2/14/2008 6:08:58 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Stoney Creek, ON
age: 45
I recieved custody of my son at the age of 2 1/2 years.
He had been physicaly and emotionally abused I stepped forward for my Son and he came live with me at 2 1/2 years old.
I recieved full custody with all comunication and visitation at my dicretion.
His Mother ceased any and all comunication and has not tried to contact him he is 12 now and I am feeling the need for female companionship in my life and will admit that I am lonely for the taste and smell of a Women.
2/15/2008 1:50:18 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Plymouth, MI
age: 54
I am in a very simular situation. Mom had a change in lifes priorities 4 years ago (drugs and alcohol). I tried like hell to fix her (you know guys always try to fix things),well 5 failed rehabs, and 1 bankrucy later I had had enough. So I went to the courts and got full Parentship and she got supervised visitation(supervisors of my choice). If you get a chance to read my profile you'll see how I view love. There's the love you surely feel for your son..but then there is that other kind of love that's reserved for a woman. It is without a doubt lonely as hell.
I try to stay as social as I can....I get involved with as much School activities as I am able too,coach soccer and I'm even a "Brownie Mom"(want to buy some Girl Scout cookies?) It is suprising how many divorced single moms are involved in those venues as well.
Hang in there man.......until it happens just love your son after all he's what it's all about.
2/27/2008 1:07:53 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Apache Junction, AZ
age: 34
yes it can feel lonely i am, a single mom im taking classes to become a medical assistant my children do get alot of my time when im not in school but i wouldnt change it for anything in the world but sometimes there is that time when you finally have a moment for yourself when you just need to be close to another adult or you need a supportive word or just a hug yes it gets lonely hmmmmm.......
2/27/2008 7:15:10 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
It's just been me and my daughter for 12 yrs now, I've had no serious relationships in this time either, I've had a few dates here and there. I've been divorced for 18 years so I'm pretty used to the single life. I don't mind it for the most part and my daughter gets my full attention and I set a good example for her by the fact I'm not out bar-hopping and whoring around. She's my priority and when she's grown and on her own then perhaps love will find me. Yes at times it's lonely - but I'm never alone...
2/27/2008 8:57:41 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Plymouth, MI
age: 54
You're a great mom Stormy
2/27/2008 9:17:33 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
Awwwwwwwww thanks goodintention as I'm certain you're an awesome father!
2/28/2008 5:15:55 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

North Little Rock, AR
age: 36
It weighs heavier @ different times than other. At 2am, it was extrememly heavy.
2/28/2008 10:45:44 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Fremont, NE
age: 37
Yes, it does.
I have had sole custody of my child.
Her sperm donor decided to exit when i was 6 mnths pregnant. And never have seen him again. Tried to locate him for the first 2 yrs, but finally gave up. Its hard especially if you are a single parent in a location where you dont have family or someone you know real well. Hard sometimes to get a break. But she is the best part of my life. She will be 5 in March.
2/29/2008 10:28:11 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Kalamazoo, MI
age: 39
I didn't start dating until my son was 4 years old. I've had some dates, but like Stormy I have always tried to set a good example for my son. I am not the bar fly type of girl, and my life truly is centered around being a good example for my son. I don't want him to grow up and think that is what happens when you are an adult. And I don't want him to think that bringing a new man (in his case, a girl) home every night.
But yes it does get lonely.
3/3/2008 9:35:23 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Cedar Hill, MO
age: 36
I'm a single mother of my darling 3 year old daughter. Dad is in the picture but mostly just for 8 hours on Sundays. Between working a 40 hour week and spending time with my daughter (which I love btw) there's not a whole heck of a lot left for me. If I'm lucky I get out twice a month with my friends, but usually it's only once. There are definitely times when the house is quiet and there's no one to call that I miss being close to someone. I miss being able to feel the heat emanating from a body nearby.
3/4/2008 11:26:15 AM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Lincoln Park, MI
age: 43
I think all of us parents deserve a standing round of applauds. Its nice to hear others feel the same way I do. Our children are our priority, life wouldnt be half as fun without them. My child keeps asking about a father figure, I tell her when its time, God will send him to us or us to him. Just anyone wont do, he has to be specail for both of us. Till then we endure the lonely times. I know I would love to have a shoulder to lean on in the evenings and a body to cuddle up to at night but again, not just anyone will do. Wait for that right one, I hear its worth it.
3/4/2008 12:29:11 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Plymouth, MI
age: 54
I think I could only date a single mom, because she would understand and not ask any questions while I was cutting up her meat or putting butter on her dinner roll while we were out to dinner.
A single parents job is never done.
God Bless single parents
3/4/2008 7:15:20 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Yes, being a single parent is very lonely at times. But my children and I are so much better off than we were when I was married. Sometimes I wish I had a man here to share with some of the responsiblity - and some of the joys and sometimes the kids wish they had a daddy..... but that's just so hard to picture! I do date, but so far I've been able to keep from getting serious about anyone. I hate bing single and do want to be married again someday... but not right now....I joke w/ my friends and tell them that I've set my wedding date... April 14, 2018... that's the day after my youngest son turns 18!! That gives me PLENTY of time to find the right guy!! 
3/17/2008 1:24:28 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
why is it that everyone who is here is "lonely"?
i have been by myself for a long time and i don't understand how you can be lonely and have kids to raise?
maybe you need some more hobbies or maybe you need to take some more time out and spend it with your children like i do. my life is too busy raising 4 kids by myself to worry about being lonely and needing anyone else in my life besides my kids.
you may get mad you may not...either way i really don't care. i'm just stating my opinion.
3/17/2008 4:10:02 PM |
Does Single Parenting Feel Lonely To You Too Sometimes? |

Newman, CA
age: 29
WOW, Im glad 2 know that others go thru the same as I. Im single with a 7 yr old boy. I have no family 2 help,and its not exactly easy to meet people in a small town youre not from. I have a few friends but not people I see often. I feal extremely lonely and look 4ward 2 the day I can have sum1 2 share life with.