Novi, MI
age: 32
How does anything get done without first caring and then thinking about it? Worrying, thinking, caring are inextricable. Yet I'm almost positive the Bible teaches to not worry, "be careful for nothing" etc. but rather trust in God for all things (not verbatim). Unless I'm taking it out of context, how could this be possible?

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
I'll try and give you my interpretation on this (if I understand your question correctly).
Yet I'm almost positive the Bible teaches to not worry, "be careful for nothing" etc. but rather trust in God for all things (not verbatim).
Let's try this example 
Let's pretend you have an 8 yr old son and he worries every day about how you'll be able to feed him 3 times a day or care for him, protect him from getting hurt, clothe him, be there for him when he needs you and raise him.
You as a parent of course do NOT want your child worrying about things like that because that's not for him to worry about as you have all of that under control and taken care of, therefore you expect your son to leave it all up to you, rely on you, to count on you, to trust and believe in you because you love your son so much that you'll see to it that he will never go hungry, cold or without a roof over his head.
Similar to what God is saying to us. He says, if we rely on Him, trust in Him, put our lives in His hand, live our lives His way and stay in faith, He will see to it that all of our needs are provided and He will also fight all our battles and all obstacles in our way for us so that we have nothing to worry about as He already took care of all of that for us before we were even born. 
God is not saying for us to be careless nor irresponsible, He's simply saying that only because a problem forms does not mean it will prosper if we stay in faith and our focus on Him, therefore, we have nothing to worry about.
JMOI (just my own interpretation)

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51 online now!
slightly paraphased but to the point
Take no thought for the morrow, the evil of today is sufficient

Grandview, WA
age: 32
hey latin, I think its a well spoken example and I believe you are exactly right.

Aberdeen, WA
age: 45
Well spoken latin!
[Edited 3/12/2008 3:43:36 AM]

Hickory, NC
age: 55 online now!
Latin well said.
I would like to add ,give no thought for tomarrow for we can not change even a hair
on our head. The flowers to not spin nor ture yet not even Soloman was arayed as fine
as them. Satan like to put things in our thoughts to get us away from faith .
Because worry is not of GOD faith is.

Novi, MI
age: 32
LOL you partially read what was on my mind at the moment:
I'd like to add neither is evil.