London, ON
age: 45
I used mine to find things in the dark during a black out.

Mansfield, MA
age: 45
I've been a tentguy for over twenty years, and need one for work.
My first cellphone was in the mid 80's and was a briefcase style one. It had a full size handset attached to the briefcase with a cord.
I currently have an AT&T 8525, which is already out of date. It is Windows based and has a 'qwerty' keyboard. It is my; phone, camera, internet connection, and PC.

Carleton Place, ON
age: 46
I use a blackberry, it does everything I need and that is something I would not leave the house without. My whole life is in there i.e. my appointments, calendars, phone, e-mail, internet, reminders and anything else one can think of.

Galesburg, IL
age: 50
I originally bought one because of my job,that I no longer have.Actually I could do without it now,but it is just as cheap as having a land-line phone.

Arvada, CO
age: 45
I've had a cell phone for over 10 years and havent had a land phone since.
Current phone is a Nokia 6133
cellphones.com still rates it as the best phone for my needs.

Eau Claire, WI
age: 43
Dont remember when I got my first cell phone, liked the idea of having it in case there was an emergency. Most of the time I like having it so if my so called adult kids need a ride they can contact before I get home and relaxed. But sometimes I would like to flush it down the nearest toilet because people including my kids can get a hold of me way to much and to often. Most people say shut it off, but I always worry if I do that and there is an emergency with one of the kids or my family I would feel really bad.(probably because I did it one night and my daughter was in a car accident and spent the night at the hospital didnt find out till morning, thought what would have happened if it had been a more serious injury, kind of freaked me out.) But what did we all do before we had them?

Strasburg, VA
age: 47
Wow cell phone usage, need, or just desire seems to run the gamut here.
Great idea about donating old phones to a women's shelter. You can also donate them to cell phones for soldiers. Let's try to keep them out of the land fills as long as possible.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a camera on my phone but the quality is so poor, as photo buff I don't think I would be satisfied.
I usually carry my little digital with me. Just another reason for my teenager to roll his eyes at me.
