Grand Junction, CO
age: 54
Saw an ad about online dating when I was about to log on, looked at it, thought about it and just wanted to share it...
Copy the link below and see what you think.. I found it interesting... it's not an opinion, it's just an article... I'll let you beautiful and bold ones check it out, then let's see if it's worth a discussion..
I did find it interesting and thought provoking.. Enjoy...

Grand Junction, CO
age: 54
First portion of the Article.... Below......
The Online Dating Game
If you're looking for a mate or just for midlife romance, which is more essential, authenticity or a zippy online profile? MORE asked two dating mavens for their secrets to court-and-spark survival.
By Katherine Lanpher
Dating's Different Now
Leslie Oren, 43 and single, wrote Fine, I'll Go Online! The Hollywood Publicist's Guide to Successful Internet Dating.
Allison Armstrong, 47 and married, founded PAX Programs, workshops to help women and men understand one another.
MORE: How is dating different now?
OREN: Our criteria have changed. In my 20s, my criteria was good kissing. As you get older, you look at lifestyle and intelligence. And does he have children or want them? So, you have to remember to have fun.
ARMSTRONG: Yes. After 40, women get intense. We have to nurture the playful energy that came more naturally when we were younger.
MORE: What's behind that intensity?
ARMSTRONG: Because of hormonal changes, women become more serious. Also, women kick ass. They become more confident and expressive. Men are attracted to that, which also shows up in dating after 40. We are incredibly attractive to younger men.
OREN: That's true. And, although we become more discriminating, maturity also gives us the freedom to be a little less discriminating. I'm not looking for someone who can support me financially, for example.
MORE: What do we even mean by dating these days?
OREN: If you're out with a man and you have a plan to spend time together, that's a date.
ARMSTRONG: When you can say you're on a date and the other person doesn't look at you funny, you're on a date. But the trickiest thing for women is to date. Women tend to be the Velcro of the universe. We pull up at a stop sign alongside someone and start a relationship. I try to teach women to enjoy an evening or an afternoon with someone; if you'd like to see him again, tell him he can call anytime. Then let it go. Go back to your life, and love your life.
OREN: It's easy to confuse dating with the hope for a relationship. That hopefulness is like a third person on the date with you.

Denton, TX
age: 54
Yes, I read this article in MORE....very inlightening. I agree dating in your 20s is very different than in 50 and 60.