6/14/2007 4:17:11 PM |
Abs |

Sacramento, CA
age: 21
What would you suggest for the best way to work out your abs?
6/15/2007 1:07:50 AM |
Abs |

Appleton, WI
age: 24
With a partner: On a bed in certain positions... 
Seriously though, depends what section(s) of abs and what you want to get out of it. Being a woman I estimate you mean flat stomach without too much definition which means a lot of total core muscles instead of isolating the sections. Trunch rotations and no platform situps are the best, I've found, but if you are looking for more definition to certain parts or muscle size, thats a different story. Hope that was at least a point in the right direction.
6/15/2007 8:16:17 AM |
Abs |

Hampton, VA
age: 47
Unfortunately there is no such thing as "spot reduction". If you want a nice flat tummy it will involve diet and excercise. Aerobic excercises which burn alot of calories are what will get you there the fastest. But if you do nothing but sit-ups you will just have nicely toned and defined abs under a layer of fat which is not the effect that you are seeking if I understand the question correctly.
6/23/2007 2:01:52 PM |
Abs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
what are no platform situps?
6/24/2007 7:42:13 AM |
Abs |

Appleton, WI
age: 24
sorry, I've been out of town for a while.
No platform situps could be just the name my trainer used for them, but they are like a situp without the rest points. You start on your back in a normal situp position and while doing the excersice, you bring your upper body only half way and bring your legs up the other half to touch them. The trick is since neither your upper body nor your legs are on the ground it takes more core muscles to keep yourself balanced. Now when you go down, into the "resting" position, you keep your body slightly above touching the ground and your legs straighten out and lower to about 6" above the ground. This motion works all 8 sections of abs and when done in the right sets and the right pace, you can get a really good fat burner right where you want it as well as more muscles.
Dusty, I mean no offense, but you say that situps will only get definition, well if you can see those abs, that means the fat isn't there to hide them. Everybody has an 8 pack. Even at infantsy they are already there, as we grow, we just need to let them show and to build them in mass and their stamina to keep up with our every day lives. Diets are good, some better than others, but I have seen much better results from using muscles rather than eating less. Not saying dieting is bad because the perfect way to accomplish the end result is a combination of the two, but if you're only going to do one, my results say work 'em.
[Edited 6/24/2007 7:42:55 AM]
6/24/2007 6:50:31 PM |
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Symsonia, KY
age: 24
I buy ab vids and do them holding a dumbell. ive had two kids and have a flat tummy! or i will do crunches while i watch tv too!
6/25/2007 2:38:57 PM |
Abs |

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
dusty- you're 100% right. Anybody ever use one of those large beach balls to do sit-ups
as shown on TV infomercials? I've seen people use them and fall off and dislocate a shoulder and get other injuries. Also, Shawn T and the Hip-Hop abs commercial is a total
rip off.
6/25/2007 4:12:41 PM |
Abs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
my mom just got that abs chair thing. she has a flat stomach but wants definition.
r those chairs any good (they crunch u) or just a rip off?
6/26/2007 6:14:51 AM |
Abs |

Hampton, VA
age: 47
Term- I didn't make myself as clear as I should have. I will put some links below that will explain things more clearly than I can. I was a body builder for years when I was younger adn learned quite a bit. One of the last things to do before a contest is to do light workouts and diet. You actually dehydrate yourself to get your skin thinner to show the muscles more and the diet also gets rid of any fat layers around the midsection. But if you have alot of fat around your stomach you cant do situps, crunches atcc and think that you will burn the fat off right over your stomach. It doesn't work like that. That is what they try to sell on tv, the ability to work one specific area and have the fat diappear over it.
THese are just a few of the articles that cover this. The infomercials lead you to believe something completey different but they are trying to sell a product.
6/26/2007 7:53:26 AM |
Abs |

Wilmington, DE
age: 51
dusty is right, there's no such thing as "spot reducing", that's a total myth.Many of the programs on TV that promise you to shed 7 pounds in 7 days, are rediculous. The people they use on these commercials are professional dancers. Nowadays, competitive
boybuilders need to get their skin "paper thin" for a contest. They do not, repeat, do not dehydrate in order to do this. They alter the electrolytic balance in their bodies.
They can only do this for a very short time, otherwise they could seriously endanger their health. It's a trick or technique they use only for a contest and it definitely works. Professional bodybuilders, including the females, also take a host of suppliments, among them anabolic steroids and testosterone.
6/27/2007 2:45:50 PM |
Abs |

Appleton, WI
age: 24
Thanks for the sites Dusty, I'll check them out. I never did get sold on infometials, actually I haven't seen too many of them. I just work on and with what works for me and others I work out with. Maybe there is something in those sites that I can learn from.
again thanks for those.
9/8/2007 3:36:07 PM |
Abs |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
six pack abs or just a keg?
9/9/2007 12:54:26 AM |
Abs |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Sit ups are very bad for your back...all you have to do is get a pullup bar and do knee raise type stomach crunches for about 10 minutes a day consistantly for a long period of time and you will have a flat tummy. If you keep your stomach toned the rest of your body will fall into place. End of story.
9/9/2007 3:20:38 PM |
Abs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
wow really? just following the directions?
my did the abs crunch lounge for a month, lots of repetitions i dont really see a difference. is it a ripoff or she should add reps or maybe give it another month?