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2/24/2008 6:57:00 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Sarasota, FL
age: 51

In the biker community they have a term called "one percenters".... essentially, one percent of the bikers make a bad name for the rest of the community.
(public perception)

Thankfully, this cop is a "one percenter" too.
I doubt he's still employed in his district or state.

But.... If the kid were MY kid... and I saw this video??

I'd probably pop him in the back of the head (just hard enough to get his attention) and tell him to always respect idiots with guns and authority.

It's easier to settle these issues in court versus the morgue.

Michael.... who ALWAYS says yes/no sir/maam when dealing with law enforcement.... even when I'm totally right

Because I didn't see Eddie's last post.

Oh nevermind..... Eddy.... you're right!!

I think the cop should have blown the kid away for skateboarding on an (obviously) VACANT sidewalk.

We can't have THAT kind of behaviour in this country.

What ever happened to hiding out in some fungus filled basement smoking crack or planning an armed robbery versus doing some constructive physical activity like skateboarding??

Sorry for the sarcastic reply Eddy.... but not really.

I witnessed local law enforcement shut down a guy sitting here in Sarasota for playing his frikkin *acoustic guitar* last nite.

That's just WRONG!!

"Buskers" isn't a common term in our society now days.... but it's a part of our hearitage.

What's to say I drag out MY acoustic guitar and decide to play it on any given corner or points in between??

My guitar.... my perogative where I play it
(people have paid a lot of money to watch me perform)

Would I be wrong to give a free show??

I'd like to hear your opinion on this.

Believe me.... I WILL reply

[Edited 2/24/2008 7:32:44 PM]

2/24/2008 7:01:05 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Baytown, TX
age: 52 online now!

eddie i agree with you

the officer did say the other to kids had a head on their shoulders that they were keeping their mouths shut, and also he said to the kid he needed to speak up and to only speak when spoken to

If it were mine i'd bust his ass and then discuss the conversation with the officer on how he handled the situation also.


2/24/2008 7:48:58 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Sarasota, FL
age: 51

Leigh.... for a New Yorker.... you're learning those "suthernizms" pretty good.

2/24/2008 8:32:20 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Sarasota, FL
age: 51

Leigh... PLEASE direct me to that post.... this dude needs to have his ass ripped a new one.

Of course.... in the nicest way possible

[Edited 2/24/2008 8:33:00 PM]

2/24/2008 8:55:27 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Sarasota, FL
age: 51

Why was the cop out of line? Did you see what happened before the video was started? What if the kid was skateboarding on a crowded sidewalk and almost hit people?

Don't judge a situation from one short video. Remember Rodney King? We punish cops because some n*gger went berzerk, and the video just shows the aftermath of the cops trying to get him under control.

To origionally define the SO elequent word you ignorantly used... "n*gger"
It's a stupid person.... without regard of age, race or religion.

Look it up if you think I'm wrong
(And gullible IS in the dictionary)

I'm basically a "nobody" on this site *ASSHOLE*

But I'm going to do my very best to see your IP and name *gone* from here.

I can find hate and stupidity anywhere I want.... but I don't choose to view it in a place I just want to discuss issues and/or just have fun.

Dustin.... either he goes or I go.

Pretty sure more than a few will follow suit.

2/24/2008 11:14:26 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Red Springs, NC
age: 44

Eddie dont give me that crap, oh the poor police man, he was out of line and the tape shows that, the boy was not being out of line and the cop, And Id call him a dude.....He doesnt deserve and respect from me, and if he had did that to my son, I would make damn sure He lose his badge, no one should be done that way ... You must be a cop, to and taking up for the cop.... I know first hand how cops are , most i know beat the shit out there wives, and are dirty as shit, he was to damn over weight to be a cop, look at his big ass stomach.... no so many cops become , or think they are the law, and its there way or nothing, not the real law.... And if I knew where the hell that was Id call that damn officer and the news people , and see if he has a record himself, then again they hide shit he did to cover his ass, That I know as well.... THE COP WAS WRONG< PERIOD...........IMO.......Beach

[Edited 2/24/2008 11:40:14 PM]

2/24/2008 11:29:12 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Ponca City, OK
age: 34

That cop looked more like a parking meter gay boy too me, then an actual cop

As for the kid, I couldn't hear if he was saying anything under his breath at all,

If I was that kid, I would of dialed 911, and let them hear what the wanna be cop was saying, just too get the fat f*ck fired

2/25/2008 7:07:31 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Newark, TX
age: 42

Hello ChinaTown Girl, how have you been.

I think the kids has a disaplen problem. I can see why the officer got mad. The kids today do not respect the law and the kid might be a problem in school. I will bet you the kid does not have his mom and dad together. Another kid of divorce parents. I see it alot and the kids think they do not have to listen to anyone. The mom will have problems later if she does not already.

As an ex officer, I think the situation could have been handled differently and in a little more professional manner.

But we live and we learn. I hope the kid learns he has to obey his elders and police officers. Thats life, or the kid will wind up in the penal system.

Thats my 2 cents

2/25/2008 11:11:16 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19

u have to give respect to get respect. if u think bullying, threatening and choking a kid who weighs a third of what u weigh teaches respect, ur so wrong. it teaches them fear, intimidation, or hatred and revenge. the idea of a big ox like that bullying a kid is just so wrong. no wonder he kept stammering and saying dude. the kid didnt look tuff to me he looked scared.

and hiya, pach!

2/27/2008 7:50:07 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Denver, CO
age: 44

michaelcee: "Dustin.... either he goes or I go.

Pretty sure more than a few will follow suit."

See ya! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

2/28/2008 11:48:24 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Athens, GA
age: 29

Here's my take on this clip. Yeah the sidewalk was obviously clear, but that could be a result of the police officer's arrival. People tend to stear clear when a cop starts talking to someone in that tone. I do think the kid was not calling the guy "dude" out of disrespect but more out of nervousness and uncertainy as to what he SHOULD be calling him. Plus, a lot of people use the word more as a form of "geez" or whatever rather than an address. I also think the kid's tone was initially a bit on the cocky/condescending side, which many of the more insecure officers of our fair country struggle with. So the kid was not a 100% innocent. However, having said that, the cop should have reigned it in drastically. First with the yelling as all yelling does is either cause the other party to yell back or else emotionally shut down, at which point your message is lost. I'm guessing he's probably grown up in an abusive environment himself and thus when the kid turned his back from him, took that as the kid being disrespectful and figured he better assert dominance. It's kind of like an alpha male chimp mentality. Not the most sophistocated or intelligent and certainly not appropriate for dealing with a 14 year old kid who's clearly not posing any physical threat. Being that he was the "grown up" in the situation, he should have tried to lead by example, rather than try to one up the kid. Hopefully, this officer gets some form of anger management disciplinary action but that's about it. Certainly, law enforcement is a DRASTICALLY unappreciated job, right up until the point when it's needed. Then everyone's looking to them for help. As I've said before, cops, teachers, and so many others, should be our heros, not the actors, sports players, etc. Lastly, to eddie-whateverthef*ckyournameis (I really could care less as you're not worth spending the 2 seconds to click backwards to get your name right), enjoy your space with the dinosaurs and other antiquated, out moded beliefs like trepanning. YOU are now the minority

2/29/2008 12:04:09 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Westbrook, ME
age: 18

i dont give a f*ck if that cop ever touched my son like that id f*ck him up, cop or not. that kid was 14 and the cop looked 40. f*ckin pigs

3/2/2008 10:58:52 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Alva, OK
age: 22

wow....i hope that video reached higher officials....even if the kid was in the wrong the cop still crossed the line....and as for "a dude is someone who works on a ranch" LOL....he isnt so smart...a dude is in infected hair on an elephants ass....and his tone and everything didnt show any can you teach respect without giving it....and can we say threatening..."give it to me and ill smack you upside your head..."
than it was good when he started asking about the apparently it seems that he was worried about that video....but the kid was showing nothing threatening towards the officer when he put him in the choke hold...and the way he is speaking is going to get him killed???? well than im screwed.....because that is what he said....the sooner he learns to speak the longer he will live....not anything about the skateboarding...till after he said that....

so my answer is i would tell my kid (if i had one) that he was in the wrong...but the officer would have a bit of explaining to do as well...

3/3/2008 8:19:37 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Carthage, MO
age: 44

It seems to me that is where two idoits meet!Its is just a shame that one was a cop that trys to throw around his authority!They were both wrong in this case!Its all about the respect that neither one of them had!

3/4/2008 1:22:18 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Olathe, KS
age: 32

I agree completely, they were both wrong. BUT. As the cop is an adult, maybe he should start acting like one. There are better ways to get a point across, even to a 14 yr old boy!!!!!

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