Grady, AL
age: 48
If you post your writings online what's to keep people from stealing them? What if you write something and somewhere down the line you see it published in a book?

Dartmouth, NS
age: 50
That is one of the dangers of putting your works online. They can be stolen. That's why it is important to back up your work. Always, always, make sure you have a written copy of all your writing. Keep anything you write dated for your private files only. It is better to have it copywrited, but not everyone can do that. It does cost money.
All my work is backed up, and I keep it dated. I have a few friends that know my stuff, so they can act as witnesses if need be.

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
As long as it is saved with a date tag (such as a disc or computer) it is copyrighted, so posting online is nothing to worry about. You can check this info out through the National Library of Congress

Page, AZ
age: 60
If I'm not mistaken, that time and date stamp over your head is as good as a copyright.
Definitely have a printed backup as computers do crash.

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
I have had a good deal of my stuff published and so I obtain an ISBN number (Library of Congress) for a group of things at once. It runs close to 50 bucks no matter how much you do. This is sure fire. I agree that if it is backed up and so on it is protected.
On my artwork I have a watermark.
Plagerism is all over the place, like piss ants....

Grady, AL
age: 48
Thanks guys, I write poems and such sometimes but only post them on my blogs because I never thought they were that great, just meant something to me.

Dartmouth, NS
age: 50
coppermare....if you ever feel comfortable enough, we'd love to have you join us here in the writers forum. This is kind of my sacred place here.