2/21/2008 12:42:50 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
I tatooed "your name" on my penis!
It bruised in 3 places. Yeah, it hurt!!! But it healed up surprisinlgy fast, like a week.
2/27/2008 6:34:52 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Hellertown, PA
age: 19
Oww!!! I'm not a guy.. but that hurts just thinking about it. Was it awkward? Lol I can just imagine walking into a shop going, can you tattoo "your name" on my penis. 
2/28/2008 10:15:31 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
 Thanks for the response! 
Yeah, I called and asked if the tattoo parlor could do that, and what risks there are.
He said it is not anymore risky than other parts as long as it didn't get infected, then it won't be a problem.
But he said that he would charge a $500 handling fee! I can't blame the dude though!   
So, I decided to make a tattoo gun and do it myself. And I did! Ouch.....
That was a bit awkward to say the least.
I got about half way through before it wanted to do the "TURTLE" and try to retreat!!!
That's when it got scary, it is hard to tattoo, on rolling skin....
But I got it done! I could give more details but not here on the forum....Well not this one anyways....    
Have a wonderful day, gnomie!!!   
3/2/2008 6:07:15 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 26
[Edited 3/2/2008 6:07:48 PM]
3/2/2008 7:29:00 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Hellertown, PA
age: 19
Lol, $500. That's nuts, but I guess for playing with another guys d*ck..everyone's got their prices, huh? I can't imagine there'd be a lot of risks. It would just be an awkward place to tattoo. Well I'm glad its healing okay though. More power to you. lol. Defiantely something I'm way to chicken to do.. well I don't have a penis but you know what I mean.
3/3/2008 4:58:14 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
Now there's a brave man (a little masochistic Maybe)..
Why 'your name'?
I wonder how women respond to this, well the ones who get to see it I mean... hmmm
3/4/2008 10:43:23 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
The reason why is so I can use it as a pick up line!
"Hi, my name is Rob. What is your name?".......--------- "OH, MY GOSH!!!! NO WAY!!!"
"Hey, baby, you won't believe this but I have your name tattooed on my penis."
Hopefully, in her disbelief, she will ask to see!
See how well that might work? Besides have you ever seen one? It made you interested though, right? It is a great conversation piece!
You ladies truly know how to enjoy life and have fun!!!    
3/4/2008 2:44:53 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
In this movie I seen there was a guy who had a picture of jesus on the head of his......
When they asked him why, he said " so when I'm screwing someone, they can say 'I have Jesus in me'"...
Movie was the Doom Generation... Strange flick all around...
Hey, whatever makes the moment more interesting.... 
3/6/2008 12:22:42 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Next will be a $100 dollar bill on it!!
So that....
1.) I can play with my "money" all day.
2.) I can watch my "money" grow.
3.) All women love to blow "money".
3/6/2008 6:34:53 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Hellertown, PA
age: 19
Haha, that's great!
3/7/2008 9:43:45 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
Death..... You got room for that???
5/13/2008 8:39:03 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Lancaster, CA
age: 47
lemme see..

5/18/2008 5:57:36 PM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Middleport, OH
age: 51
this is a crazy question.
6/19/2008 10:00:17 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 39
anyone still here I just saw the forum and had to enter a post. I have my penis flamed out (hence the username flamedout11)
6/19/2008 11:52:06 AM |
Do you have tatooed genitals? |

United Kingdom
age: 18
I don't have a tatoo on my genitals or anywhere else.
My older sisters (twins 24 atm) both have various tatoo's including on their genitals.
Tammy, (her indseration was fron a dan brown book) has died all her pubic hair green. A section of this she keeps regually shaved, in this area she has a little sighn which reads "Keep off the grass".
Rachel, (don't ask lol) has fire tatooed all rould her genitals, just above her opening it says "welcome to heaven"
she wants one on her bum saying "welcolme to hell"