Gresham, OR
age: 19
Her heart was pounding as she bolted through the streets of the city. It was a maze of people, carts, and animals that were bustling with life and energy. Sounds exploded in her mind, the wind rushing through her hair, and the scent..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
of freshly baked goods flooded the world around her. This was the life she craved, a free one in which to move about as you pleased.
Running always brought her such joy, just as it was doing now. She could run and run with that feeling of sheer bliss that she got. The one where her heart truly felt free and her feet could carry her into new worlds away from her own sheltered castle life. These feet could carry her straight into the arms of her lover, whom she was forbidden to see.
"Today he will take me away"
There was so much light upon her face, showing only the purest of joy. The way her cheeks flushed just right and her eyes sparkled with that radiance she only got when thinking of him. A child's love, the most untainted thing.
"Today, Surely today I will be with him forever"
White pedals danced upon the ground as the crowd began to clear. She was getting closer, he was guiding her. Those pedals were theirs and theirs alone, a sign of their love. He knew her favorite flower by heart.
A large hoof suddenly slammed down upon the lovely pedals crushing them into the ground. The royal guards were out to return the princess to the castle. They were coming to take her back, back to that stone cage that choked the life from her.
They were drawing nearer to her, she could feel the ground shaking and hear the quick thundering of hooves upon the dirt road as the horses were driven onward.
Tears were threatening to flood her eyes. Her heart was sinking fast and her feet failed her. Tripping she fell face first into the dirt. She wouldn't be able to make it to the end of the road that left the city. Surely they would be upon her and she would be whisked away.
"I will die in that place"
Softly as if the wind itself had whispered it she heard her name being called. Faintly it fought to bring courage back to her heart. She stood up and looked into the distance. There at the very tip of the road before it vanished away into the sky stood a shadow waiting.
"It must be him"
The noise grew stronger and people began to scream from behind her. They were pointing and running away from a giant cloud of fog that was nearly black in color. It seemed to be alive as it arched upward like a mouth and consumed the buildings it passed over. Mina began to run her heart flittering in panick. That thing looked dangerous, there was no telling what lurked behind such darkness. It was coming in from the north side of the city and closing in fast
She didnt bother to turn around. Atleast three horsement were behind her heels and galloping up fast. Just ahead she could hear Celtico calling to her, his hand outstretched in fear. That thing was right behind her now and quickly overtook two of the horsemen. Then sorrounded her and the final man on horseback. Mina didnt know what was worse facing the guard or having the fog at her back. There was a tense chill up her spine as the mist circled around them. A shadow bolted around near the horse spooking it. Rearing upwards it knocked the rider into the darkness and then charged away blindly past Mina. A hand reached out from behind her and grabbed her arm. "princess" She screamed but was quickly pulled into the arms of a close friend. Cloud covered her mouth.
"shhhh. come with me"