2/6/2008 11:57:40 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 35
'latin. Doesn't look like there is a meetup scheduled for this Friday. Wish there was...I'm ready to get out there!!! I am meeting with a walking group I found on that site this Sunday morning. I'll let you know how it goes.
2/6/2008 12:13:21 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Stormie, I have a very "good" feeling about this 
I think it will be all well worth it! Stick with it for while and see how it goes.
And yes, you bet I'll be waiting to hear how it went for ya.. woohoooo!!! 
2/6/2008 2:18:31 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Vacaville, CA
age: 44
Hi Sensual,
Previously confused please excuse me.  
Thanks for the great links.
2/6/2008 2:34:07 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Hi Sensual,
Previously confused please excuse me...Thanks for the great links.
Sweet, that's funny! Not a problem, I confuse people all the time myself 
You're welcome...
If you join one of them groups, we like to hear about it too 
Not sure exactly where Vacaville is hmmm can't be too far away.
2/6/2008 2:59:12 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Vacaville, CA
age: 44
Hi Sensual
Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one who gets confused.
Actually we are about 1 1/2 hours from each other its North on 680 then East on 80 about 20 miles..
2/6/2008 10:47:56 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Sweet, Vacaville is not that far from none of us here then... We should all us sexy ladies get together when the weather gets a lil' sunnier and enjoy the day out in the park or beach/boardwalk.. I like billiards too haha! 
2/7/2008 8:53:59 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Whale; Thanks for asking. Naturally the weather changes and I get cat fever spreading like wild fire thru the ferals. Has been 15 years since the last outbreak. Been picking up bodies for 4 days now. Trying to keep the inside cats safe. Seems every time I venture outside for the gardening chores....there's a new body. (sighs) Life in the country huh?
Been looking at blogs for the last few weeks. I think I'm getting addicted. lol That's my lastest toy when I jump on the site. Who knew that blogs could be not only entertaining, but very enlightening. (ok...I know I'm slow with the computer stuff. )
Hey California.....I'm soooo disappointed in us. We're going to let Hillary take this state? Sheezzzzz!!!! At least our voice is strong with the casinos. Are you listening Arnie????
Ya'll have a grand day and get out and enjoy this sunshine. Ain't that why we all live in the Golden State? Poor folks back east and midwest. Brrrrr.
2/7/2008 1:12:05 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 35
It's a nice sunny day here! So glad I don't have to deal with shovelin' snow!!!!
2/7/2008 2:43:08 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
The weather is soooooo beautiful today, I couldn't resist and went out to enjoy it 
The park was wonderful, took my shoes off and relaxed on the grass to feed the duckies and watch people play ball with their dogs.. it was an amazing experience well deserved.
Oh, forgot to mention, someone (cute guy) stopped to say hi to me and said he comes to that park almost daily (he's a biz owner like myself so we can take time off whenever we want ) but not sure if that was a hint or what! 

God, I LOVE MY LIFE!!!! 
2/7/2008 5:31:59 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Perfect evening to light up the fire ring. I'm on my way outta here...just for that and the stars I hope to see in the night sky. Hope you all enjoy your evening,as I know I will.
Btw: Lots of buds happening on the trees and shrubs, bulbs are standing 4" high and the artichokes look fantastic, with lots of babies to transplant. 
Off to the fire ring. Ah,the California lifestyles. See ya all later.
2/7/2008 6:45:24 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 35
KS52: is the "fire ring" something you have in your yard? Or is it a place you go to?
2/8/2008 7:38:45 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Stormie; Only have to go just off my deck. Love having it.
2/8/2008 2:28:34 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Fire ring huh? There's a wild thought.
I insist in seeing a pic of it from your deck, must be cool to look at or what else does one do with it? 
2/8/2008 3:09:00 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Castro Valley, CA
age: 39
Just stopping by to say 
I explained in another thread; I hardly ever make it this far. Just got curious today.
I'll stop by again. Everybody have a great day.
2/8/2008 5:42:21 PM |
California People Rock!! |

San Francisco, CA
age: 62
California Dreamin'!