2/10/2008 12:54:17 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Rutland, IA
age: 35
2/10/2008 12:58:37 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Alva, OK
age: 22
stop moving so fast..... 
2/10/2008 1:07:18 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Rutland, IA
age: 35
I didn't move.................

2/10/2008 1:14:25 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Alva, OK
age: 22
ya ypu did.....you went into chat....
2/10/2008 6:45:36 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Mesquite, TX
age: 57
There are several here that will talk shi# then block you from their thread then block you from email.. It looks as they only want their opinion stated.I think hat we should not enter a thread then start b*tching about it.....Willy
2/10/2008 9:20:20 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
If any of you have followed this "gentleman from the South" 's threads then you know his opinions are not within the ethical boundaries of good taste, good hygene or intelligence. Normally they border on racist, fascist and extreme - lack of insight and intellect.
This is not a matter to ake one on one me4...his issues are to become antagonistic and begin an issue with anyone who doesn't share his tastes in ledity and crudity.
Threads are better without the slime.
If you wish to know who flagged you - it was me. If ind much of what you post politically and sexually to be blatant harrassment.
So - there you go!
I respect each individuals right to their own opinion when posed with respect and intelligence...two things you have demonstrated a significant lack of...
However I will always oppose the attacking of anyone you do not know personally or insulting them or degrading women, or ethnic backgrounds simply because you have a gun rack and a dead deer.
2/10/2008 4:31:43 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Aiken, SC
age: 58
Well said, sailing!!!
And...way to go...
2/10/2008 5:33:41 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Watkins, MN
age: 61
I am not trying to cut you down nor belittle you, but it sounds like you have some real anger issues to deal with. There are people I have met that I didn't like and some I still don't, but I DO NOT go looking for fights with them. I definitely don't call them names nor belittle them, just because I don't like them. Why don't you try mellowing out and try to respect others PERIOD, whether you like them or not.
2/10/2008 7:23:26 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Spokane, WA
age: 56
not only were most of us were on the way to the bathroom for a group grope but we apparently have to put up with one angry person 
I like different opinons but angry people just sound like the adults on Charlie Brown movies wah wah wah 
2/11/2008 12:53:17 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
gone..that post you made mostly describes you.
I've read some of your post and there all the same, anyone that doesn't agree with you is supposedly ignorant or "lacks intelligence."
you feel yours is the only right opinion.
and for someone that "lacks intelligence", I knew it was you the whole time.
most of your post aren't even on topic, there attacking someone in the thread, and then you have your followers that think there's something to your long meaningless post.
[Edited 2/11/2008 1:00:09 AM]
2/11/2008 1:32:24 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
gone...Here's one of your good-hearted post to me.
"Well Damn I'm confused Mr. Ignorant Redneck what does eating pork have to do with Barack Obama?
I've met the man-in person- You are more likely to be a terrorist and Muslim than he is.
So's Your mom!"

It's all typed like you did it, sorry i'm to ignorant to paste.
2/11/2008 6:12:45 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Overland Park, KS
age: 41
We've had almost two weeks of peace..but some assholes have to stir shit up..you got suspended..BFD..
I got suspended and it was the best thing that ever happened to me..it gave me time to get to know someone in email..and I flew out to meet her...we hit it off as if we'd known each other all our lives. Thank You to the Suspension Gods for making me take a break from the forums to meet my soul mate.
Live and let live..if ya don't like someone..avoid them..its like walkin down the street..I see someone I don't care for..I walk around them instead of stopping to tell them how much I hate their guts...doesnt do any good to argue with the ignorant ones..
2/11/2008 6:46:36 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
No, I reported him. LOL! And I know another couple of people who did as well. Wasn't just you, Gone.

2/11/2008 8:51:52 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

San Diego, CA
age: 43
I didn’t miss what you’re saying ~ those that did! Well, there probably THE ONES WHO WHINE TO Dustin, most just won’t pull up their ‘big girl panties’ and just handle it!
Listen- you will not get suspended unless “SOMEONE” complains and like I said there are rat f*cks out there who probably were deprived as children locked in a closet and beaten like a redheaded step kid who have nothing better to do than whine about sh*t.
Just don’t let it bother you most of them do it because they run out of jelly doughnuts and bon bon’s and thus are suffering from withdraw symptoms as a result.
Oh they are also known as rapacious narcissists… 
2/11/2008 9:04:41 AM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
But, flying....SOME of us don't report because our opinion differs from the poster, and we did not have the childhood problems you mentioned. We simply feel that, no matter what someone feels, adults should be able to express it with respect, appropriately, and within the subject.
I can listen to any side of the story... I can handle banter, wit, humor, even some sarcasm, but I will not tolerate bashing and lack of consideration and respect. If I see it, I definitely will report it. I hope others do the same.
I'm in these forums to write and interact with people and I do not like it when I can read for hours and feel that I don't want to post because I don't want to get tangled in "unreasonable" drama. They could possible consider it "judgmental". However, I'm thinking that the value of respect and consideration is pretty well known, so I don't feel that I'm off base.
By the way, sweetie....this post is definitely NOT meant to bash anyone, hopefully, it respectfully disagrees with some of what you said.
[Edited 2/11/2008 9:07:40 AM]