2/1/2008 6:22:24 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
Why do we not witness instant healing like everyone witnessed when Jesus was here?
Please don't just post a scripture. We all know that by His stripes we are healed.
Why then are we not witnessing instant healing or am I the only one that hasn't?
[Edited 2/1/2008 6:39:36 PM]
2/1/2008 6:39:02 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
Hi faith,
not all healings were instantaniuos. I recall the blind man who Jesus used spit and dirt and told him to go wash in the lake
Did he not also send the 10 lepers away and when the arrived at their destination they were healed
or am I mistaken
beyond the fact that Jesus was the Christ, the disciples saw the miracles Jesus performed, there is a matter of things we don't do or don't do often enough to be entirely in God's will. Jesus fasted and prayed 40 days and nights in the wilderness right after His baptism. He was led by the spirit to be temped by satan.. he came out in the power of the Holy Spirit. I attend a full gospel,five fold, pentecostal live the word church that preaches all the book, including all the gifts of the spirit. Believe it or not there have been people raised from the dead, tumors healed, and many other miracles. When a son of God has a heart right, teaches right, and humbles himself right, has compassion and loves Jesus more than his own life, these are the people God will show Himself through, I believe. This peopson is not me and more than likely I will never attain that level of devotion but can pray I will. Also Jesus said if we had the faith of a grain of mustard seed, faith without wavering... sometimes I get stuck in the wavering.
[Edited 2/1/2008 6:40:16 PM]
2/1/2008 7:45:59 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
Do you think that is the reason we don't see instant healings? Because we waiver in our faith? Do you know how tiny a mustard seed is?
2/1/2008 11:31:41 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Mountain View, MO
age: 56
faith,i see miracles occurring each and everyday,,some stand out more than others,,
maybe i just see things different than others do..i`m sure not saying that i`m any better than anyone else, i can only speak for me,,i do feel that each of us are miracles
in our one way.. i sure don`t have all the answers, and never will, until GOD tells me in heaven,,as he will everyone..
i have seen his healing powers to, for he has saved me more than once,,even the people in the e. r. room see it happening too.there`s way more that i could write about on this,but now may not be the right time to say it..i do also know that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and it is pure love..  
peace & love 
2/2/2008 3:46:19 AM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I do know of stories where one is prayed over in the morning, when they get to Dr’s in afternoon the affliction was not there. 
[Edited 2/2/2008 3:47:47 AM]
2/2/2008 8:22:21 AM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
OK...maybe this is the real question. People afflicted with diseases & disabilities in Jesus day had faith enough to believe that Jesus would heal them & they were healed right then. Do you think that we do not have enough faith to believe in our healing?
2/2/2008 8:34:11 AM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
Faith I do know how small it is, it is THE smallest seed of all seeds. That was the whole point of Jesus using that as an example. I have looked at the actions of Jesus and tried to look at miracles to see what I could learn from Him. Faith is a tough word to live up to. Look at your seed and let me see if I can tell you my opinion. We know with God all things are possible and God said his word will not return to him void. We can stand on His word, as long as we meet a few prerequistes. If I were to be able to cure the sick by laying hands on the sick because Jesus said I could I woould empty the hospitals. But we must look at a bigger picture. When Jesus healed, He had compassion, I can do that. When He came out of the wilderness He was filled with power, not there but maybe someday. Here is a big one, look at the question He asked of those begging to be healed. He asked questions like "do you believe I am able to do this?" and then would say something like, "Go thy way, your faith has made thee whole." It is my belief you need a witness full of the Holy Spirit to witness to the sick. The Word of God is sharper than any two edge sword cutting asunder even to the depths of the marrow of your bones. Jesus said the Holy Spirit was his witness. John 8:26 Jeus said "I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him." speaking of hearing from the Father and also, John 8:28 "that I do nothing of myself, but as my Father has taught me, I speak these things. I believe God choses those to be healed and needs someone who is dialed into His voice to hear the calling. Much of it is dedication to God. Let me say I am not there but Jesus gave His life. Are we willing to do that. Do we not talk about Jesus everywhere we go or do we worry about offending others. Have we accepted the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Do we fast. Do we give thanks in everything. God does still perform miracles but the conduits are in short supply. I can only pray that someday I will be there. I humble myself and praise you for being in this site.
saw your next post and let me say, yes I do think it has alot to do with the faith of the sick, easier to believe a man who already healed someoen than to believe something you have not seen
[Edited 2/2/2008 8:35:48 AM]
2/2/2008 1:22:53 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Yes faith
That is what I was getting at. When a Dr can’t explain how a disability was healed then to me it was healed by faith. I do believe that the reason that we don’t see it like Jesus did it is because some clown will take advantage and start proclaiming himself as Christ, another reason is that folks will forget about the real Christ and start fallowing the clown that conducted the healing. If we all had the ability to do so then we start figuring that we don’t need Christ. God had given each and every one a special gift that can work wonders when used with faith. Pray that He will make known to you the gift He gave; ask Him how to use it for His will. Ask Him to give you the gift of laying hands; if He thinks you will us it well, He may just give you that gift. If you’re asking to make the lame walk, the blind see, and so on; ask and it is possible you will receive. It is up to you how you grow that little mustard seed. He also uses our afflictions and others as a growing device in ours or their lives. I know and know of, plenty of folks that use their handicaps as a tool to spread the word of god. The very maricals you ask about are being preformed today.
Unfortunately it is the crap that sells the media so not much of it is spoken about. There is always some one ready to rush in and start trying to prove it to be a fraud.
Wow didn’t know I was going to write a book. Lol
God’s Love
2/2/2008 11:30:18 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Texarkana, TX
age: 44
Hello to all,
This is my first time to post anything.
Anyway, on the subject of healing powers in today's world. I have many stories, but one I really enjoyed was a friend of mine - actually my boss. Back in the mid-60's I recall seeing a girl at a church that walked with a shoe that was elevated about two inches on one foot. I wondered about it, and me being a child I asked my dad about it. I will try to cut the story short... Forty years passed; oddly enough I was talking about God healing people now days with my boss. He told me a story about his daughter being born with one leg shorter than the other. She had heard the stories in the Bible and asked her dad if she could be healed. Now it is unheard of in most Baptist Churches now days to go before the Elders of the Church. To have them lay their hands and to pray for the Lord to heal them. As he started telling the story I recalled the girl I had seen many years ago at the very Church he was speaking of. As he continued he said that the church building was cleared and the elders of the church formed around her. He said as they laid their hands on her and began to pray. He said,"I left my eyes opened and as they were praying, her leg moved out as long as the other one." He said when they left the church she walked out barefoot in need of new shoes. Now I think how weird it was that I even remembered the occasion with the girl with the elevated shoe. But for what ever reason the Lord showed this to me. He shows me many things. Am I any different than anyone else? No, sin has littered my life like everyone else. Only God knows...And truly His grace is sufficient for us.
Hope this helped
God Bless...
2/3/2008 5:02:45 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Merchantville, NJ
age: 41
Those are "gifts" from God. Nobody have "healing powers". We are just instruments that God use to bless His people. I hope that the day will come that our faith can be strong enough that we don't need to see "signs or miracles" to believe that God is with us. Just to love God because He loved us first.
Also I can say; If in a Christian Community, maybe there are not extraordinary signs..but is a Community that serve God in Charity, Prayer and Service, the Lord is there. God gives us "signs", not because we are already saints... is because we still needing to "see" to still believing...Ohh, God...We, each of us, are the greatest miracle that God can ever made. We need to start looking inside of us.
This is not in the Bible, but I learned a lot from it: One day a disciple asked his master: "Master, what is a miracle"?. and the master replied. "A miracle for some can be, God doing the will of a man in prayer". But the greatest miracle can be, a man doing what is God's will".
I saw a lot of miraculous healings in front of my eyes. Sometimes is not about who have faith or not. God can heal someone who don't have faith, just to make him believe...Everything have to be in God's plan. Maybe you pray for healing, and U still with your illness. Is because U don't have enough faith or because in some misterious way God wants from U to drink form that Cup a little bit?  
2/3/2008 5:07:23 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Merchantville, NJ
age: 41
sereninlife...your message is in some way what I think...
2/3/2008 8:15:06 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I believe if we look around us we do see miracles every moment of every day. God gives doctors & surgeons the knowledge & skill, with His help, make miracles happen daily. I believe there are uncontrollable things that they unfortunately do not have knowledge to cure to keep them humble to God. I also believe that people pray for healing sometimes & never get that healing. It is not their faith, it is God's plan & like it or not we have to accept His plan.
I had someone tell me that the reason people die is that they did not have faith enough to live. No matter how much faith we have, we still have to submit to His will.
2/4/2008 7:31:47 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Merchantville, NJ
age: 41
I think at "inversa" I think that we die, because we believe. At the beginning, death was the punishment because of sin. But trough the person of Jesus, death started to be a stairway to everlasting life. Jesus died to teach us that is necessary to die to receive everlasting life. In someway, He was talking about "die to ourselves" in a spiritual way, but also, he in His own flesh tasted the death. He sanctify in His own person the dignity of "human death." He was free in someway to ask His Father other way to grant us eternal life. But he decided to taste death. Death is not our enemy, is an opportunity to live forever in the Presence of God.
Sorry if I got out of topic...But, yes. We can received healing or not, sometimes can be about faith, sometimes about God's plans.  
2/14/2008 5:58:01 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Wingina, VA
age: 48
i see and hear of mircles everyday. some we might call little ones and others small but never the lass its a mirical.!!!!!! god bless us all / also a question, HOW DO WE GET BACK PRAYER IN OUR SCHOOLS. ?????????????????  
2/21/2008 6:36:35 PM |
Where are healing powers in today's world? |

Bennettsville, SC
age: 39
hi faith32,
this is the first time that I have posted but I hope to be able to answer your question. The Bible says "according to your FAITH be it done unto you." That is where the healing powers are in today's world, in your FAITH. I have found out in my own life that I call faith... modern medicine or advancements in science. that is partly my fault but mostly the way I was raised. I was raised to trust in doctors and hospitals, as were many many other people. I believe that when we clean up our definition of FAITH; stop allowing it to be filted thorough earthly blessing (the doctors and hospitals); and place it directly ON and IN the LORD JESUS we will see the healing powers that were displayed in the Bible. Also we must remember that GOD is a GOD of order. We must get in order. The order in which HE has called us to be, if we expect to see mircles. Of course we all know that Jesus was God in flesh and by being so He was in order. I believe that when we get in order and have "unwavering faith" as the Bible instructs. We will see miracles again. Also God is a God of invitation. We can't wish or hope that the He will move in our situations and distresses. We have to invite Him in and then allow Him to have His way. The bible says "that you have not because you ask not" You have not invited Him in to what ever may be going on. God is not a crashing God. He will not crash your party. Be it a good party or a bad party. If you don't invite Him in he will not be there. But once you invite Him in; you have His promise to never leave you or forsake you. And also to be with you until the end of the age. So the steps are simple....invite Him in then do things the way He wants them done; then anything that you ask of the Father in Jesus name and believe, that is what you will recieve.