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2/22/2008 2:04:49 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19

if this was your kid would u take up for him or would u tell him he was wrong?

2/22/2008 2:40:54 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Mukwonago, WI
age: 32

I'm not sure what the kid was relly doing but that cop was way out of line.

2/22/2008 4:06:59 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Denver, CO
age: 44

Why was the cop out of line? Did you see what happened before the video was started? What if the kid was skateboarding on a crowded sidewalk and almost hit people?

Don't judge a situation from one short video. Remember Rodney King? We punish cops because some n*gger went berzerk, and the video just shows the aftermath of the cops trying to get him under control.

2/22/2008 4:10:08 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Mukwonago, WI
age: 32

I did say that I didn't know what the kid was doing, The cop definitly crossed the line when he put the kid in a choke and through him to the ground. He wasn't resisting

2/22/2008 4:21:51 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Denver, CO
age: 44

Sometimes you just need to deal with these punks like that. We coddle these kids so much that they don't have one bit of respect for authority. If he had been acting up and putting people at risk by skateboard recklessly, they he should have been knocked into next Tuesday!

There's no room in society for kids that won't obey authority.

2/22/2008 7:29:47 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Racine, WI
age: 50

That cop was way out of line. I don't know if it was the funny pants or the clown car he was driving, but he was pissed at more than just that kid.
How much respect was he showing. Screaming at the kid and and telling him he was going to get killed is no way to gain respect. If he had talked to me that way he would have been called worse then dude.

2/23/2008 12:06:33 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19

if the kid had injured someone with the skateboard u better believe u would have seen and heard from the person injured. the kid was just riding the skateboard. im a ska8tergirl too and i have seen a lot of nastiness from police just for skating although nothing like what this poor kid went through.

this kid was only 14 years old, and not a big for his age, gangsta type. he obviously didnt do anything serious enough to be arrested; so since when do u get choke holded for a summons? the policeman lost all control and was talking about respect? a loose cannon like this should not be walking around with a gun.

2/23/2008 1:12:19 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 26

ok here is my take. the kid may have been making remarks under his breath or something for the officer to be reacting the way he did. i doubt an injury occurred prior to what we saw. i didn't hear or see any real evidence of disrespect, aside from him calling the officer dude, which, to be honest is probably more out of habit, fear, and intimidation than intentional. i know what having a cop shouting in your face feels like. especially in a case where you aren't sure what you're doing that is wrong.

the officer overreacted, in my opinion, and could have handled the entire ordeal better. i understand they were minors and were in the wrong, but if he would have approached in a calm respectable manor, then the kid would have had better whits about him to stop calling him dude or man. just because you are older, bigger, in a position of authority, and can shout at me doesn't mean you deserve my respect. i was taught you have to give respect to get it. i have seen officers handle the same situation and still conduct themselves in a manner befitting of someone in that position. that officer knows nothing about that boy. he could have a learning disorder, or an abusive home, and here comes officer high-on-power to bully and badger you. this isn't some big man nuttin' out. this is a 14 year old child skateboarding on a sidewalk.

no violence. no victim. just a broken rule. this officer acts like he's confronting an armed robber. he tried make a criminal out of a kid out trying to enjoy a nice day. hope there isn't a real crime going on down the street that he could have prevented had he not decided to harass some "skater punk".
and cops wonder why they have problems getting respect.

p.s. to all law enforcement officers that show respect to the civilians they protect and serve.

2/23/2008 1:19:06 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Las Vegas, NV
age: 29

The cop went over board but he is right his mom does need to put her foot in his ass you dont disrespect a cop convenient the camera stayed off him while he was talking to the cop

2/24/2008 1:33:09 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19

i really didnt see the kid do anything that disrespected the cop. what do u think the kid was doing when the camera was off of him, yb? drawing a weapon?

i wouldnt have called him dude but i might have broke into uncontrollable laughter when i saw that outfit the cop was wearing, but does that mean i would deserve a chokehold?

i would be extremely upset if i saw this happen to my little brother, i'm sure my dad would be quite irate if he saw someone choking his son.

[Edited 2/24/2008 1:38:18 AM]

2/24/2008 1:48:26 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Lowell, AR
age: 32

Looks like roundboy (the cop) missed his naptime....
If I was that kids dad, I'd be takin' that camera footage
and pay a visit to that cops shift supervisor....

2/24/2008 4:05:56 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Hot Springs National Park, AR
age: 21

If this was my kid it wouldnt matter what he had done, whether it be his fault or not. Police officer or not if he would of laid a hand on my boy he would of got beat down. Unless you're trying to kill someone, being that young you dont deserve to be choked out by a cop who BELIEVES he is trained in hand to hand combat. He was taking advantage of his strength, which is one thing I will forever be against, pick on someone you're own size and feel the wrath.

2/24/2008 6:16:34 AM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Warminster, PA
age: 33

I think that guy is nuts.They were 14 year olds kids riding their skateboards.

The way he was acting you would have thought they were some type of vandals or gun waveing thugs Hopefully the kids got that video to their parents so that they could show his superiors.

That guy definitly needs a lot of anger management classes before he should put on a uniform again.

If what the kids did was so bad why didnt he call for back up and take them to the station.

2/24/2008 6:41:44 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Wind Ridge, PA
age: 29

I would like to put my foot in that cops ass. If he did that to my kid I would be beating his ass.

By the way eddiewhite you are one ignorant f*ck or a racist one or the both.

[Edited 2/24/2008 6:43:45 PM]

2/24/2008 6:50:09 PM if this was ur kid would u take up for him?  

Denver, CO
age: 44

I just cannot believe the level of stupidity, ignorance, or arrogance that people on this post have displayed! Anyone that actually watches the footage can see that the Eric Bush, the teenage delinquent in the video, was completely deserving of the treatment he got from the cop.

Did the cop get carried away? Maybe a little. But you try dealing with idiots like this kid for 8 - 10 hours a day and see how "compassionate" you will be! If that was my kid, I'd bust his ass and ground him for a month!

It's time for all the bleeding heart liberals on here to realize that the problems in our society are based on the idea that we need to treat people like this juvenile with a gentle word. Maybe we should have rewarded this punk for getting mouthy with a cop! Hell, let's give him a full-ride scholarship to Yale so he can be as good of a President as our current moron!

Remember, we live in a society that has rules. You break the rules, you get punished. As far as I'm concerned this cop should get a verbal reprimand at the worst. Unfortunately, he was suspended for a week (the last report I'd heard) because of this incident. If that happened to me, I'd give the police force the middle finger and find a job that paid better! People become cops to actually try and do something to make a positive difference in society. They don't need the bullshit that is given to them by morons that don't know right from wrong.

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