2/8/2008 6:29:18 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
girki there you are.. where u've been hidding, amigo?
Hello wolv 
2/9/2008 1:20:18 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Wildomar, CA
age: 55
Hi from SoCal...down here in Riverside county...between D'Land and San Diego.
2/10/2008 8:32:06 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Chico, CA
age: 61
well I moved to Chico in 1964 from El Paso,Texas, and have never been back, I love this state, you can have all the seasons, most of the time great fishing and mos of the time always close to the ocean. I have been looking at this site for about 2 weeks and because I am a little shy I just read the posts. 
2/10/2008 9:15:52 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Hi Sensual; With a "handle" like yours....figure you'd have no trouble with a fire ring.
Picture this, if you will......
You've spent a long day doing...whatever....it is now time for some relaxation.
You walk to the fire ring (which has benches and a double seated swing chair placed around it and a small table) and toss in whatever you have on hand that needs burning. Once the fire is brightly burning away...walk back into the house for a couple sniffers of brandy (one for you and one for the hunk sitting in the swing). You may or may not wish to put some background music on at this point. (yep, there are outdoors speakers. lol)
Now you're both snuggling in the swing, sipping your brandies (of course, the drink would have to be your personal favorite. Doesn't have to be brandy. lol) Your head would be on his shoulder, his arm draping causally over your shoulder. You're sitting quietly listening to the night sounds rising in volume. Crickets, frogs, toads,the small night birds, the mournful howl of the coyotes, the rustling of some little critters in their pursuit of their evening repast. There is a hint of the sea in the evening breeze. All around you is the darkness of the country. Town lights are so far away...they are almost like stars. The sounds and scents of the night are filling your senses. The dancing firelight cocoons you in warmth as you look up and see....the sky filled with the sparkling glow of millions of stars. And the fast paced world has stilled into the music of the night. You are at peace.
Now since I no longer have a "hunk" to share this with....I am also quite content to enjoy it all alone. It's one of those small pleasures that make you go....hmmmm.
PS. Will have to work on getting you a picture. Never was one much for photography.
2/10/2008 10:02:00 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Corning, CA
age: 50 online now!
I have the same thing
it's the bottom part of an old
pressure tank from a well
that's been torched off
then it sits on a ring
that was made from the
same tank!
ya sit on the porch
or stand on the
other side of it
and throw the burnables in
usually a beer in hand
or coffee cup
only smells are the occasional
wafting of the lite scent of
the cattle place about 3 miles away
plus the smells of the flowers
and trees around here
in the summer
it smells burnt though! lol
we all know that smell???
so ya see
same picture!!
Jeff Foxworthy
would be proud!

2/10/2008 10:35:10 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Too funny Whale;
Yep ol' Jeff would be right at home here. My fire ring used to house the mechanics of an automated chicken feeder. The original chicken ranch was still in existence up until 35 years ago. When we took on the property the original chicken house was still standing. We we able to reuse everything off that building When I left, I got the redwood tongue n' groove planking that was the old walkway (where the rancher was able to walk the length of the building to check on the brooding process.)and the ring. (The redwood was made into my deck. Can you tell I've been recycling for years. lol) It's amazing how hard this metal has worked, for how long and is still providing something. I really need to mortar all the stones I've collected, in place around the ring. May or may not do just that this season. Some rusted holes just below the lay of the stone. But it's still safe and operational. It's just wanting a little face lift. lol But don't we all? 
2/10/2008 10:50:53 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Welcome red9mom, hi 
Welcome Widowedman, hi 
Jeff and Ks52, you guys should start talking 
I've never even heard of this fire ring things before but after reading how you worded it, I've come to realized you've just described one of the most romantic fantasies I never knew I had, 
That sounds like a gifted and memorable experience 
You have got to really provide us with pics now more than ever 
2/10/2008 10:57:01 AM |
California People Rock!! |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Sensual; It's one of the perks of country living. Once I get caught up on my projects....I'll have to invite you out for the weekend. lol You're not too far away. Might be fun. Then you won't need a pic. 
2/10/2008 1:41:45 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 35
I did my first "meetup" today!!! I joined a walking meetup group. It was nice we walked the trails at the local park. Walked about 4 miles. I needed the exercise and fresh air and company. 7 of us showed up for the walk. Looking forward to doing it again next Sunday. But really REALLY looking forward to doing the NEW DRINK FRIDAYS meetup....just waiting for them to schedule the meet.
Thanks for the tip 'Latin!!!!!!
2/10/2008 2:11:17 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Corning, CA
age: 50 online now!
Latin - it's another type of fire pit is all.
Like a campire in the back yard!
Natural part of country living - ya don't live in the country without a place to sit by the fire!!! lol
Peaceful and together
kids love it
create nothing but time
and memories around
a fire
What I am using is just something that I grabbed and turned into a firepit that I could set and use - on top - of one of my deck areas. Haven't decided where I want to put a permanent one yet - have about 20 places they may end up!

2/10/2008 2:16:20 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Corning, CA
age: 50 online now!
red9mom - one of my sisters lives in Riverside!

2/10/2008 3:29:04 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
This fire ring thing is beginning to sound like those high school rally we used to have on the beach at nights where we start a fire and sit around the fire and have a blast. You know what I'm talking about, right? If it is something like this, then I LOVE IT!
I'm wondering if it can be done on the beach at night, if so and if it is legal, we could even think about doing a "Beach Fire Ring" meet-up locally 
2/10/2008 3:32:15 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
I'm like endlessly HAPPY for you!!! 
I was waiting for you to come and post us here and I'm glad you did.. way to go!!
I know this will be a good thing for you, girl.. I can feel it in my bones LOL
Do continue keeping us posted please. 
2/10/2008 4:51:45 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Corning, CA
age: 50 online now!
Yea Latin
it's a personal
beach fire
without the beach
I brought some sand in!

2/10/2008 5:58:02 PM |
California People Rock!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 35
Thanks 'Latin!!! I was the first one to show up at the meeting place this morning and I almost chickened out and got back into my car! I'm so glad I didn't!
I think we should find a beach that still allows fires and plan our own California DH meetup! KS and Whale sure have made the fire ring thing sound so enticing!!!! Hey, I'm going to set up a poll right now to see if anyone else would be interested!
