2/9/2008 10:02:58 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
You mean like yesterday in the "Mind your own business" thread, about intervening when women and children are being abuse--You said you "would help the attacker"
2/9/2008 10:03:00 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
so we're all supposed to have the same opinion.
now why didn't I think of that..Gee thanks.
kg..that was funny wasn't it?
[Edited 2/9/2008 10:06:08 PM]
2/9/2008 10:04:03 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
Now Bocky, YA"LL need to be nice about we'uns talking!
2/9/2008 10:05:08 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Newark, DE
age: 50
I think Dustin has a pretty open mind here and lets alot of things slide and work themselves out unless someone complains alot.But I know of some folks on here that b*tch and complain about what people say only to post some really crazy shit themselves.
lol.@ we'uns
[Edited 2/9/2008 10:09:36 PM]
2/9/2008 10:09:21 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
I think if I start a thread in the "sex" forum and someone doesn't like the topic they don't have to click on it, kinda like your tv channels..JMO
2/9/2008 10:11:00 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
No I do not think it was funny. Shows your true colors, might be why you keep getting suspended.
2/9/2008 10:13:29 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Milwaukee, WI
age: 51
Flag what you think is not appropriate! Geeezzzzzzzzzze 
2/9/2008 10:14:57 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
According to thegoodude one of us should be suspended right now for this difference in opinion.
2/9/2008 10:16:22 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Newark, DE
age: 50
i didnt see that comment..but if thats all it is..i dont see why you should be suspended over that..Some things taken out of context by others may seem disrespectful unless you know the person and thier sense of humor....I dont think Knot would do anyone harm..well maybe his taxadermist for breaking an ear off his buck..lol
2/9/2008 10:18:11 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Tacoma, WA
age: 40
Gee, knot...are ya bein' a tattletale??
2/9/2008 10:19:35 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Joliet, IL
age: 25
I didn't say people get suspended for having a difference in opinion. You read my posts you will know I always have a differece of opinion.. I said stop saying stupid shit and offending people, didn't I? You can have a diff, without being a retard. A difference of opinion causes conflict and some people use that to offend others because they don't watch how they word it, like you. The way you word upsets the websites admin, and I like I said. You don't own the site..
[Edited 2/9/2008 10:20:24 PM]
2/9/2008 10:22:36 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
I started a thread in the sex forum yesterday.
came back a few hours later and it was pulled and I was suspended.
if someone had a problem with the topic they didn't have to click on it.
don't know what some people WHATEVER
2/9/2008 10:25:33 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
dude.. you're the one that keeps with the name callin on this thread.
I don't go on people's threads calling them names, so just what are you gettin at.?
2/9/2008 10:26:32 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Joliet, IL
age: 25
Sir... What kind of person speaks about opinions, then posts a thread about opinions and argues with the people that post on it? If you cared about opinions then when I posted mine, you would have took it on yourself to make a comment about it infront of the public. You don't want opinions. You want dispute and attention. Good luck on the site bud..
2/9/2008 10:27:33 PM |
i'm gonna report you to dustin, I mean i did. |

Tacoma, WA
age: 40
Rather than letting yourself be bugged by someone who felt the need to censor you instead of reading something else, why not go to my thread titled "you gotta try this...it's crazy" in this forum and amuse yourself. 