2/28/2008 10:26:30 AM |
how can any one like ct |
Moodus, CT
age: 43
it cost so much to live here and wheres all the money from the casinos go not to schools they cut all these programs for kids so the gov lies to us the most expensive state to live in
3/3/2008 8:07:14 PM |
how can any one like ct |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 70
ct is a beautiful state and studies do show that just about everywhere is expensive.....I can go down south things might be ceeper but I'd never make the money I make here in Connecticut.If you have children looking into different programs though the library might help you there's alot out there for kids
6/17/2008 8:09:59 PM |
how can any one like ct |

Torrington, CT
age: 29
Not only is CT the "richest" state, but also full of the rudest people. I ride on Rte 95 every day on my bike and you would be amazed at how many drivers actually swerve to hit people on sports bikes. Last year I had a flat and was crawling along on the shoulder and some jack-ass actually swerved about 10 feet out of his way to try to hit me. Another time I was in the right lane and a car in the middle lane had it's right blinker on, obviously wanting to take the approaching exit. I slowed down a bit and waved him in. The car behind me, seeing that I was letting the other car in, was upset about it and gassed it around me (about 9 inches from my leg) and damn near crashed into the car I was letting in. That is when I decided I need to ride aggressively if I want to live through each day. I have had dozens of similar events happen to me in the 1.5 years I have been making the commute.
Really it is kind of humorous that the general public here are so dense. Almost everyone will cut you off, speed up when you try to pass them or when you put your blinker on, or refuse to merge with other traffic, always pushing to be in front because traffic sucks and they are "in a hurry". The only reason traffic sucks is because of inconsiderate driving. If people who are not interested in going 70+mph stayed in the right two lanes and everyone merged like civilized human beings, then the only time there would be traffic would be from accidents...and there would be a lot less accidents.
Sorry about the slight rant, but knowing that there will be 7-9 deliberate attempts on my life every day (people who do not see me and move into my lane from negligence aside) tends to grate a bit on the nerves. I have lived in CT for almost 4 years now, and with the traffic situation coupled with the gross increases in the cost of everything in the state in the last four years, I have no love for the place. Imho most of the people here do not deserve to live in such a beautiful state. Ok, I am done with my rant now. Really.
6/17/2008 10:54:11 PM |
how can any one like ct |
Meriden, CT
age: 21
deliberately try to kill you huh? exaggerate much...
7/2/2008 7:41:47 PM |
how can any one like ct |

Torrington, CT
age: 29
deliberately try to kill you huh? exaggerate much...
No, actually I don't, but thanks for asking. Do you really wonder why you are single?
7/5/2008 8:57:49 PM |
how can any one like ct |

Deep River, CT
age: 60
If you think drivers on CT free ways are rude, be grateful that you don't live and/or drive in California.Some Drivers there would just as soon cause an accident rather than let you get in to the lane in front of them. I actually had the driver of a step van slide open the door and try to kick me off of my motorcycle. these days people are rude and totally self centered no matter where you live. The solution to this problem is that those of us that have been taught to have manners need to be sure we show others the proper way to treat others.It seems as though many people have forgotten the "Golden tule": Do on to others as you would have them do onto you, may God bless us all.
Peace and Love, Douglas
7/6/2008 8:18:57 AM |
how can any one like ct |
Uncasville, CT
age: 52
love connecticut, of course I am single, great job with the state and dont think I could ever leave
8/27/2008 4:31:00 PM |
how can any one like ct |
Coventry, CT
age: 32
f**k ct
9/2/2008 5:15:52 PM |
how can any one like ct |

West Haven, CT
age: 22
ct rules if you dont like it it leave
9/3/2008 1:16:50 PM |
how can any one like ct |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
I agree! How can anyone say they like living in CT?.....Years ago it was a great state. But like anything.........as time passes it has grown and knowns as the SNOB state. Being a truck driver and spending time all over the USA. When telling poeple I was from CT they would say it is a pretty state but the people who live there are so RUDE. Also they would talk about the high cost of everything. One question I would hear all the time is how can you afford to live there. With all the tax we have to pay. We're taxed for everything. It's sad to say but this state is going to hell in a nut shell quicker than most. Where are all the good paying jobs? Haven't anyone talked with the there parents or some other old people about heating cost or just how much taxes they have to pay? Or talked with a single parent who is finding it hard to get from one week to the next because of low paying jobs and being over taxed?
I left this state once and moved to Texas.......I had to move back for my child....when I can I will leave again........and hope the best for those of you here. Unless you have a towel wrapped on your head and own a motel or 7-11 you don't have a chance in this state.
9/7/2008 5:11:28 AM |
how can any one like ct |

Westport, CT
age: 59
I agree with RAVENBANE when my x-husband and I moved to Fairfield County from NYC in '93, we were amazed at the aggressive driving in this area. He concluded that it was indicative of the people that live in Fairfield County. He said "How do you think most of these people got all these expensive houses, cars and boats, by being polite?" They knocked down their competition and they'll knock you down too if you get in their way. So DRIVE CAREFULLY" By the way veering to hit RAVENBANE is very believable--NY cab drivers did it all the time to messengers on bikes. On I-95 it was sport for some truck drivers to bully small cars but has gotten much better since a bunch of fatale accidents a while back, one that incinerated a whole family in their car.
[Edited 9/7/2008 5:17:17 AM]
9/7/2008 5:29:27 AM |
how can any one like ct |

Bristol, CT
age: 47
Wow... For the first time I looked into this page and read some responses. I love CT, I was born, raised and work here. When I read over all of the responses it appears many of you are the reason we are referred to as rude. Some of you even choose to banter over your responses! CT is made up of people from all walks. Yes, many very wealthy, but some, as in all states, are struggling. We spend more months locked in our houses then out on the streets...not because we are rude people, but because the weather keeps us in. We can be the change. I smile alot, talk to strangers, never walk away when someone needs help...and I can honestly say, I have been responded by the same kindness. I am not a Mother Theresa..don't get me wrong, but an economy does not make a state...the people do. So I like to think, in my own little world, that I make CT a nice place.
9/7/2008 6:25:07 AM |
how can any one like ct |

Windsor Locks, CT
age: 54
Kimmyh............Weather and having to stay indoors has nothing to do with being RUDE. Poeple are RUDE becasue they just don't care about anyone but themselfs. Like the guy who drives I 95 people just don't care about anyone but themselfs. (NOT ALL PEOPLE). With the way things are today. Seams everyone is in a hurry to get where they have to go. Not caring about anyone but themselfs. I have driven trucks most of my life. I have seen a change in people's driving habits. When you see mom's or dad's driving like fools, talking on cell phones. Cutting people off because there rushing. Then seeing a baby in a car seat in the back of the car. One has to wonder what there thinking. Seeing how people drive and seeing crosses on the side of the road where people have been killed. As to make you wonder it is worth it? That one car or truck they cut off just so they can be in front. People need to learn to slow down and learn how to "Stop and Smell the Roses". But because it's all aboiut them. And not about anyone else. Thing with never change.
I'm glad in your part of the world things are great. But the world is a bigger place outside your world. I'm not trying to burst your bubble just see the world the way it really is.
9/7/2008 8:33:36 AM |
how can any one like ct |
Durham, CT
age: 42
i agree with others! i have lived all over but have always found my way back to ct!it is expensive but the pay rate is up there too! ive been in other states were its not expensive but the pay rate is low! no matter were you go theres a balance! other than that there are many beutifull places in ct to see and expierence! just my view!
9/11/2008 6:19:35 AM |
how can any one like ct |

Northampton, MA
age: 49
i have 2 drive thru that f**king state everyday and the drivers there r the worts and i have been all over the states see a ct plate avoid at all cost goes 2 show what kind of people they r the way the drive hope some day they all drop dead