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2/17/2008 4:50:22 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

New Auburn, WI
age: 29

Thanks for all your views. You all have a good point that is why
this is a subject I need to study. I am single been single for two
years. I get strong sexual feeling all the way to throbing. What i
dont get is what if i never marrie again that means I can never
be pleased sexual.

2/19/2008 5:39:58 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Rocky Face, GA
age: 52

i thank it would be ok if ya was thanking about water falls or trees. however, thats not the case. there was one that said if it was wrong God would made our arms shorter.

2/19/2008 6:54:22 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Clinton, TN
age: 38

Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Mathew 5:28 (niv)

2/20/2008 3:39:00 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Ajo, AZ
age: 53

This is a thought provoking question, with many thoughtful answers posted. It is indeed a very tough subject, but may be very important to spiritual and social growth. I would like to add my two cents worth.

I once heard a respectable Christian minister say that a healthy appetite for sex is like any other needful appetite, and I tend to agree. If we did not ever feel hungry for food, we would shrivel up and blow away in the wind -- prematurely When we are hungry for food and the food is well cooked, properly spiced and prepared, we even salivate in anticipation. We just have to eat! It would seem to me that the same holds true for our God given appetite for sex. The difference is that, if we are a single Christian, we look around and see all these "dishes" and if we were to fulfill our hunger without knowing and taking seriously the step we take into becoming one with that person, this is fornication -- having sex with one or many partners at the same time. And, if one feels that having sex before marriage is wrong, that would be considered fornication, as well.

I also think there is some significance in the fact that for some (many? most?) sexual arousal can occur without a lot of fantisizing, especially after long periods, but then
there is the next step in doing something about it. It's really hard to say
So, the point I am trying to make is that though maybe it is not ideal, masterbation may be the lesser of two evils.

Much more can be said here about such things as what are the feelings that exists between a husband and wife before and during sex. Are these thoughts also lust? I have even heard it said that it is possible to have wrong lustful thoughts about a marriage partner.

2/20/2008 7:02:37 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Hickory, NC
age: 55

I am not a man ,but a mom and I no children will have what we call wet dreams
so I say some is a naturel thing.

2/21/2008 9:20:27 AM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Glendale, AZ
age: 19

"Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Mathew 5:28"

In this passage, lust isn't pointed out to be the sin committed. It's adultery. I believe this verse illustrates how easy it is to fall to this. We definitly shouldn't go around with lustful thoughts as it brings us temptation. Then after letting these types of things stew in your mind, the deed is done before you know it. And thats what you should be avoiding. Its bad to look at women lustfully because of the actions that can manifest later. Thats why its better to keep these thoughts out of our minds, pray to the lord to help this.

I don't see what sin would be committed lusting after your wife / husband. But you might want to make sure your not in that relationship because of lust, of course.

2/21/2008 2:48:43 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

New Auburn, WI
age: 29

if u get pleasure with using a hand or a toy and not think about a person is that differant? think of the object u are using. I think this is what some of the others
are talking about.

2/22/2008 4:58:44 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 29

I dont believe that this is a sin, I understand what the bible says, and it refers to it being one. But I would rather someone masterbate then give into other sexual temptations and have sex of some kind, or do something they may regret later. Sex is also a high, and i believe once the craving is satisfied your thought and whats on your mind changes.

3/5/2008 6:13:23 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Tinley Park, IL
age: 43

IF you are walking in the spirit, why would the flesh even need to take over? Even if it did, we are supposed to tame our flesh, and not give it always what it wants, simple as that. As we crucify the flesh, we exalt the lord, and feed our spirit man. God will honor your discipline and diligence. He will bless you in other areas of your life for making the right decisions. I know we are human, and it may be sometimes difficult to deal with the flesh issues in this life.

3/6/2008 3:11:51 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Gainesville, GA
age: 43

I beleive that self gratification is sinful. Sexual or otherwise . We are supposed to die to self. I know that the bible says nothing about masterbation, but the thoughts that go along with it are spoke about by Jesus Himself. I prefer to keep myself pure for the person that God wants me to be with. I think that is the most precious gift that you could give your soulmate. The Lord has delivered me from drugs and alcohol and I thought I would be a saint after these were gone from my life. It has been over 2 1/2 years since my last drink or drug. In this time the holy Spirit has convicted me of other charictor defects I have. The main one would have to be sexual imorality. So now by the power of Christ We are concoring it together.

3/10/2008 7:10:31 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Raleigh, NC
age: 42

Go Soulja, now it took a 19 year old to just lay it on the line plane and simple. It is a sin. and no need to go into long theology about this just read your bible.much love

3/13/2008 7:06:43 AM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Texas City, TX
age: 40

Hi souljah,
I think it's amazing that you have a strong conviction about this, considering your age and gender. Are you married?

3/13/2008 11:53:51 AM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Laconia, NH
age: 65

Wow! Such wisdom and restraint in a 19 year old! You make a good case and I commend you. God Bless You!

3/14/2008 4:37:09 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Lampasas, TX
age: 65

In answer to the question: Is sexual self-pleasure a sin? My body says no, but my conscience says yes. I believe that I am a 'true' Christian. I belong to God and therefore, am a child of God. Am I perfect. Not yet, but will be when I leave this earth. I try to be the best person that I can while I am here, but know that I can be better. I want others to see Christ in me and to please my Lord and God above all. First and foremost I want to be like God wants me to be, not the way my flesh demands. I give in to temptations like the next person, so we all fall short of the glory of God. I believe that God knows how hard it is to rebuke Satan. Even in the body He was tempted, and I believe He had a lot more ability to deny temptation than we do, because He was God in the flesh. I want to be loved like any normal woman and I ask myself what is worse, going out and having sex just for the pleasure of it or taking care of my need myself. Abstaining is difficult to say the least and I wonder if that is what we as Christians are supposed to do if we are single. After all, Jesus said that there is a way that seems right to a man, but it leads to death. So, is it the devil that gives us these urges if we are not married? And, I commend the young man who has posted here who is only 19 years old. He is indeed a wise, learned soul and while all of us may excuse our flesh desires as 'right', some people know that it is not. Romans 8:1 says, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. (KJV). And Romans 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit. I wonder how Billy Graham would answer this question.

3/14/2008 4:48:20 PM Is sexual self pleasure a sin?  

Lampasas, TX
age: 65

In answer to the question: Is sexual self-pleasure a sin? My body says no, but my spirit says yes. I believe that I am a 'true' Christian. I belong to God and therefore, am a child of God. Am I perfect. Not yet, but will be when I leave this earth. I try to be the best person that I can while I am here, but know that I can be better. I want others to see Christ in me and to please my Lord and God above all. First and foremost I want to be like God wants me to be, not the way my flesh demands. I give in to temptations like the next person, so we all fall short of the glory of God. And, I believe that God knows how hard it is to rebuke Satan. Even in the body He was tempted, and I believe He had a lot more ability to deny temptation than we do, because He was God in the flesh. I want to be loved like any normal woman and I ask myself what is worse, going out and having sex just for the pleasure of it or taking care of the desire myself. Abstaining is difficult to say the least and I believe that is what we as Christians are supposed to do if we are single. After all, Jesus said that there is a way that seems right to a man, but it leads to death. I commend the young man who has posted here who is only 19 years old. He is indeed a wise, learned soul and while all of us may excuse our flesh desires as 'right', as Christians we know that it is not. Romans 8:1 says, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. (KJV). And Romans 8:5: For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit.

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