7/8/2008 5:27:29 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Lancaster, CA
age: 53
Let me add to that.. China.. too much ritual..
Hello.. I like this thread.. I am a spiritual person.. and yes.. I like the astro projection as well.. but.. the meditation.. I do for my inner self discovery.. as I try to find and enlighten all the time. I seek peace and tolerance for all.. and to try to break barriers of prejudice and learn about all cultures.. and I am interested with all types of input. I had a dream diary when I was 13 years old.. and I wasn't raised in any religion but went on a quest of trying to find myself.. when my father died when I was 13 years old. I had long talks with reverends, ministers, priests, rabbis, monks, nuns, and explored myself by writing a lot of inner work.
I enjoyed meeting people, talking to people and learning of rituals, culture, music, food and life. In all, it was a type of learning of lifestyles and what fits of people.. and in the end.. I am calmer for it.. and I have not as angry as I once use to be. Laughter and life is a matter of perpective and viewpoint.. for instance.. what some countries throw away as garbage.. one country treasures.. funny, isn't that??
Thanks for letting me share!! Enjoy the thread.. better than any one.. religion..
8/21/2008 7:39:28 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I agree China. Spiritual should not be fear. I think it should expand us not enclose us.
8/25/2008 7:11:41 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
when fear is overcome then it would allow people to be okay with others' different viewpoints. It is interesting that China and Queen brought this up. In most of the major religions tolerance is one of the concepts that is promoted, even though it is very seldom actually practiced. I am not saying that this is exclusive to religions (organized or not).
In a lot of ways, it would seem, that fear has become the new religion. All one has to do is turn on the television, radio, read a newspaper, or even go out of one's home, to get their daily dose of fear. It permeates our entire social structure, from the schools, to politics, to religion.
All it accomplishes is a crime rate that puts our country to shame, and a general paranoia that keeps people seperated from other people.
8/31/2008 5:28:23 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Brookwood, AL
age: 29
i am right here oh queen of 's. I am anti-evangelic-
I don't think anyone should preach or push their views onto others
I do enjoy hearing other's beliefs though, as long as they don't consider them matters of facts-beliefs are by defintion opinions-as if they were facts, they wouldn't be beliefs
if i have ever come off as pushy please forgive me, I do get passionate describing what I feel is true-but never do i intend to imply it is true...just me belief
so.....what is your beliefs on spirituality?

8/31/2008 5:34:37 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Brookwood, AL
age: 29
when fear is overcome then it would allow people to be okay with others' different viewpoints. It is interesting that China and Queen brought this up. In most of the major religions tolerance is one of the concepts that is promoted, even though it is very seldom actually practiced. I am not saying that this is exclusive to religions (organized or not).
In a lot of ways, it would seem, that fear has become the new religion. All one has to do is turn on the television, radio, read a newspaper, or even go out of one's home, to get their daily dose of fear. It permeates our entire social structure, from the schools, to politics, to religion.
All it accomplishes is a crime rate that puts our country to shame, and a general paranoia that keeps people seperated from other people.
fear has not only become the basis for most religions, but is now the driving force the U.S. government is using to control us and take away our civil liberties
I mean WTF is up with the new 'homeland security' measures-
we have allowed the gov't to take away our right to pirvacy because they scared enough people into thinking it was nescessary
now we are not any safer from forgein attacks, in fact we are more vunerable to attacks by our own gov't
the patriot act...come on, what a load of b.s.
just an excuse to invade our homes for political agendas of control
9/1/2008 10:18:50 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I agree totally Nico, on the homeland security. Sounds so important doesn't it.
I cannot say that I have any beliefs, maybe agnostic sort of, maybe a little gnostic. Not sure just know that what I believed up until 20 years ago, [christian] cannot be true. And in fact not only did I have many questions that could not be answered but I was not even allowed to ask, or even think. Once I no longer believed it [took years], it did not even make any sense. Even Silly. I just know that I do not want to learn or follow any mans or womans ideas anymore. Nobody knows any more than I do, they just won't admit and I will. I don't know anything just feelings.
[Edited 9/1/2008 10:19:29 PM]
9/2/2008 11:22:56 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
when fear is overcome then it would allow people to be okay with others' different viewpoints. It is interesting that China and Queen brought this up. In most of the major religions tolerance is one of the concepts that is promoted, even though it is very seldom actually practiced. I am not saying that this is exclusive to religions (organized or not).
In a lot of ways, it would seem, that fear has become the new religion. All one has to do is turn on the television, radio, read a newspaper, or even go out of one's home, to get their daily dose of fear. It permeates our entire social structure, from the schools, to politics, to religion.
All it accomplishes is a crime rate that puts our country to shame, and a general paranoia that keeps people seperated from other people.
Fear has been the tool of tyrants since time immemorial. It is no different with religious tyrants than it is with political tyrants. It is not religion itself that is bad, it is mindless people (I avoid the term sheeple) who allow themselves to believe what the religious tyrants say no matter how much it goes against the core beliefs of that actual religion. Religious tyrants are those who are greedy for power (often in the form of money) and will use any means to attain control over the masses and their fortunes.
It boils down once again to Wizards First Rule from the book of that name by Terry Goodkind;
"People are stupid. They will believe whatever they fear to be true or whatever they wish to be true."
Mr. Goodkind is not, by far, the first to note this happenstance of human psychology. It has been used by those who seek power since the dawn of civilization when we first developed horticultural and later agricultural "cities."
9/11/2008 12:10:47 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
I was hoping to get a place for those of us who did not have a place to discuss new ideas and ask questions. It seems like all there is so far are those who want to push their ideas and get convertees.
Why do so many think they have all the answers? Why do so many think the spirit or god or whatever has told them everything and their mission is to tell it to everyone else?
If that is all this is gonna turn out to be then I guess I might as well stay on the religion forums and fight with the christians for a chance to ask a question or state an opinion without attack.
I see it a bit differently. What I see is people that are stating their beliefs LOOKING for someone to join them or connect to them AS A COUPLE OR COMMUNITY so they can have a faith based relationship or community. Not so much as wanting everyone else to believe their beliefs. JMO.
Putting themselves out there, you know? Baiting the hook! Trying to catch the ones that will swim with them. Group energy is awesome! I love it. Partnership is group energy and that is even much mo bettah! Yum!
9/11/2008 3:56:26 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Eagle, CO
age: 45 online now!
I don't think we're supposed to be able to figure it all out.
Science, evolution, religion... what would we as humans do if all of a sudden everything was figured out.
Think about it.
9/11/2008 6:06:05 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
We would be bored. Hey, I am bored now, does that mean I figured it out yet? LOL! NOT!
[Edited 9/11/2008 6:06:50 PM]
9/11/2008 6:13:10 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Eagle, CO
age: 45 online now!
maybe it would give us more time to do the .. u know.....
9/11/2008 6:14:57 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Conroe, TX
age: 57
Woohoo! Man of similar ideas! Wait a minute. I know I can have it all if I focus on it...
9/12/2008 1:37:59 PM |
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Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
*sorry i didnt read all the other posts, this is just to the first post*
one of the reasons that so many think they have all the answers is b/c that what their religion tells them. also many people want to go out and tell other this b/c they feel like they do kno the way and they want other people to kno the "truth".
personaly i do think my religion is the "truth". but i have more fun discussing it as an abract then trying to "convert" others. b/c i'm pretty damn sure that i'm not going to "bring" other over to my faith. when i was younger,, hmm 13 or 14 it freaked me out so bad that my best friend was going to go to hell and i was going to go to heaven. i tried to tell him this. and man i was worked up, i was crying b/c it really did bother me that much thinking i would spead enertany w/out him. kno what happened? he didn't listen to a DAMN word i said and kept asking me if i was inlove with him. i told him i loved him as a friend BUT NO he wouldn't listen.
those who aren't christians useually hate the religion and will refuse to listen to anything i have to say or will cut me down when i'm not even trying to "convert" them. i find it hard to speak about God and what He does in my life b/c when i was younger i got cut down SO MANY times. just by trying to tell something that happened to me.
WOW sorry it's just one of those days i guess, i keep going of topic when i comes to religion. >.< sorry.
and if you want you can ask me as many questions as you want. i try not to attack but i'm pretty blunt.
9/12/2008 8:02:22 PM |
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Sylvan Beach, NY
age: 62 online now!
Are you able to---
be alone but not be lonely
know you are a special child of the Universe and so is everyone else?
Become completely absorbed in the moment (this is why I love sweeping the deck) and not realize the rest of the world is driving by?
Be a beacon of peace in hard times---yours and others.
Know that whatever you think is a huge problem or disaster has already been worked out and solved by the Universe. You'll know in time.
Not question anything and let it be...
give away anything and everything, including your energy and time to others in need
Know that you are the most fortunate human on earth and sing praise for that
Feel sadness, and let sadness be what it is and then let it go---feel love and give it away
be honest and ethical when others are not
and are you able to rest in the knowledge that death is a new beginning, not an ending.
Life can never end.
9/13/2008 10:04:57 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Nighttangle that is the point of this forum to not have people just reciting scriptures but talking about possibilities and maybe ideas that have crossed their minds. There is a forum for those who want to talk about the bible and reinforce each others ideas. I was hoping, when I pestered Dustin to get this forum, that this would be an open forum for those of us that were not satisfied with the christian religion.