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2/12/2008 9:44:53 PM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 21
that was amazing! Liam, I said it before and I'll say it again you, have a way with words! we need more writers like you, and I promise I'll be one of your first fans prchaseing your work! keep up the good work!
, Iris
[Edited 2/12/2008 9:45:22 PM]
2/13/2008 8:49:17 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I was staying with some friends of mine at their apartment. They had some errands to run and I decided to stay behind to take a nap as I was exhausted. I laid down in my godson's bed and fell asleep quickly. Several times I awoke, tried to get up, and immediately dozed off again, falling into deeper and deeper sleep. Although consciously aware, something seemed to be holding me in place. This went on for a few hours. At one point, when I had awoken, I was laying on my stomach, I felt tremendous pressure pushing down on my back. Almost crushing me, it became hard for me to breath, much less move. I could hear my friends in the other room so I tried to call to them for help. I was unable to do so, I lay there with a panic welling up inside of me. It began to feel as if something was trying to crush the life out of me, and I could not even turn my head enough to get a look at what it was that was attacking me. I knew I needed help, but did not know how to get anyone's attention to come to my aid. With all the strength I possessed I was able to turn my head enough to see that the room was absolutely packed with little blue creatures that seemed to be feeding off of my energy. There were so many of them that the entire room, every space in it, was filled with them. I have a tendency to sleep with my cell phone on the bed next to me, darkness started to close in on me, and I felt icy cold although I was covered in blankets. I began to shiver uncontrollably as I desperately tried to reach my phone. Feeling around the bed I finally felt it in my hand. I had programmed my friends number on speed dial, number four. I was barely able to press the buttons, but by sheer will power I was able to make the call. She answered the phone, wondering why I was calling her on the phone from the next room. "Hello?" she said, but I was unable to respond. She told me later that after trying to get me to respond she suddenly had a feeling of horror. She rushed into the room that I was laying in. As she opened the door, she was knocked back, as the little blue devils (?) rushed out of the room. Finally, she was able to get into the room, litterally having to drag me out of the bed onto the floor. By that point I could not even stand, I was on the floor with my knees under me with my face in the carpet. Her husband rushed into the room to find out what was going on, as he could feel the panic in the air. As I am a type 1 diabetic the first thing out of his mouth was "is it his sugar?" I feebly shook my head 'no' and as I did this they both saw that my lips were blue and my face ashen. Touching my body they quickly realized that I was near hypothermia. He began to gently rub my back and neck and arms in an attempt to warm me up, as she ran to get hot rags to lay the back of my neck. After some time had passed, I was unaware of how long, the feeling in my hands and arms returned. At this point I was finally able to speak and I began to let them know what I had felt and seen. As they continued to warm me up, giving me hot tea and covering me with blankets, she told me what she had seen and felt when she initially opened the door. As I slowly regained my faculties I had them burn sage in an attempt to cleanse the air. Finally I was able to sit up without help, I finally got to my feet, feeling sweet life flowing through my body once again.
2/13/2008 9:44:14 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
That had to be an intense, and mind blowing experience for you.
I know to a certain degree of what you speak of, as I have had similar instances happen to me as well. You want to cry for help, but as you said you couldn't muster the breath to speak.
I've recently been lambasted for expressing my view point on this subject matter. So I just want to say feel free to ignore this unsolicited advice. The only way I was able to get the attacking Spirit off of me, was to pray. That I could do in my own mind, with out having to speak. It took a couple of tries but I finally got the thing to lift off of me.
I think they attack us in our sleep because we are at our most vulnerable then. We're easy prey to them.
Again you have written a very emotionally charged and intense story! As scarey as it was reliving the event with you as I read it. I am still compelled to want to read more of your accountings if you have anymore to share.
Thanks for sharing!
2/13/2008 9:53:32 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I agree about the attack when we are asleep. I have many many stories, I am working up to the really bizarre ones. thanks for the tip about the lambasting. To hell with them LOL. I do the praying thing too, when it comes down to it. i will continue, there is no stopping at this point. look forward to reading more of your stuff too
2/14/2008 6:18:24 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
I to have experienced this paralysis phenomena, as have several others I know personally. So, It is real guys, no doubt. And quite frightening when it happens.
I lived 12 yr. in a house that was 'haunted'. Many others experienced similar things there that I had.. But, oddly enough, my husband and son denied it, and always tried to find logical explanations. They were not reseptive, or believers.
One day my husband and I stood in the kitchen, and the entire floor beneath out feet began to bang and vibrate. We went to the basement to see what was causing this vibration, and my husband insisted it was air trapped in the water pipes that was causing it. Well, that would made sense to me, except, it was not only the water pipes banging away, it was gas pipes and everything elseattached to the basement ceiling.
When I pointed this obvious fact out to him, he could not explain it. It stopped as suddenly as it began.
Many times my dog would fear the basement and refuse to go down there. On those occassions, I stayed away also. ....Dogs know things.....
Several hours after everyone else had left for school and work, I went to the basement to do laundry. I found the washer running in mid-cycle with nothing in it.
I was alone so no one else could have turned it on. I told my husband this when he got home, his logical answer was that the cat must have turned it on by leaning against the dial... Hmmm very smart cat we have, who can pull the dial OUT first, then turn it to start, and then push it back in.... this could not have happened once, let alone several times...
He still refused to believe anything weird was happening.
This is the same house where this paralysis phenomena happened to people staying there.
Many other events at this house also.
But you get the idea of how some people are open to this sort of thing, and others refuse to accept the paranormal even when they are witness to events.
2/14/2008 6:42:39 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
I agree with all of you....the paranormal IS there.....regardless of those who don't wish to believe it.......I DO believe.....I've had some experiences of my own, and shall put them in writing shortly.
2/14/2008 10:40:31 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
I'd love to read more of your paranormal adventures. Would you do us the pleasure of starting a thread so we can enjoy more of your accounts?
2/16/2008 8:47:32 AM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Wolffdream, while you are adding your posts may I burrow your cat? I have a lot of laundry that needs done, and I really don't want to do it.   
2/19/2008 12:40:50 PM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I was at a ranch in Tennesee with a friend. She was friends with the owner and had her own horse stabled there. We went down for the weakend for a little relaxation and to do some riding. It was an incredibly beautiful place, there wasn't a house for miles, so peaceful, so serene. The house was two stories, but had been built into the side of a hill. The second story door led out onto an enormous veranda porch that looked over the yard. The barn was about 70 yards away from the house, with the corral behind the barn. After getting settled in we decided to groom the horses, and go for a ride. We weren't out long as it was beginning to get dark. Heading toward the barn my friend turned to me with an uncomfortable look upon her face. "Do you feel that" she asked. "Feel what exactly" I replied being irreverent as usual. "You know exactly what I am talking about." She stated. It was true, I did know. She had told me before we got there that she kept feeling something negative on the property. "There has to be something out there." Even the horses were anxious, sensing it for themselves. As we unsadled and stalled the horses we continued to talk about what we were both feeling. "It feels as if it has grown since the last time I was here. That really bothers me. Do you think that there is anything that you can do about it?" She asked, being all to familiar with my propensity to run into this sort of thing. We decided that she would go onto the veranda porch with the lights on. I would sit just on the perimeter of where the light reached in the middle of the yard and meditate. This way she could get a clear view of me if something were to happen. She stood leaning out over the railing as I made my way to where I was going to sit. I sat down, took several deep breaths, and closed my eyes. I relaxed myself as best I could and I envisioned myself sitting on the grass as if expecting someone to meet with me. It didn't take long until man in his thirties walked up to me and sat down. "What do you want" he said unable to hide his distaste. "I want to know why you are here." I queried. "That is none of your damn business." he spat. "Well, regardless, your going to have to leave now." I said remaining calm. All of the sudden I felt him getting extremely aggresive toward me, as if ready to attack. His energy kept building and building to the point that I began to get scared. "Go" I yelled, not knowing what else to say, "You are not welcome here." I felt like I screamed with all I had in me. As soon as the last word left my mouth he vanished. I sat there dumbstruck for a few minutes. After recovering I got up and asked my friend if she had seen anything. She said, "No, I couldn't even see you until you just stood up. I did feel this giant rush of energy pass by me though."
[Edited 2/19/2008 12:41:12 PM]
2/19/2008 3:07:29 PM |
Some ghost stories of my own |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Another great story! And that's exactly the way you have to handle intrusive Spirits!
I don't like hogging up space on somebody else's thread, so I've posted a similar story of sorts on my thread, about another horse story.