Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
People afflicted with diseases & disabilities in Jesus day had faith enough to believe that Jesus would heal them & they were healed right then. Do you think that we do not have enough faith to believe in our healing?
That depends on people's definition of faith!
Most people believe that faith is about believing and trusting within our hearts.
Faith is not so much believing or trusting but mostly "expectancy"
For example:
Lets pretend you work at abc company and you get pay every Friday.
You've worked there for over 3 yrs and never once you worried about whether your Employer would pay you or not because you "expect" that check every Friday no matter what and it never was about having faith that your Employer would pay you every Friday, is more of EXPECTANCY because is in the contract between you and your Employer that you both sign stating that if you comply with your obligations, you will get pay and you know for a fact that you have complied with your obligations therefore expect your compensation from your Employer as agreed.
Similar to the agreement we have with God, He promised us that if we comply with His contract, He will see to it that we live an abundant life, once we comply with His contract we "EXPECT" (aka: faith) God to keep His promise and provide us with all of our needs when we pray with expectancy (faith).
A lot of friends of mine always tell me that they pray pray and pray an no prayer ever gets answered, I told them the same thing I'm saying here and it seemed to make a little more sense to them now about faith. 

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I like what you said. I hope everyone reads your post.

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I asked God to heal a dying man, and He did; He took him Home.
I asked God to heal a woman in a wheelchair, and He did; she is still in the chair, but she is now using it to express and spread the Word of The Lord.

Cheneyville, LA
age: 62
I have hesitated on posting a reply on this subject as I'm not sure how well my perception of Healing in todays time would be received here. As most of you know here at DH I am a practicing Minister Practitioner working in a healing ministry. The answer you are seeking is very complex and would require more than a few quick words typed here to explain however I will share just a few of my perceptions/experiences of Healing in Todays world and working with people over the last 7 years in helping them acheive good health and well being.
INSTANT HEALING-Healing begins with the person's desire for and acceptance of healing
FIRST, one must understand that it is not the Healer that does the healing but God using the Healer to produce what is appropriate and right for the person who is ill. (The Apostle Paul had an ailment of the stomach that he did not recieve healing for)
Notice that I said whatever is Right and Appropriate,,,,,, according to God's Will, not the Healers. Having said that,,,,, that is a subject that could be debateable as well.
A Spiritual Healer is different from your regular Medical Doctor in that the Spiritual Healer works at a higher level than the physical. The Spiritual Healer works with the "Whole Being" meaning Body, Mind and Spirit. Many of our Dr's today are opening up to the role of effectiveness that the Spiritual Healer plays in the healing process and welcomes them as a compliment to their orthodox medical treatments of the physical body.
In closing I would say read your bible 1 Corinthians:12 concerning the Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit. Healing is one of the gifts given by Spirit. Was this gift of healing only meant for those biblical times? Why do we even as Christians sometimes reject the gift of healing in modern times?
All of us are healers. Parents who touch and nourish their sick children, Grandparents who nourish and love their sick grand-kids...... anytime we reach out in love in some way to comfort another whether it is through touch or just a simple smile or a kind word are sending out healing energy to another. Some, like myself are called by God into a ministry of Healing.
May we all experience Good Health and Well Being as we seek the fullness of God in our life.

Madison, IN
age: 55
Jesus is merciful, He is compassionate, His love never fails. I do not believe that there has to be this great faith that many talk about. God will do what God wants to do. I find it hard to believe that the apostles and all great men and woman never waivered in their faith, they were human. They all had illnesses of many sorts. they suffered, stephen was stoned to death, was his faith not great enough to get called out of that situation? they were not all healed. why? the woman at the well, she was healed and was not looking for it. the healing was her heart mind and soul. the greatest healing is salvation. we have all searched for healings thru others who may have that gift, but we do not neceessarily seek out the great Physician. when we pray it should always be Thy Will Be Done. and sometimes when we pray and there are not the desired results we assume the guilt of not having enough faith. maybe God's answer was no. i believe that Jesus heals delivers raises the dead turns water to wine and walked on water. but He does all to His greater glory.