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2/24/2008 4:47:32 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Adam and Eve were the first humans
2/25/2008 4:37:45 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 58
Say, what about Lilith? I read before that she was Adam's first wife, but was rebellious, so was kicked out, so to speak. Anyone know more about that story?
2/25/2008 3:12:56 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Love Lilith. Know a lot about her. I will post some info later. Frankly - it is 1512 and I am still in my robe because I had a hell of a night.
After having my gallbladder removed my intestines still don't know what they are doing and last night...I pigged the f*ck out. My goodness. Didn't sleep until around 9 this morning...
I'm gonna take a nap and hope this madness going on in my bowels stops. (Ewwwwwwwwwww!)
Have no worries. I have no pain, I am not throwing up, and I am not septic. And...there is nothing like an In N Out Double Double, fries, and a shake to make one feel better emotionally. Most I have eaten in one sitting in at least 2 years. But - I am still very malnourished and dehydrated and have a long way to go.
Nappy nap time.
Oh Kelly, one more thing - on my profile - the background image is Lilith and the Serpent.
She would not lie beneath Adam...she wanted to be on top. 
[Edited 2/25/2008 3:14:20 PM]
2/25/2008 5:35:41 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 58
I hope you feel better soon, Sek. No fun having that surgery. I should have figured you knew about Lilith. I see on your profile you have the song, They're coming to take me away. I haven't heard it for years and always liked it.
Soon my work week shall begin again and I will fade more into the forum background.
Blessings to everyone here
2/25/2008 8:09:38 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
As far as the Queen of the Night relief they have - I am quite sure that is Innana, as they say in the article.
But this article does not cover the apocryphal Lilith. It has always upset me when people look at Lilith and yes, she was not a nice woman, and this causes many to fear the feminine force. But, in reality, she is a Strong Woman - which is really what many fear. For too long, women were made to be subservient and weak. They were made to forget their wombs - that their wombs belonged to them and only to them, they were made to feel inferior. This is relatively new.
Lilith is the strength behind women and she is not evil. She is misunderstood. She is the archetypal Feminine that was demonized. As women, we need to embrace the - for lack of a better term - evil within us. We cannot be whole without balance - and to gain balance we must recognize our dark selves. It is that dark self that will save our lives.
Here is the Apocryphal Lilith:
According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was banished from the Garden of Eden when she refused to make herself subservient to Adam (specifically, she refused to get into the missionary position with him during sex). When she was cast out, she was made into a demon figure, and Adam was given a second wife, Eve, who was fashioned from his rib to ensure her obedience to her man. The following is an excerpt from a Jewish folktale that describes some of the evils attributed to Lilith:
"The wife brought the mirror and all of the fine furnishings in the cellar to her own home and proudly displayed it. She hung the mirror in the room of their daughter, who was a dark-haired coquette. The girl glanced at herself in the mirror all the time, and in this way she was drawn into Lilith's web.... For that mirror had hung in the the den of demons, and a daughter of Lilith had made her home there. And when the mirror was taken from the haunted house, the demoness came with it. For every mirror is a gateway to the Other World and leads directly to Lilith's cave. That is the cave Lilith went to when she abandoned Adam and the Garden of Eden for all time, the cave where she sported with her demon lovers. From these unions multitudes of demons were born, who flocked from that cave and infiltrated the world. And when they want to return, they simply enter the nearest mirror. That is why it is said that Lilith makes her home in every mirror...
"Now the daughter of Lilith who made her home in that mirror watched every movement of the girl who posed before it. She bided her time and one day she slipped out of the mirror and took possession of the girl, entering through her eyes. In this way she took control of her, stirring her desire at will.... So it happened that this young girl, driven by the evil wishes of Lilith's daughter, ran around with young men who lived in the same neighborhood."
From "Lilith's Cave," Lilith's Cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural, edited by Howard Schwartz (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988)
Other folktales describe of how Lilith captured Jewish babies in the night and ate them, and how she led young girls and young husbands astray. Although Lilith was demonized by early Jewish culture as a symbol of promiscuity and disobedience, many modern Jewish feminists see Lilith as a positive figure, a model of woman as equal to man in the creation story. For further reference, please check out the pages I have listed below, or read the introduction to the collection of stories in Lilith's Cave (see above).
When we think about the psychology behind early Jewish writers (and the writers of other Lilith stories) it is quite clear that she was an EQUAL who - by her demands for Equality - was demonized. There were many goddesses and lesser goddesses who were treated the same by the Church and by various Patriarchal religions.
The strong feminine is trying desperately to remake itself in this world - but it will take some time.
[Edited 2/25/2008 8:11:16 PM]
2/25/2008 8:51:30 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
All of the religions that came through Abraham are male dominated, and put women in the 2nd class citizen status.
2/26/2008 7:52:00 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
That is part of why the world we live in is so out of balance. Personally I would be with Lillith (if she would have me) than Eve. If I needed a servant I would go find one and pay them a salary!!!
Man and Woman must be equal. True partnership is where two unique individuals come together but do not lose there uniqueness to the union
2/26/2008 4:50:15 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Abraham was a mad-man!!!!!  
First he said that GOD told him to kill his son!
Then he went to kill his son, because GOD is so wonderful and that is what "GOD wants.
A bloody human sacrafice!!!
Then he stops and says that GOD changed his mind and told him not to. 
This is all in his head, so who does he think GOD is? Himself? 
2/26/2008 7:14:22 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Yes I don't understand that testing stuff either Death. Is god supposed to know all things or not? If he/she/it does why would it need to be testing us all the time?
2/27/2008 8:06:30 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Funny - my ex and I were just having a discussion the other day about God's infallible insecurities. Really now... His followers love him, right? Abraham loved him - but just to make sure God asks him to kill his son. Abraham is just about ready to - and as a reward for obeying God, Abraham doesn't have to kill his son after all. And yep, Abraham still loves him. Only God (hahahah) knows why.
Isn't God great? Something is very wrong with this picture.
2/27/2008 8:08:30 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Within the next two days I will be posting Adam and Eve were the First Humans - Myth 18. It is a b*tch sitting there and typing it all out. I tried finding a website where I could just copy/paste the info...but...hmmm...maybe I will look again.
Yes, I am lazy...
I 'WILL' get around to it when I am ready. Hahahahaha
3/2/2008 3:18:56 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
NO, it was not RA,
It was Osiris.
Akhenaten AKA Amenhotep IV
what the, who the what?
Ra is now Osiris and Osiris is now Ra with green skin?
OH I can't keep track of all these timeline shifts.
I really wish people would stop d*cking around in time so I could act like a pompous asshole in peace.
Ah, maybe it is just Wikipedia, you know you can write your own page if you want to.
I'll check the encyclopedia just to make sure.... Err but the last time that happened General Eisenhower and president Eisenhower merged into the same person that looked like neither of the two previous Eisenhowers.
Nope, changed there too.
Does this happen to everybody or just me?
What are the odds I have a brain tumor of something?
3/2/2008 11:09:42 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Myth #18 Adam and Eve were the first humans
The Myth This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years; and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. (Gen 5:1-5)
The Reality Adam and Eve were the Egyptian Deities Geb (earth) and Nut (heaven). Their children were the children of the earth and heaven.
At the beginning of the second Creation account in Genesis, we are told that the stories that follow are about the family of the heavens and the earth (Sekh: This is explained in Myth 17 - which will probably be the next one I post). The chief characters in those stories are Adam and Eve and their children, Cain and Abel, implying that the family of Adam is the family of the heavens and earth.
Initially, the Bible refers to Adam and Eve as "the Adam" and Eve as "the woman". During the course of the story, a subtle transformation in terminology takes place and they become known as Adam and Eve. Although it is implied in these early tales that Adam and Eve were the first humans, it is not until Genesis 5:1 that a direct connection is made. At that point, the Bible presents the first of several genealogies that make Adam the ancestor of the human race, tracing a line of descent through Noah and down to the biblical patriarchs.
In Myth 12 (Sekh: which I will post eventually)we learned that Adam and Eve were not the same as the humans created on the sixth day. They were created "in the day that God made the earth and the heavens", which is the second day. Were they a different set of humans from those created on the sixth day or were they originally some sort of cosmic deities?
(Sekh: There is a wonderful little story about these "other creations". For the life of me, I cannot remember what it was called, but it explains these "others". If you would like to read it, let me know and I will find it.)
In the Babylonian Creation myth, heaven and earth were the severed halves of a dead monster known as Tiamat. Since these two inanimate chunks of corpse did not give birth to any children, Babylonian myth cannot serve as a prototype for the biblical story. But, if we look to the Heliopolitan Creation Myth, we find some of the source material for the second biblical Creation story.
(Sekh: Keep in mind that there are many variations of the Genesis story. The one we know in the Bible is not the only one that early Christians knew of...and certainly not the only one known to those of the Old Testament. The Pentateuch is formed by at least 4 different authors. Genesis, if my knowledge is correct, is based on two of these authors accounts. Moses did not write the Pentateuch. Genesis, again if I am correct, was written by the P and J authors. But, honestly I cannot remember...)
According to Heliopolitans, Geb (earth) and Nut (heaven) had three sons - Osiris, Set (or Seth), and Horus - and two daughters.
(Sekh: Seth is clearly the prototype for Satan. And if you know the story of Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Seth and their battles, it becomes even more clear.)
The relationships among members of this family play an important role in Egyptian mythology. One story tells how Geb and Nut disobeyed the chief deity and how he punished Nut with difficulties in childbirth. (Sekh: Interesting, n'est-ce pas?) Another tells how Shu (the sky, son of Atum and father of Geb) pulled Nut from Geb's body and separated heaven and earth. And still another tells of how one of the brothers killed one of the other brothers, and how the third brother founded the line of legitmate heirs to the Egyptian Throne. (Sekh: Somewhat reminiscent of the blood line of David...)
To be continued...
3/2/2008 11:21:43 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Myth 18, contintued.
These plot lines should sound familiar to those who know the story of Adam and Eve. God separated Eve from the body of Adam; the two of them disobeyed God's order; God punished Eve with difficulties in childbirth; Adam and Eve had three sons - Cain, Abel, Seth - one of whom murdered one of the others and the third of whom went on to found the line of heirs from Adam to Abraham.
The two genealogical patterns coincide so closely that one can't help but conclude that the Egyptian Model influenced Genesis. This means that Adam and Eve had an original incarnation as the Egyptian deities Geb and Nut and their three sons corresponded to the three sons of Geb and Nut.
Later biblical editors, however, had problems in presenting these stories about ancient Egyptian Deities. On the one hand, the Hebrews were monotheistic and didn't believe in these gods; on the other hand, these stories were widespread and well-known. The biblical editors hit upon the solution of demystifying the deities and recasting their stories as they were about humans instead of gods.
Subsequently, when they attempted to integrate the two biblical Creation stories into a single continuous account, they reworked the stories so as to convey the impression that Adam and Eve were the first humans, identical with the humans born on the sixth day, which interpretation has remained highly influential throughout history among Jewish and Christian theologians. Yet, despite the editor's skillful and successful efforts, we still see a good deal of the original mythological symbolism.
(Sekh: Let us consider for a moment the names Adam and Eve. Now, we know that the name Adam actually comes from the Hebrew word which means red-earth or earth. So we have Earth and we have the Sky. Eve is just another word for night sky, after all. Yep.)
3/2/2008 11:24:19 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
I will be posting more from the book later this week.
And the next one will be: Myth #20 (then I will go to the myths mentioned in the previous posts...) God Planted a Tree of Life and a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 