6/14/2007 9:15:41 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Talk and Joke about anything!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/14/2007 9:18:22 PM |
No Hate Zone! |
Conyers, GA
27, joined May. 2007
A Priest and a Rabbi are walking down the street when they see a 10
year old boy.
The Priest says "Want to screw him?"
The Rabbi says "Out of what?"
6/14/2007 9:20:38 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
That was cute Forumruiner! Thank you for entering the NO HATE ZONE.
6/14/2007 9:22:42 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Tom T Hall 
[Edited 6/14/2007 9:23:27 PM ]
6/14/2007 9:28:45 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

El Paso, TX
44, joined May. 2007
mmmmmmmmm not enough hate in here.LOL!
6/14/2007 9:29:25 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Line Friend
I had some free time, so what did I do?
I checked the computer to see if I'd heard from you!
I used to walk out to a box to retrieve mail.
But I'd rather get it instantly, than wait on the snail!
Checking my e-mail is always fun!
I usually get a joke or greeting from someone.
I feel so blessed because on the other end,
I know I've connected with a friend!
When I've had a hard day and need to share,
Here I can find a friend who will listen and care.
And to this friend I hope I've let them know
That I am always there for them also!
Isn't it a strange kind of bond we form?
It isn't exactly like the "norm"!
But, where is it written, face to face we must be,
For you to be a very good friend to me??
That little joke or note, or just a simple "Hi",
Could be like a ray of sunshine from the sky!
So my online pals, this is dedicated to you,
For all the smiles you have made anew!
May our friendship continue to grow,
And the warmth we feel continue to flow!
Always remember this...
A smile is such an easy thing to pass along the way,
Like a ray of summer sunshine,
On a somewhat gloomy day!!
Thank you for being my Online Friend!!!
I wish the graphics had copied with this, sorry. No pics kids.
6/14/2007 9:29:52 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
OOOoooooo you said a bad word......
6/14/2007 9:32:56 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
I was joking. sniff, sniff, crawling away to the corner
6/14/2007 9:34:14 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Meant 300 lol

6/14/2007 9:35:52 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Cat, its very sweet. I'm your friend, sending a smile.
6/14/2007 9:36:14 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

El Paso, TX
44, joined May. 2007

6/14/2007 9:36:22 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Hey, that is one of my missing pictures! I copy and paste, nothing, you do it and boom, it works. Must need a mans touch. lol
Thanks Bendi, I consider you a friend also. You are really sweet.
[Edited 6/14/2007 9:37:06 PM ]
6/14/2007 9:37:36 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
It takes more than copy and paste.
6/14/2007 9:41:42 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Teach me oh wise master of the Digiskills. I humbly bow at your feet. Show me the path through cyber space. If I am worthy of your grace.
6/14/2007 9:44:20 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Oh crap I told you wrong in that mail I sent on how to do the picture thing in a post cats. I'm sorry.
I just went back and looked again at what I had sent you.
[Edited 6/14/2007 9:45:00 PM ]
6/14/2007 9:47:05 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
the little arrow thingy( I cant use it here cause everything after it would be invisable)
img src=http://www.frontiernet.net/~jimdandy/specials/friend/image001.gif
then the other little arrow thing.
I left out the src
img src=
[Edited 6/14/2007 9:48:43 PM ]
6/14/2007 9:47:06 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
You will always be forgiven. I am the one not worthy of the master.... hehehe
So I have to copy the entire code for each one,huh?
[Edited 6/14/2007 9:48:12 PM ]
6/14/2007 9:49:41 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
yeah thats the only way. pain in the but huh?
6/14/2007 9:51:13 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
On that one it would be. Lots of little pics in each phrase. So much easier to forward as an email!
6/14/2007 9:54:46 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Yeah I'm not sure on how to keep the text straight with it either though. I do have my limits LOL.
6/14/2007 10:01:56 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Say it ain't so! And here I was thinking you were perfect in every way. Dumb blonde attack again. lol
6/14/2007 10:05:08 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
No its called a brain fart! Welcome all to the Hate Free Zone......We were gonna pass around some salty nuts but no one would donate em!
6/14/2007 10:07:14 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007

What a hottie 
6/14/2007 10:08:10 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Look another one!
6/14/2007 10:08:11 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
And here I thought we were all into sharing everything.
Thank you DIGI. That means a whole lot coming from you. You are soooooo sweet! muaaaaaaaaah!
[Edited 6/14/2007 10:09:52 PM ]
6/14/2007 10:08:23 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
6/14/2007 10:10:16 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Not so bad yourself, big boy.
6/14/2007 10:13:36 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Conway, AR
51, joined May. 2007
Salty nuts at your command mistress.
[Edited 6/14/2007 10:18:46 PM ]
6/14/2007 10:16:46 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Retirement Choices - Where To Live
You can live in Phoenix, Arizona where.
1. You are willing to park 3 blocks away because you found shade.
2. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl.
3. You can drive for 4 hours in one direction and never leave town.
4. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food.
5. You know that "dry heat" is comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door.
6. The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!
You can Live in California where...
1. You make over $250,000 and you still can't afford to buy a house.
2. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.
3. You know how to eat an artichoke.
4. You drive your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party.
5. When someone asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it
will take to get there rather than how many miles away it is.
You can Live in New York City where...
1. You say "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean Manhattan .
2. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park, but can't find Wisconsin on a map.
3. You think Central Park is "nature."
4. You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.
5. You've worn out a car horn.
6. You think eye contact is an act of aggression.
You can Live in Maine where ...
1. You only have four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco .
2. Halloween costumes fit over parkas.
3. You have more than one recipe for moose.
4. Sexy lingerie is anything flannel with less than eight buttons.
5. The four seasons are: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction.
You can Live in Texas where...
1. You can rent a movie and buy bait in the same store.
2. "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural.
3. "He needed killin' " is a valid defense.
5. Everyone has 2 first names: Billy Bob, Jimmy Bob, Mary Sue, Betty Jean, Mary Beth, etc.
You can live in Colorado where...
1. You carry your $3,000 mountain bike atop your $500 car.
2. You tell your husband to pick up Granola on his way home and he stops at the day care center.
3. A pass does not involve a football or dating.
4.The top of your head is bald, but you still have a pony tail.
You can live in the Midwest where...
1. You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor knows your name.
2. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor.
3. You have had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on the same day.
4. You end sentences with a preposition: "Where's my coat at?"
5. When asked how your trip was to any exotic place, you say, "It was different!"
Or You can live in Florida where....
1. You eat dinner at 3:15 in the afternoon.
2. All purchases include a coupon of some kind -- even houses and cars.
3 Everyone can recommend an excellent dermatologist.
4. Road construction never ends anywhere in the state.
5. Cars in front of you are often driven by headless people
6/14/2007 10:25:25 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
I enjoyed that tremendously, especially about picking up "Granola"! LOL!
6/14/2007 10:31:35 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Thanks for the salty nuts Digi.
I know we are not old enough to retire, but I thought it was funny. Glad you liked it Bendi.
6/14/2007 10:32:02 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Heber Springs, AR
41, joined May. 2007
I am not from Texas. I have known a few people if murdered, "He/she needed killin" would be a valid enough defense in my book.
6/14/2007 10:33:55 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Hi, Sierra, Nice to meet you!
6/14/2007 10:34:42 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Heber Springs, AR
41, joined May. 2007
6/14/2007 10:36:25 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Heber Springs, AR
41, joined May. 2007
How is every one doing tonight
6/14/2007 10:39:30 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
We are happy and peaceful in the Hate Free Zone....Welcome Aboard!
6/14/2007 10:42:41 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Heber Springs, AR
41, joined May. 2007
I like the hate free zone, it is better than alot of the other stuff flying around in forum land.
6/14/2007 10:46:24 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Welcome Rose, it's it nice to have peace and happiness? Enjoy!
6/15/2007 12:50:16 AM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
This place is crazy tonight!
6/15/2007 12:54:54 AM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
I think it's a bit quieter than last night Bendi. I am thinking of going to bed.
6/15/2007 12:57:15 AM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
That's a good idea. Think i will too! Nite Sweety!
6/15/2007 12:18:16 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Seaside, OR
50, joined Apr. 2006
hey ppl
6/15/2007 12:32:28 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Hey, Kim hows everything!
6/15/2007 12:42:44 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Good afternoon ya'll. Just got a few minutes, but wanted to check in and see how things are going.
6/15/2007 12:48:08 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Hi Cats! Hope the patients are behaving 4 u today!
6/15/2007 12:52:57 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
things are going just fine. Just got one of those busy days. But i'll be around later to join the fun. Hold down the fort while I am gone. lol
6/15/2007 12:56:40 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Grand Junction, CO
37, joined May. 2007
Hey Ladys whats up
can i just say ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ok now that i got that out i feel better was thread jumpin ran into one that made me throw up a little in my mouth just plain ucky ucky uck
So hows the Lovers not the HATERS doing!!!!
6/15/2007 1:22:28 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Seaside, OR
50, joined Apr. 2006
LOL...............youse guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
6/15/2007 1:24:05 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Hey Melbie, I saw that 2, wouldnt have sounded so bad if it was someone else in the male role. The reason he likes ice is becaus i brought it up a while ago but that was in hopes it would shrink his peni!!! Now he thinks its sexual. A Man will shrink in ice, right! Unless its the other kind of ice?
6/15/2007 1:30:27 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Seaside, OR
50, joined Apr. 2006
Too true............I can kinda get stimulated by a guy's ideas, etc.....unless it's, well, you know.........total turn-off. No hate implied or consented to. LOL
6/15/2007 5:24:58 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Thank you for Flying in the Hate Free Zone once again. Peace, Love, and Flowers here y'all!
6/15/2007 6:23:22 PM |
No Hate Zone! |
Bronx, NY
46, joined Jun. 2007
Yous is Hilarious!!! Loved the NY part... I'm a Bronx gal meself. Anyway, my topic. I was invited to go out tonight. Not a date, but a friend of mine is meeting some companions for d/d/d and extended the invitation to me. He knows I haven't enjoyed a nice evening out for some time. OK, you got the background, here's the problem.
It's not a date but I want to look nice. My girlgang tell me to wear a nice simple dress, not too short or tight, heels and hair up. Nothing dramatic but not too simple. I wanted to wear some nice fitted black slacks, a fitted top with my hair down. I think it will still compliment my figure, it's sexy, but comfortable and relaxed.
Girlgang tell me if I dress down my friend will think I didn't make too much of an effort, and although it's not a date, he is my escort for the evening and I should represent. I want to look attractive and all that, but I haven't been out in a while and the costume I think will only add to my nervousness.
Ladies, just curious, what do you think???
6/15/2007 6:34:01 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
Thanks Catyia, this is a tough one. I'm sure if you wear a dressy top with jeans that are well fitted, He'll appreciate your look. Just make the earrings really spectacular, with the hair, up, very soft around your face, HOT shoes, and how could any guy complain? Just remember, You are very beautiful. And no matter what u are wearing I'm sure you win points with your personality!
6/15/2007 6:45:03 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Cat, Bendi said it well. If you are most comfortable in dress slacks and a nice blouse, wear that. Earrings, a nice necklace(depending on the cut of the neck of the top) and a nice bracelet with pretty shoes should be all you need. If you are more comfortable, you will relax and have a better time. Your escort will see you are a beautiful woman, with class and very smart. He sould be very proud to be in your company. Have a wonderful evening.
6/15/2007 6:46:31 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Belmar, NJ
45, joined May. 2007
But remember to go commando

6/15/2007 6:49:23 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
You are sooooo bad Troy!
6/15/2007 6:49:36 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Maryville, TN
52, joined Jun. 2007
That's HOT!!!!
6/15/2007 6:50:17 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Belmar, NJ
45, joined May. 2007
Its getting hot in here...so take ff all your clothes....lol.
6/15/2007 6:52:00 PM |
No Hate Zone! |

Saint Petersburg, FL
60, joined Jun. 2007
And bring your laptop, so you can keep in touch with us.
6/15/2007 6:52:37 PM |
No Hate Zone! |


Jacksonville, FL
51, joined Apr. 2007
Where is Melbie when I need her to cool you down Troy! Such a bad boy. You need a spanking too!