand with... and he was going to marry HER instead of ME. So needless to say I went off the deep end, I never got an apology from him or an explanation. That's why now when I try to date, I'm always thinking about getting screwed over again and how to quickly make my escape before my heart becomes another casualty.
1/31/2008 10:20:45 AM |
to trust again |

Huntsville, AL
age: 30
but people must remember that just because one person does it to you doent mean that the others will. Just trust you instinct cuz its usually right.
My last serious relationship was over a year ago and he went back to his ex because of his child. Well now he is trying to come back still til day and i wont have anything to do with him because of that. Im not a person that will be tossed around and available when you need me.
If you have trust issues it can also get in the way of the relationship. Just try to be yourself. But you need to keep your guard up also.
[Edited 1/31/2008 10:24:40 AM]
1/31/2008 10:22:44 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
It wasn't just him, it's happened every single time after that.
[Edited 1/31/2008 10:22:54 AM]
1/31/2008 10:25:47 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, MA
age: 34
it just seems like with every guy. dated a guy for 4 weeks he was very nice for a few weeks even met the kids. was kind of quiet around we started having sex and thats what it was all about. then i wanted to slow down 2 days later he was seeing someone else then lied.
1/31/2008 10:26:53 AM |
to trust again |

Huntsville, AL
age: 30
Try changing your attitude towards the new comers because your trama from the the last guy that done you wrong could be showing through. Your body language shows a person a lot.
1/31/2008 10:29:07 AM |
to trust again |

Huntsville, AL
age: 30
From experience.....and i should listen to my own at times. Dont have sex with him so soon. Let him wait til your ready. Dont give in. If you want a guy who is gonna respect you then he will wait. Even if its yalls honeymoon. He will wait if he loves you.
1/31/2008 10:30:22 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, MA
age: 34
thank you. your right about the sex part. i will wait till im ready
1/31/2008 10:31:20 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
Everything starts out fine, and then all of a sudden he starts acting weird, which in turn causes me to act weird trying to figure out what he's planning on doing so I can high-tail it out of there if he has the slightest notion of wanting to hurt me, and it eventually fizzles out. I can't afford another core meltdown like the first one (it actually landed me in a mental hospital).
1/31/2008 10:32:49 AM |
to trust again |

Huntsville, AL
age: 30
your welcom. Just remember that guys minds think differantly than ours....
Usually a woman gets emotionally attached after sex and wants to continue the relationship and guys most of the time are just in it for the sex at first with no attachments. Be careful though. You will find him soon.
1/31/2008 10:35:59 AM |
to trust again |

Huntsville, AL
age: 30
Dont get to involved emotionally until yall have gone out as friends a few times. If he really like you then he will come to you. Im not saying avoid him completely, but dont you want a man that wants to be with you. If so let him come crawling instead of you. Just be yourself. Dont show the deep emotions until he shows them first. It will save you some heartache. Ive been there and done that RECENTLY. It hurts.
1/31/2008 11:47:44 AM |
to trust again |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
I don't trust easily in person and real life.
For some reason on here I am FAR more revealing and personal than I would ever be in real life....
I don't trust in real life at all.
Very closed off.
Very distant.
Till I know I'm safe...then girl gone wild!
(Now a good question would be how do I know when I know I am safe??)
ahhhhh the voices in my head!  
1/31/2008 11:51:08 AM |
to trust again |

Mansfield, TX
age: 46
Just had a convo with grneyedluvr about this............when you can let them tie you up & you still feel comfortable........THEN there's trust. Still working on that issue..... *half-hearted LOL*
2/1/2008 7:41:15 AM |
to trust again |

Springfield, MA
age: 34
I am a very shy person. but i can ask things and talk about my past. something i cant do in real life. thank you everyone for the good advice
2/1/2008 7:46:58 AM |
to trust again |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 49
Once you have had your heart broken it is hard to trust again. However, if you don't learn to let it go and learn to trust and love again, it will also be hard for anyone to love and trust you.
Some people go into relationships expecting them to end. They are just waiting for that day to come and they never put their full heart into it.
Well, if you expect something to end, it will. Not because it was meant to.....but because you never out your full self into it.
Learn to love and trust again and you will be happy.