Largo, FL
age: 50
very simple..i will put it clear
if it goes against the word of god,,,its not god...check all scriptures with what people speak,,,so u are not decieved...check the spirits ...means are they true or false...when u have the spirit of god
u can tell by their fruit
can an apple tree bear peaches?

Austin, TX
age: 31
very simple..i will put it clear
if it goes against the word of god,,,its not god...check all scriptures with what people speak,,,so u are not decieved...check the spirits ...means are they true or false...when u have the spirit of god
u can tell by their fruit
can an apple tree bear peaches? 
Again, for all - "the Way", as recorded in the New Testament was anything but simple, with many good-intentioned Christians with great enthusiasm promoting an incomplete, inaacurate, or sometimes even totally erroneous teaching to what the Apostles affirmed.
It is clear that there were many disagreements within the Christian communities, which did not nullify their identification as true memebers of the Christian community, but made it apparent how important the various councils were where the Apostles made the final authoritative decision on what all Christians must affirm as the truth on the disputed topics (led by St. Peter I might add), and the need for St. PAul to travel from community to community to instruct them accurately. His authority I might add did not come from a copy of the New Testament that he carried with him - rather it was based upon the collection of mostly oral tradition that he had commited to memory and recourse to the papyri of the Hebrew scriptures present at the Jewish synogogues (which in most cases included the deuterocanonical writings I might add!).
Simplifying the mysteries of God does not serve the growth of the Christian community who should constantly strive to achieve maturity through the fullness of Christ's message. Simple explanations are ok for the beginning Christian disciples - as St. PAul would make allowances for and encourage the other Christians not to become stumbling blocks for those who still followed the previous Jewish dietary and other restrictions.

Cohoes, NY
age: 51 online now!
no really its not...people are hard to understand...there hard in their hearts...some have no reflection of light in them....
mr..fluff in stuff is saying in his thread that trinity only way...
they think they do,but they are false..
and watch to see who has been marked..
then you will know false...
cause if you die for jesus christ,and stand for holy spirit..when your told..
God will guide you to new heaven and new earth.
Largo, FL
age: 50
when u have the spirit he reveals to u ...u must be bornagain of his spirit so u can would anyone know then what god wants to get out in a his people..hereveals all things ...his sheep know his voice,,flee from a strangers voice