2/21/2008 10:53:02 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Elizabethton, TN
48, joined Oct. 2007
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work! Really, does she? Well, she must not have been standing by her man in 1993 when he made NAFTA's passage "A legislative priority." Do we really need him back in the White House? Can that be good for Americans? Could any democrat be good for America? You can do something about it...VOTE!! Republican!! Julia

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2/21/2008 12:58:38 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Hillsboro, TN
65, joined Sep. 2007
The only thing Hillary wants is POWER, she could care less for the American people, the 35 yrs of experience she speaks of is nothing but B/S, name one piece of meaningful legislation that she introduced and got passed that was for the benefit of all Americans, she is full of S**T and her husband too,most of the problems, (major issues we face today ) were caused by Bill Clinton, he gutted the military, he did nothing when our troops were attacked in Yemen, that was an act of war, we should have taken out that piece of real estate from the face of this world, but I know that politics is a power play,but we the people will have the say on who will become our next President.
Politics....let's see...poli = many, tics = means blood sucking creatures and that is how I view the Clinton's..total pieces of waste, sorry if I offended anyone, but the American Criminal Liberties Union will protect them regardless, where will the next Abe Lincoln come from??????
[Edited 2/21/2008 3:52:31 PM ]
2/21/2008 7:16:32 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |

Farmington, IL
54, joined Dec. 2007
Somebody will have to dish out the food in all of the soup lines!
2/21/2008 10:40:34 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Hermitage, AR
41, joined Jan. 2008
Nope don't believe her one bit.She is really trying to dig up votes,on the other hand there is Obama ,muslium (or how ever you spell it) / wanna be christian .He is the one to really worry about. The aclu(American criminal liberals union) lets please call them by there real name,ok? any hoose they the dems/libs really wont to end the U.S. by giveing it to the enemy.Attacking christians their/our beliefs, but yet the aclu will fight for the muslims rights to do what they want , what happend to this country, our fore fathers didn't have this in the big picture, we are not a country who should back down from tyrants we should stand up for the ones who have no voice and punch that fool in the mouth and tell them to like it. but that should also be the last resort , but let them know we mean it,and not back down like BILL CLINTON! Thank you and good night
2/22/2008 12:34:56 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |


Marble Falls, TX
66, joined Sep. 2007
when hillary is talking about putting people to work shes talking about the illegals she wants to give amnesty to.The rest of us she and nancy pelosi want to tax to sopport the programs to feed the illegals.
2/22/2008 10:50:11 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Gardendale, TX
68, joined Jan. 2008
Doctor's Convention
A Japanese doctor says,
"Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him out looking for work in six weeks."
A German doctor says,
"That is nothing. We can take a lung out of one person, put it in another,
and have him out looking for work in four weeks."
A British doctor says,
"In my country medicine is so advanced we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have both of them out
looking for work in two weeks."
The American doctor, not to be outdone, interjected,
"You guys are way behind. We are about to take a woman with no brains,
send her to Washington where she will become President, and then half
the country will be out looking for work in one week."
2/22/2008 1:02:35 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |

Ingram, TX
63, joined Jul. 2007
Well put! retpm, The lack of retaliation during the Clinton years is what emboldened the Jihadists. They thought we were a bunch of pussies! It's a good thing we had GW in office when we were attacked! SURPRISE!!
Hillary WILL put us all to work. To pay for all the entitlements the dems want to impose, we'll have to work our BUTTS off.
2/22/2008 5:10:51 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Hillsboro, TN
65, joined Sep. 2007
Thank you for the kind words...but what is need now more than ever, is for Congress to pass legislation to regulate the Insurance Industry of America...the country needs full protection for their families so that they can enjoy a standard in quality health care , quality of life...we need Congress to pass legislation that makes coverage for all availble and affordable, no B/S process, Keep the gov't out of it, you make your own decisions about what Doctor to see,what coverage is best for you, then there will be no higher taxes imposed on us, each of us should be able to go after the best help available to receive the best care possible...thus...the Insurance Co's will have to tell their shareholders, we are not going to make that much profit from now on, there are at least 60-70 million baby boomers about to retire...they have made a fortune off us over the years, well its pay back time and they need to be open and have complete disclosure about their practices and exactly how they conduct company business and make filing a claim as easy as filling out one's address, if I decide to call the company over the phone, I want to speak to someone, not listen to a computer giving me options that you can barely understand. This Industry has had its way for the last hundred years,
its time to hold them accountable for every policy they write.And no, we can't afford Hillary, nor can we afford how dangerous she is...think about it !!!
[Edited 2/22/2008 5:11:44 PM ]
2/27/2008 7:17:35 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |

Farmington, IL
54, joined Dec. 2007
I don't make alot of money. Actually, you may say that I'm below the poverty level. I have health care though. I got off of my ass, joined the Army, and did my duty. I have my medical through the VA. Granted, the VA has problems, but what government agency doesn't? Those that piss and moan about not having insurance or not able to afford it, I ask this, What did you do to earn it?
3/3/2008 2:35:48 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Taylor, MI
64, joined Feb. 2008
Hell, most Americas are working. Under Hill-Bill's next regime we'll all end up on welfare. That's the plan. She's a fascist, Obama's a communist, and McCain is McCain. Two leftists and a fence sitter. What a country.
3/10/2008 6:34:46 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |

Ingram, TX
63, joined Jul. 2007
I'm self employed carried my own health insurance for years. Didn't get to write off the expense against income, until recently (we can now write off a portion- corporations write it all off) When my business slowed down I HAD to make cuts in my expenses. Healthcare was costing me over $400 a month. I then got hurt & now I have huge hospital bills AND no coverage. (A rock & a hard place) It costs me thousands in taxes and insurance just to have a business whether I make money or not. I certinly don't CHOOSE to not have coverage, at $450 a month I simply can't afford it.
But I still don't want the goernment involved!
[Edited 3/10/2008 6:52:20 PM ]
3/13/2008 3:13:26 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |


Marble Falls, TX
66, joined Sep. 2007
hillaries plan is YOU buy insurance or the gov will fine you.Not the gov supplies it.
3/13/2008 8:35:04 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Poquoson, VA
71, joined Sep. 2007
I will jump on the soap box and never stop shouting when I see what has happened to blue collar job opportunities in our great country. In the early 1990s the Clintonites called it management reengineering, restructuring, or working smart. I call it lies and one of the worst hoaxes ever imposed on the American Public. It was during the reign of the Clintons that factories closed and jobs went overseas. I have an idiot brother-in-law who works for a well established American company who is actually proud of himself in the role he plays in moving what were once American jobs overseas. In the 1990s I voiced my concern over this and an idiot Clintonite told me they can always find jobs in food service. Food service is an honorable profession provided that is what one wants to do and not forced to do. I say this to point out the cold indifference of the Clintonites. Anybody that believes Hilary will put you back to work as a rude awakening coming.
7/1/2008 1:47:06 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Portland, OR
26, joined Jun. 2008
Yeah I personally thought all along Hilary was a b*tch..especially to Obama, I deff don't like how she treated him by chewing him up and spitting him back out...that to me is just rude when you attack somebody's religion.... well if all of you want to see the REAL Hilary, you should read her book called "The Marriage" I think she wrote the book herself on her and Bill Clintons marrriage yeah let me tell you I read the whole thing and I was in shock when I read soem of the things she did as well as Bill..my GOD! ARE THEY THAT DISFUCTIONAL!!
7/1/2008 4:36:09 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Minneapolis, MN
59, joined Feb. 2008
Oh hell yeah...and then some!!!!
8/6/2008 7:52:15 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Tullahoma, TN
71, joined Jul. 2008
I love it, I finally found people who know what the hell is going on!!!! I served 20yrs in the US Army....the oath I took says to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America against enemies both foreign AND domestic....the majority of the congress is ready to give this country to whom ever wants it...they think the power and money they have will protect them from harm..they don't realize the people who are taking it over don't give a rats a-- about their money or their power......we are going to have to literal fight our way out of this if it doesn't get cut off soon!! just my opinion they screwed us over in nam and they are screwing over these kids now!!! NUKE ALL OF EM into a glass factory!!
8/6/2008 2:32:18 PM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |

Farmington, IL
54, joined Apr. 2008
A woman, married three times, walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding.
"Of course, madam," replied the sales clerk, "exactly what type and color are you looking for?"
The bride to be said: "A long frilly white dress with a veil."
The sales clerk hesitated a bit, then said, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time - for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean? Perhaps ivory or sky blue would be nice?"
"Well," replied the customer, a little peeved at the clerk's directness, "I can assure you that a white gown would be quite appropriate . Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as a first time bride. You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our hotel. My second husband and I got into such a terrible fight in the limo on our way to our honeymoon that we had that wedding annulled immediately and never spoke to each other again."
"What about your third husband?" asked the sales clerk.
"That one was a Democrat," said the woman, "and every night for four years, he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be, but nothing ever happened..."
8/17/2008 7:21:32 AM |
Hillary wants to put Americans back to work!!! |
Sumner, GA
61, joined Aug. 2008
that is a good one ! hil cli is bad enough . obama is worse than lbj , carter , b clinton put together .