3/18/2008 11:47:42 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Springfield, OR
age: 56
I am a single mom and 56yrs old I have sole coustody of my four stepchildren, their father has passed away and their Bio mom has mental issues. So in order to give these kids a hance at a decent life I have them. Yes for those of you out there it is hard not to have the support of family. That feeling of being alone. Well I miss being close to someone special. I don't date, with four kids I just don't have time. But I do find time for myself going snowmobiling and white water rafting. Just spending the time outdoors doing something phyical helps with the loneliness. Good luck to all you single parents out there. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully someday your child will tell you how much they appreate you and all the things that you have done for them. One of mine did this last Christmas it was the best present ever.
3/18/2008 11:50:46 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Springfield, OR
age: 56
Oh by the way I am very involved with my kids lives, I am a soccer, baseball, wrestling, brownie mom and the mom who always is there for the kids, supporting them in any (legal) activitiy they may decide take part in.
3/19/2008 9:05:21 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
I'm a single Mom..My boys ages 7 and 4 are my life..their father isnt in the picture at all. He left the USA advoids child support that way and his kids..nice guy hey..anyways
as far as feeling lonely I dont. Having my boys how can I be lonely, its not possible for me. I am content for now. However I am open to a relationship one that would be serious. No time for part time BS..know what I mean..anyways best to you all
3/24/2008 3:14:33 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Achille, OK
age: 20
I'm a single mom of two boys it does get lonely. Mainly when you need someone there to back you up or give you a break.
3/24/2008 9:24:02 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Reedsburg, WI
age: 44
I know I would love to have a man in my life, but not just for my well being, for my kids' sake too. Mom here gets too emotional someimes cause I never have anyone to just talk to or to get a hug from when the stress is too much. My kids end up getting away with murder when I get too burned out to deal with it all. (which is becoming more frequent the older I get) I miss the closeness, the little things...I'm just asking for too much to have someone to love & who'll love me back I guess. excuse me now, I need to go & cry in private...thanks for listening.
3/25/2008 2:15:33 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Asheville, NC
age: 44
i know how you fell i am a single dad of 4 kids we all need that alone time some time a hug and a kiss can go a long way i fell some time no one wont me because i have kids are just the way that i look it should not be that way.
[Edited 3/25/2008 2:20:24 PM]
3/25/2008 5:13:45 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Durant, OK
age: 47
I have been a single parent since my son was born and now he is 13. and he is my whole life and yes i am not a perfect parent cause i did go out to the bars from time to time with friends, but my son never was in danger he was at his friends or his dad's house. and if i say so i really think i have raised a wonderful young man, you would have to meet him or me to see us and see that we are doing wonderful. I have not dated since 2004 so to me that is a long time and yes i do get lonely but once i think about being with someone it is a lot of work.lol single parent ok for now.
3/25/2008 6:14:35 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Loganville, GA
age: 43
I have been a single parent for 13 years. My son just turned 18 and we are very close. I've cried myself to sleep many nights in the past but have found a great church that keeps me busy now that my son is not home as much. But still ...... to have someone to turn to when you have a rough day and get a nice warm hug to comfort you would be awesome!
3/27/2008 7:46:52 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 27
The issue I seem to run into with dating single mothers is parenting techniques. I have my son...I get nothing but compliments about my son. I feel so much pride in being his father that I often tear up at wierd moments thinking about him.
Point Being....I am set in my views as a parent. I am more than willing to helpa single mother raise a child(ren), but I will not criticize the way she raises that child(ren), I will just keep my mouth shut. Once I notice enough differances in parenting views, I just walk away. I am friends with them, but I tell them it is not for me to judge how they raise their child(ren), but I can't have my son in that situation.
It is a wide variety of issues....mother's who let toddlers drink from their mixed drinks, yell at their kids, tell their kids they hate them, hit their kids, don't read to their kids, put themselves first....the list goes on and on.
It gets tiring.
3/27/2008 5:07:31 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Fultondale, AL
age: 48
Yes it get lonely somtimes, specially when you are alone and your kids are my boys age. I have two boys 17 and 14, and they are in their own little world. I keep myself busy, doing things around the house, and talking with my friends on here. I do get out sometimes but I do not go to bars, and that is not a place to meet someone. So my heart goes out to all of the single parents that get lonely. And needs that HUGG from a male or female.....TO say you are special and I care.....about You....
May God Bless Single Parents!!!!!! 
3/28/2008 7:48:15 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Woodland, CA
age: 54
My wife passed away 7 months ago and I've had my two boys 14 & 15 every day since then. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes. We went to my sisters last weekend (100 miles away from here) and my boys hung out with her kids and I actually went out on a date with my high school girl friend Saturday. Our last date was 35 years ago. I've been pretty involved with my kids Boy Scout troop (one stayed in after his mother died and one dropped out and has recently rejoined), they penciled me in to drive when they go camping in a couple of weeks. When they asked me I said I hadn't planned on going because this will be my first weekend without 100% responsability and I just want to kick back and relax. I might go out or I might just stay home and do nothing, I'm not sure yet. Raising my kids to be men with values is a tough job.
3/29/2008 3:00:34 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Newfane, NY
age: 40
I'm a "glass half full" type of person...rather than focus on the negative points, I emphasis the positives.
...no one is there to criticize me for the way I parent
...no one is there to potentially abuse my children when I am not around (abuse in all senses, from physical to mental to sexual).
...my kids and I have our own schedule - we don't have to work around someone elses work/sleep schedule.
I had a boyfriend for three years - he lived with us for one of them. He did not abuse them in any way, but the other two things did happen.
In all honesty , I feel I am a better mom being single...far better even, than I was when I was married to their father. I have a great network of friends for my social life, and my parents are close by to help out when I need something.
My kids are older, the youngest is 12....but I've been single for 7 years now.
3/29/2008 3:16:41 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Dallas, TX
age: 28
Well, my kids live with their mom in Florida. She doesnt even let me talk to my daughter...i and my son is only 10 months. I dont know hows my daughter cause my ex is a freaking bipolar b*tch who its killing me by doing this. She doesnt even want the money for child support...she just want me to dissapera from my kids life....i miss my daughter sooo much cause we use to play hide and seek.....the lil boy....when he was born her mom and me were not together....so i didnt spent much time with him but i love him anyways.....i dont know why she is doing this to me....but its hurting me like crazy and makes me feel lonely...
4/1/2008 9:41:09 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Anchorage, AK
age: 42
I felt some loneliness when my kids reached teen age years. they were out with their friends more and more and I was left wondering what to do with my time. But I made up my mind to start enjoying the freedom and it's been a blast. now their gone and I only see em on rare occasion , we have so much fun filling each other in on what's new. I don't get lonely anymore because I'm happy to be with me. I read David Burn book Feeling Good . Maybe it could help . Good Luck 
Rain Bubbles
4/2/2008 7:04:51 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Natchitoches, LA
age: 25
Well I am not single in a since because I am married,but when u r with a guy that potentially doesnt want any kids that is not his own then u start to consider yourself as a single parent. So, do I feel lonely about being a single parent? Hell No! because my kids are my reason for living if it had not been for them somedays my life would be a trainwreck. My 6yr old is my constant help,my star, she is absolutely the light in my eye.At times I look at them and wonder how could something so perfect come from two imperfect people.but when times seem harder than they really are look to the sky and thank your heavenly father for that/those blessings and everything will work out.Your kids should make everyday of your life so full of joy that when u feel lonely it won't last long not even a sec. bye bye