2/19/2008 8:17:11 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Warsaw, IL
age: 19
as I have been through life as short as i've been through, I've found much worse things than cigarette smoke that can harm lungs (factories, carbon monoxide, you'll come across chemicals anywhere, even Mc D's has some chemicals in your happy meals that'll prolly kill you). I've been through college and if theres one thing i've learned. You can take statistics and twist them anyway you want to get an answer you want. As my teacher always told me. Theres lies, damn lies, and statistics (it is originally mark twains words). Besides, live life and dont worry about things, if we fight amongst ourselves what good would that do except cause more hate. Honestly stress is the number one killer i think, and its way worst than cigs.
2/23/2008 9:27:23 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Bloomingdale, IL
age: 54
Impeach him...I agree...I think Gov B...and his real estate agent
wife Patti ought to be Former Gov Ryan's roommates in Prison...His wife
is just as bad as Gov B...Isn't ironic that Patti gets sales from those
individuals going after state business...
2/23/2008 9:46:09 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
I don't want anybody to get me wrong. I don't want to impose my smoking on non smokers. At the same time, why are non smokers imposing on me? If I were a bar or restraunt owner, I should have the option as to whether MY place should allow smoking. I agree that "Smoking areas" are a bad idea. I understand that smoke drifts. What I'm trying to say is that if you want your place to be a smoking establishment, you should be able to. I believe that there SHOULD be a law that, if it is, it should be posted at the door. That way, people who don't smoke, know not to enter. The way the law reads now is, a buisness owner can't even put up a "smoking shack", because it's a public building and you can't smoke in a public building! We are expected to stand out in the weather, to do what is perfectly legal! Most bar owners want to allow smoking. The beady eyed weasels in Springfield know better! BS! Then comes the argument about reducing Health care costs. How much are the health care costs going to go up when smokers (who are prone to COPD anyway) are forced to stand in sub zero weather to smoke? Then, you have the litter problem. Cigarette butts everywhere! Who pays to clean THAT up? The business owner!! Impeach Blagoiovich!!!!!!!!
2/24/2008 1:24:30 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Warsaw, IL
age: 19
I agree with you mbk on the smoking part. If you want to make a place a smoking place, just put a sign up, tell them that its a smoking place and that they have been for warned. Why should people be harassed on something like this. Some people need to wake up and think of better ways to provide to the community than harassing the people. If people want to really help people they should think of something constructive like helping build recreational places so that people would have something to take their minds off the stress of everyday life.
2/24/2008 12:22:51 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Thanks, It just pisses me off that a business owner can't have any sayso over what can be LEGALLY done on his property! This is just the first step. Next will be a law banning smoking in your own vehicle, if there is a child aboard.(Which should be common sense) After that, no smoking in your own home.(if there is a child there) Then a total smoking prohibition! In the mean time, people will stop smoking and the tax revenues will dwindle. Guess what? Increased taxes! Thank you all for voting Democrat!
2/27/2008 1:55:55 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Mattoon, IL
age: 53
i like to smoke with my beer,not go out and come back u cant take your beer out with you.as for your neighbor when animals first get rabies they are very playfull even wild ones like skunks.youll smell him quicker than us big city.i think we should all go stand 15 ft from his property and light up.
2/27/2008 2:03:42 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Mattoon, IL
age: 53
the new tax i think we should put on coffee 1.00 a lb. or how bout bottled water.what would chicago yuppies drink? or milk everybody drinks milk.but coffe is a drug.so lets do it next robby boy.just fine us for havin a cow.
2/27/2008 2:11:39 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Mattoon, IL
age: 53
we have all talked a lot but will anyone do anything.of course not,but it made us feel better anyway.
2/28/2008 2:26:34 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Paris, IL
age: 35
Gypsy...it probably wouldn't be jail for every smoker...it's more than likely going to be fines on business owners who allow smoking. I can see mbk's point. Allowing the business owners to make the call would be more of a middle-of-the-road decision, but mbk, I think it would backfire on you. I think so many business owners would choose to be a non-smoking establishment, that it WOULD be like they enacted a law.
The biggest problem is that you folks have given up your rights. They weren't taken from you. Most people these days vote for who has the prettier commercials on TV. I mean, really, people, what do you expect in that case? Of course they're going to make decisions that affect you without putting it to a vote.
Just out of curiosity, and be honest, how many of you smokers out there knew about the ban beforehand and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?? If you fit into that category, you deserve what you get. I knew about it before it happened because, heh, well, to be honest, I was one of the ones responsible for making it happen. I think you folks are underestimating how many non-smokers pushed the issue til Blago did something about it. And I think you also OVERestimate how many folks actually are against it. Majority rules, folks.
And in all this complaining about Blago, PLEASE don't tell me you want to go back to Uncle George. At least that POS is getting the jail time he deserves, but it's probably way too cushy, anyway.
And mbk - "(Which should be common sense)" - Therein lies the rub, my friend. Common sense should be called "uncommon sense", because it really is anymore.
And dobid - "What will Chicago yuppies drink"?!? Please. You really need to learn to only open your mouth when you know what you're talking about. Chicago tap water is actually the cleanest water in the state. It's been through several different filtration processes before it even approaches your faucet. Us "Chicago yuppies" know that. We don't pay for bottled water. We also know that about half of all bottled water is actually just as filtered as tap water. Yeah, we'll buy a bottle now and again. But we save it, and refill it from...yep, you guessed it...the tap. I love people who automatically assume that because someone is from a certain place, they're a certain way. I learned long ago to NOT make that assumption, or I would assume that you were the proud result of a Terre Haute public education.
[Edited 2/28/2008 2:35:59 PM]
2/29/2008 4:36:53 PM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Mattoon, IL
age: 53
gosh he calls us rednecksssssssssss.u mow his yard for him,feed his dogs.maby get his second hand clothes.you voted for him.i call people like u rednecks.maby he will let you shine his shoes to.
3/1/2008 4:18:50 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Peoria, IL
age: 51
yeah! afriend of mine took down the u.s flag . and put a old ussr flag he's a vet from w.w 2 he said this country going the other way!!!!
3/1/2008 11:47:20 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Skokie, IL
age: 62
He has to get in line, after Bush and Cheney. Can we impeach a vp. I believe that Blago may end up with Ryan, if he keeps on manipulating the system. However, so far, he has not bombed a country or caused death and injury to our service men and women. How many american children are fatherless or motherless because of Bush. HOw many Iraqi parents are childless?
3/1/2008 11:50:35 AM |
Am I the only one that would like to impeach the Govenor? |
Skokie, IL
age: 62
I am not a smoker. HOwever I agree that if a person owns a bar he should be the one who decidecides if people can smoke in it. The non smoker can simply go somewhere else. Children are not normally allowed in bars, and should not be if there is smoking. Incidently there is a movement in the Chicago City Council to change the law to allow smoking in bars that make less than 10% of its revenue from food.