Boca Raton, FL
age: 60
I find attraction important ... the more there is the more it can cloud my judgement so I always try to keep my objective eye open so as not to get lost if a really powerful attraction comes along. How about you. Ever been swept away on a sea of love and woke up alone or worse a few days or months later
Des Moines, IA
age: 44
I've never found myself alone with the regret of having been swept away by attraction.
I have regretted allowing lonliness to allow me to be swept away and then once more alone.
Is that the same? Or different?
Not sure.
I wish Willow was here...she'd know!
Groton, CT
age: 36
Yep... been there, got the T-shirt!! LOL...trying not to do it anymore.
Looks are important, its what ignites the attraction. I, however, dont get wrapped up in attraction alone, just wrapped up in the good time I have with her. it tends to make me forget all the "red flags" and differences in opinions at first. But as sure as taxes will be paid, those differences do surface and can rear their ugly head. that's when the reality comes to town and the breakdown of the relationship starts to happen.
Nowadays I try hard to be objective, and not put all my eggs in one basket. try NOT to force a relationsahip to be good. I figure my mind and soul will tell me when the floodgates are opening and the walls can come down.