Bothell, WA
age: 68

This is me in my shooting gear. I do a sport called Cowboy Action Shooting. We get dressed up like characters out of the Old West and competitively shoot against each other. We DO NOT do any of that quick draw nonsense. 1. It's not safe and we push gun safety. 2. That's not the real Old West. Hollywood invented that to make the Old West look more glorious and glamorous than it really was.
In this shooting we use either original weapons from the Old West, or replicas. Pistols must be single action. Rifles have to be either lever action, or pump. No bolt action rifles allowed. Shotguns must be single, or double barrel break open. The Winchester Model 97 is the only non break open allowed. My pistols are Navy Arms Single action six shooters in .32-20 caliber. My shotgun is a Bakail, Russian made Coachgun With "mule ear" hammers and 12 gauge. My rifle is an original Colt Lightning from 1882. It's a .32-20 pump action.
This is a timed event. You are on the clock from your first shot to your last. The object is to hit as many targets as possible in as little time as possible. A miss costs you 5 seconds....ie....5 seconds are added to your overall time.
This event is done in stages. There are usually 4 to 7 stages per shoot. Within each stage are three stages. Pistol Stage; Rifle Stage and Shotgun Stage. They are shot in the same order no matter where you shoot. Rifle Stage first, followed by Pistol Stage and finish up with the Shotgun Stage.
This is not just a "man" thing. Women participate too. They come dressed as pioneer women, saloon girls and any number of female Old West characters.
This sport is a lot of fun and is known Worldwide.
I can tell more about this...bit I will open the floor for questions on it. If you have questions....do ask!

Baytown, TX
age: 53
hey thats really cool
love the old time cowboy pictures
when i lived close to austin, tx
they had get togethers such as what your speaking of

I love guns and own several my self, when we have the
time and i have some one to go with me hunting is my

Strasburg, VA
age: 47 online now!
Very cool. Thanks for sharing. 

Bothell, WA
age: 68
Well....all my life I wanted to be a Cowboy. Now I are one! 

Spokane, WA
age: 49
thats really cool. but, didnt some outlaws in the "old west" shoot from the hip? didnt fast guns exist? i know hollywood glamourizes everything, but wasnt Wyat Earp known for being a pretty fast gun?...just wondering...i love western movies, especially with Clint.
see ya partner, steve

Keysville, GA
age: 54
I have shot different disciplines of combat shooting for over 25years. I have even organized IPSC matches in the '80s and have NOT seen a person hurt. I have shot many disciplines over the years also (non combat). Plus I have instructed people, mainly ladies ,to shoot defensively. Just because that discipline is NOT your cup of tea or that your not co-orinated enough is no reason to put down ANY of shooting sports. Safety is the FIRST consideration in ANY of the shooting sports. Have a GREAT DAY. Take care and shoot straight.