10/2/2010 3:44:53 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 21
disgruntled idiot says what?
Dont be all high and mighty when it comes to meeting people online. Your trying to meet dudes online because your a slut. You have no self respect and you try to pretend that you dont like guys that just want sex. Guess what? Your on an online dating site, guys want sex and thats it, so get off you high horse and do someone. Me or someones else. But dont pretend that you all high and mighty and you want a serious relationship.
the reply
hunny jus cuz ur a man wh*re doesnt give u the right to call me slut how u abuse ur body is ur right so why dont u get ur mind right, im not high and mighty but i dont settle and i know im the shit apparantly u dont feel the same bout u so dont get mad. have more confidence and btw i wouldnt touch u with a ten foot pole...20 matter of fact im worth it im sorry ur mad cuz ur not. i am serious about everything i do....btw please for the health of my gender get a std check atleast every 6 months and learn how to talk to a lady u repugnant scumbag
oh and another peice of thought for ur head attached to ur neck get a life lame as shit picking fights with females online who u dont know and who dont wanna kno u...send me ur address when im famous and ur that jock that went bald and grew a beer gut, slandering and most likely with ur attitude hits ur women i'll send u an autograph and ill send ur wife divorce papers on the house
by the way Fx4dude7...i will be posting ur unnecessary response and flagging ur messages i dont like being a b*tch except for losers like you...girls be aware this jerk and i have never spoken before....he sounds verbally abusive i mean who comes at a stranger like that i kno not all females come to DATE hookup strong emphasize on DATE for sex, some do and guess what with the feminist movement thats fine just dont build up useless jerks egos empowered women literally save the world? i dont care if im kicked off just dont let this jerk into ur home ladys he obviously has taken to many steroids and turned into a hulk reject or sometimes
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10/2/2010 4:28:56 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |


Mesa, AZ
age: 49
disgruntled idiot says what?
Dont be all high and mighty when it comes to meeting people online. Your trying to meet dudes online because your a slut. You have no self respect and you try to pretend that you dont like guys that just want sex. Guess what? Your on an online dating site, guys want sex and thats it, so get off you high horse and do someone. Me or someones else. But dont pretend that you all high and mighty and you want a serious relationship.
the reply
hunny jus cuz ur a man wh*re doesnt give u the right to call me slut how u abuse ur body is ur right so why dont u get ur mind right, im not high and mighty but i dont settle and i know im the shit apparantly u dont feel the same bout u so dont get mad. have more confidence and btw i wouldnt touch u with a ten foot pole...20 matter of fact im worth it im sorry ur mad cuz ur not. i am serious about everything i do....btw please for the health of my gender get a std check atleast every 6 months and learn how to talk to a lady u repugnant scumbag
oh and another peice of thought for ur head attached to ur neck get a life lame as shit picking fights with females online who u dont know and who dont wanna kno u...send me ur address when im famous and ur that jock that went bald and grew a beer gut, slandering and most likely with ur attitude hits ur women i'll send u an autograph and ill send ur wife divorce papers on the house
by the way Fx4dude7...i will be posting ur unnecessary response and flagging ur messages i dont like being a b*tch except for losers like you...girls be aware this jerk and i have never spoken before....he sounds verbally abusive i mean who comes at a stranger like that i kno not all females come to DATE hookup strong emphasize on DATE for sex, some do and guess what with the feminist movement thats fine just dont build up useless jerks egos  empowered women literally save the world? i dont care if im kicked off just dont let this jerk into ur home ladys he obviously has taken to many steroids and turned into a hulk reject or sometimes
Good for you, young lady. Stand up for yourself and don't let anybody abuse you, verbally or otherwise. This is the same kind of jerk who is mad if a woman doesn't want them and calls women who do sleep with him Sluts. As for him being a man, he isn't much of one.

10/2/2010 7:47:27 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |
Mesa, AZ
age: 51
Judgment rendered.
10/2/2010 11:15:03 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 23 online now!
U tell him!    
10/3/2010 3:28:09 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 21
Thanks all figure giving a heads up to the ladys would be good i hate jerks i dont understand why ppl have to be negative on the web seems weak hiding behind a screen like my mom use to tell me if u cant say anything nice shut the f@ck up lol can u tell i was a bad kid 
10/3/2010 4:56:06 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |


Mesa, AZ
age: 49
Thanks all figure giving a heads up to the ladys would be good i hate jerks i dont understand why ppl have to be negative on the web seems weak hiding behind a screen like my mom use to tell me if u cant say anything nice shut the f@ck up lol can u tell i was a bad kid  Guys like that make ladies not trust the good guys. I've been misjudged because of the duplicity of other men they met before.
[Edited 10/3/2010 4:56:26 PM ]
10/6/2010 2:52:01 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 20
I'm not sure why you answered any email sent to you that used such poor grammar. The fact is, if someone can't bother to use spell check before sending a message, they don't deserve a response.
10/30/2010 4:46:56 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 37
kick his a** seabass!!!
10/30/2010 6:04:13 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |
Casa Grande, AZ
age: 31
I'm with the seabass dude, sounds like the guy needs an old fashion a** whoopin!!!
10/31/2010 10:26:31 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 21
lol yeah, i hate when men say what they want because their behind a computer screen and cant get hurt i boxed professionally for years and yeah im a women but i trained with big names. i dont see myself in the womenly way on this aspect if he really felt that way i would love to see how he squirmed without the computer screen...men need to stop underestimating women if we can bare your children we can beat your ass, and take a beating if put in the situation, women should not and cannot continue living blindly. women are born with an undeniably impressive amount of strength..when i see society and hear men complain i always think (we would still be the pleasant housewife's you want if you truly could provide) but i see more moms and wife's in the workforce trying then a lot of men. nobody wants the job besides a lot of women, don't get me wrong im not saying our gender is perfect but...if a man wants to be treated like a man he needs to act like one, one of my friends is 6 months pregnant and still works while her lazy a** bf sits on the couch all god damn day...what is my generation coming to...i admit im scared of what will happen to the people around me who dont realized. std's are rampant, i come from somewhere if u arnt careful it probably can and will happen its time to stop giving into the wants of our men and have them work for our respect...but so many females are willing its sad...as the saying goes why buy a cow when you can get milk free...i plan on starting a revolution one day so keep your eyes out for me you guys
11/2/2010 11:55:08 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Camp Verde, AZ
age: 31
Okay, so I got a message a couple days ago from a guy I had never heard from before and had no idea even existed. (King something something)...the body of his message just read "How are you attractive?". It took me a second to even decipher what it was that he was trying to say to me. How deeply insecure does a person have to be to lash out at a stranger like this? He was actually a physically good looking guy, but to realize how foul he was on the inside made him look like a toad, not to insult good looking toads. Women who choose to have sexual relationships with men that they are attracted to are not always insecure and using inappropriate behavior to find acceptance. They are also occasionally empowered, interesting and unconventional people that are tired of double-standards. Be open to treating them that way, and not only will you recieve respect in return, but you certainly benefit, and make a solid friend.
11/3/2010 1:52:43 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 35 online now!
I can't even imagine what it's like for a very attractive young woman on this site. All I can say is for guys it's very much the opposite... you will send out a few emails without even a response... then you send winks that will only get lost in the ether...
All things have a way of working out in the end. the trick is not to sweat it. If you ever want someone to talk to, shoot an email.
11/6/2010 6:40:32 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 36
You get these sorts of folks quite a lot on dating sites. They are under the impression that the quick gratification of sex is a cure all for the absense of insecurity they feel in their lives which we all know is not the case. Think of it like a drug from them. They get high through sex, feel as though they are important for at least that moment, then crash again and move on to find another high. Honestly it's a sort of a downward spiral as well as a paradox and it will continue to be so as long as they ignore the fact that it is their insecurity they need to fix before they come online to a dating service and persue a partner. I kinda have to laugh at these folks being how I'm a psych major and will be dealing with these sorts in my profession soon enough. They'll be the onese keeping me in business. hahha. Just don't let it get you down on all men on here cause for sure we're not all like that. It just should show you honestly that he's one who has developed self centeredness due to his confidence issues. Keep throwing your line out there in the big dating pool and I'm sure you'll catch a good one eventually Good luck
[Edited 11/6/2010 6:42:42 PM ]
11/8/2010 8:17:21 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 33
This is the exact reason I am single...cause of guys like that!
11/8/2010 8:47:35 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |
Glendale, AZ
age: 30
Guys like who - the clown the OP made famous here or the one who posted before you?
11/10/2010 9:11:40 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 40 online now!
This is the exact reason I am single...cause of guys like that! 
11/10/2010 2:47:53 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 41
Hi kay not a men are like that. See I came here to talk to you and to show you not all men are bad. And to as if you and I can texts off here 
11/10/2010 3:05:26 PM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 41
Kat you have a message from me please get back to me on it and the post here was for you also not kay
11/12/2010 2:07:46 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 35 online now!
This is the exact reason I am single...cause of guys like that! 
Most of us guys that aren't like that just get ignored anyway.
11/16/2010 2:28:19 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 21
nottttt true even if i get a message and am not interested i at least say so.....
12/4/2010 8:15:08 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Tempe, AZ
age: 21
what i hate the most is when you try to be respectful like "im sorry dude your not really my type, or your alittle mature for me" and they spaz out on you like just cuz you arnt interested, its a crime against nature or something. i have met some good men i was just sick of the a**holes. lol admitable this message cut down on their messages, tho i find alot of people dont even read profiles (yes i posted it up on my profile) wanted to scare off the two word messengers that kept sending "wanna f**k" or "wanna friend with benefits" i dont really care if thats what a mans after they arnt getting it from me but it would be nice if they atleast pretended to get to know me alittle first i'd probably be a bit nicer with my responces. i still deserve to be treated like a lady, all the women on this site do!  
12/5/2010 12:08:03 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |


Mesa, AZ
age: 49
Block, delete and report all abusive e-mails. Sorry about the jerks. There are always a few and "men" who harbor hostility, but are too wimpy to say things to a woman's face in public say damn near anything on these websites.
12/5/2010 1:19:46 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |


Scottsdale, AZ
age: 44
Here's another jerk
drinks some 4:20 and if your interested in some toe curling orgasmic oral nothing else expected unless you want more!!! 
He sent his post to me in email. This is why I stayed away from this site. Jerks like this ruin it for the nice people.
12/5/2010 4:07:44 AM |
Be aware of fx4dude7 ideals (serious this is F'ed up) |

Camp Verde, AZ
age: 56
Myself Iam kind of tired of hearing about this 4x4 guy. ladies when you make a post about this guy you just feed his flames...and hes just laughting at you.
I myself dont like him.. hes e-mail me and ask if Ive made any comments about him..
But then again Ive a list of woman on here myself (I WILL not talk too) because they them selfs. Has caused trouble or flamed someone When in reality they never meet me dont know me
Iam not him