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those groups u called christians are not christians...christian is not a label its a way of life changing ur life..a christian a real one,,, theres many fakes now u need to know thatthe true ones... ...follow jesus..just like his diciples did,,,see i will explain this easy
evrything the world does...drunk sex.drugs.gays.cross dressing vanity .and religious teachings,,etc!!!!,christianty doesnt support,any of that,because its not of GOD see we have to know the difference good and evil..but whats good in our eyes is not always good is GODS eyes...the devil is tricky...when u come to be a christian..and how u do that u say a prayer and say lord im sorry for all the wrong i did,,,i want jesus to come and be my lord and saviour over my life i know he died for me and then he rose on the 3rd day JESUS I WANT U TO BE LORD OVER MY LIFE...and that day u say that from ur heart ...u will have a new spirit the holy spirit and he will come and guide u and then what will happen u will sTART to see in gods eyes what he sees,,,and his mind what he thinks...some thing like the apple WITH ADAM AND EVE...WHEN ATE OF IT..THEY HAD KNOWLEDGE GOOD AND EVIL....u will come to knowledge,ALSO,if u confess jesus is ur lord!AND U WILL HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL,,,JUST AS THEY DID!
[Edited 9/5/2008 4:27:42 PM]
3/6/2008 7:00:14 AM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

New Harmony, UT
age: 36
Christianity is hard to understand so many branches and different ideals from the steroetypical Roman Catholic to the lberated more modern sects that have women ministers, to the sometimes exotic Greek Orthodox and everything else. My question is after all the years I have studied the bible the understanding is that there in one TRUE church of God.....which one is it? you all profess to being Christian but thats not a religion per it? It is a member of the Abrahamic/monotheistic group which includes Judaism and Islam. My point is that all the sub classes of chritianity i.e. Lutheran , Protestant, Catholic, Baptist, and all the others preach different gospels...all of them except for Catholicism are pretty much off-shoots of the Catholic Church...the first being Greek and other eastern Christian denominations. they broke away because of differences in what MAN wanted and or interpreted i.e. I am Catholic..I want a divorce..I cant have one so I make a church that's Catholic-like but you can have divorces. I am a german and I dont think Indulgence peddlers are right and you cant buy a remission of your sins so lets break away by posting my disagreements on a church in Germany.
I do not want to sound like I am arguing for a fight as I believe in the The Creator but is organized religion more then just a way to go to foreign lands conquer them in his name (Crusades), or because I don't think you have the right to worship what you want... to torture you until death (inquisition), or I do not like your Mormon views so I feel justified to martyr you (Joesph Smiths martyring). A lot of things have been done in the name of God and sanctified by the mainstream Christian church at the time.
So in my finite wisdom and knowledge I have come to the conclusion that organized religion is purely for the control of mankind by a few old men....and that Christ would not agree with all this madness caused by organized religion.
Please feel free to comment on it...I am by no means of the imagination a wisened scholar but I have lived and experienced some things..
I was converted a Mormon at 18 and it made some sense but after a while I saw many things that vexxed me in all Christianity which drove me to basically forgo organized religions entirely. I rely on the holy spirit to guide me and to follow the 10 commandments though I can say with utter assuredness I am no wheres near perfect.
3/6/2008 9:45:06 AM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
very good post and I agree with you in alot of ways. I too am no where near perfect, in fact truth be known I am in a struggle right now with my flesh. In response to your questions involving organized religion I feel your views are somewhat on target. Religion keeps one in bondage, in my opinion, due to the fact that I see very little being taught that I feel should be. Although if you have noticed there are a number of nondenominational "churches" that are growing rapidly. I attend one that is nothing but a church of the "Word" and his ministry is called "It's All About HIM" and the bishop preaches Jesus. It is a Spirit filled, pentacostal, charismatic church that believes the word of the Father and the bishop would be the first to tell you it is not him you should focus on. Want to know which church God is blessing right now... look and see if it is growing and how fast is it growing. It is the Holy Ghost testifying about Jesus that makes this happen. Does the church believe in laying on of hands, speaking in tongues, etc. The Bible says it is so and if you believe the book, why leave parts out that are meant ot help the believer.
Now to your question about the one TRUE church... it is you and I and all other believers... we are the one true church. As such it is up to every one of us to reach for the prize. Now if we find someoen who teaches well and is filled with the Holy Ghost then I myself like to listen to what they have to say as many are much wiser than I, but then again how many "men of God" do not preach all the bible has to offer?
3/6/2008 2:38:17 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Spring, TX
age: 55
I was raised Southern Baptist. Since my childhood, i've attended churches of almost every religion. Discussions followed with people of many faiths and beliefs. Though all profess their's is the true church, still lacking is the scriptures.
my advice is strictly that, but I offer that you attend a church that makes you feel comfortable. While attending that same church, study your scriptures daily. The Holy Spirit will guide you. If someone in that church says something that is not scriptural, by all means, question them as to why they believe that. If you find it not what the Bible says, then you can show that person the scripture where you differ.
as our brother posted above, there are churches without affiliations popping up almost daily. Some are Bible based, some aren't. They are a group of like-believers. Joel Osteen has a wonderful ministry. I would not attend his church for many reasons. He is Bible based in his teachings, but he doesnt teach the entire Bible. I've heard him referred to as the 'feel good' church. I think his ministry has done wonders not only in the Houston community, but worldwide. He does tell you to read your Bible daily and pray. I agree.
my last church I was member of, was Baptist. However, the pastor of this rather large church was a leader that is now retired. he is missed by the community. his visions lead the church to be tolerant of other religions to the point we would hold Prayer Meetings in different churches each Wednesday night throughout the area. The entire community where I used to live went to Promise Keepers as 'The Church Of Katy'. We all sit together as a group. Catholics, Lutherans, Baptist, and many others. Though we all had different churches, we were all believers in God Almighty and the Bible. It was a learning experience for me.
As far as religion being a controlling effort by a few old men, I think you are wrong there. Certainly, there are groups like that, but not all religions fall into that. Why did Martin Luther translate the scriptures so every day man could read and understand himself? on the other side of the coin, you had jimmy jones, david koresh, and many more, including that group in CA who committed suicide when Haley's comet came by. All in the name of religion.
keep your nose in those scriptures my friend. God will not lead you wrong.
8/26/2008 9:13:16 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
What's so hard to understand. All you need to know are the basic teachings of the Bible. Denominations come about because we are not perfect and tend to interpret some of the other parts of the Bible that aren't as clear differently. There the certain things that all Christians believe and you should make sure you understand those first. Once you basicly understand the basics, then you can try to learn more about the unimportant things.
8/26/2008 10:28:17 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Cohoes, NY
age: 51
It Seems To Be..
Everyone Has There Own Individual Opinon...of christianity..there own image.own belief.
like minded yet own self..
God Really Is Your One true Witness..
Just you and God knows you for sure..
others seem to for sure.
Christianity is you and Christ and God..who are you to God..and Christ.
[Edited 8/26/2008 10:29:00 PM]
8/26/2008 11:27:47 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Denver, CO
age: 43
my advice is strictly that, but I offer that you attend a church that makes you feel comfortable.
That is what the followers of Joel Osteen do. They go to his "church" because they feel comfortable there. He tells them what their itching ears want to hear.
Christianity is not based on "feelings", it is based on objective truth whether we are comfortable with it or not.
8/26/2008 11:28:17 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Denver, CO
age: 43
It Seems To Be..
Everyone Has There Own Individual Opinon...of christianity..there own image.own belief.
like minded yet own self..
God Really Is Your One true Witness..
Just you and God knows you for sure..
others seem to for sure.
Christianity is you and Christ and God..who are you to God..and Christ.
And Christ is God isn't He Lees?
9/2/2008 3:40:07 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Largo, FL
age: 50
those groups u called christians are not christians...christian is not a label its a way of life changing ur life..a christian a real one,,, theres many fakes now u need to know thatthe true ones... ...follow jesus..just like his diciples did,,,see i will explain this easy
evrything the world does...drunk sex.drugs.gays.cross dressing vanity .and religious teachings,,etc!!!!,christianty doesnt support,any of that,because its not of GOD see we have to know the difference good and evil..but whats good in our eyes is not always good is GODS eyes...the devil is tricky...when u come to be a christian..and how u do that u say a prayer and say lord im sorry for all the wrong i did,,,i want jesus to come and be my lord and saviour over my life i know he died for me and then he rose on the 3rd day JESUS I WANT U TO BE LORD OVER MY LIFE...and that day u say that from ur heart ...u will have a new spirit the holy spirit and he will come and guide u and then what will happen u will sTART to see in gods eyes what he sees,,,and his mind what he thinks...some thing like the apple WITH ADAM AND EVE...WHEN ATE OF IT..THEY HAD KNOWLEDGE GOOD AND EVIL....u will come to knowledge,ALSO,if u confess jesus is ur lord!AND U WILL HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL,,,JUST AS THEY DID!
9/5/2008 3:11:11 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Chehalis, WA
age: 55 online now!
The trouble with 'organized' religions(s) is just that: it is organized by people. You do well to say you believe in the Creator of the heavens and the earth, of things visible and invisible. I congratulate you on that! If the Creator is wise and loving, then when He created all things in creation, it would seem perfectly evident that the Creator would want to communicate to those in His creation. Most all organized religions that use the label Christian, start with the basic text: The Holy Bible. I suggest you read through the Holy Bible. God is fully able to communicate to you through His Word. The trouble is, people often don't take the time to read the Bible and hear from God. Simply ask Him as you read to communicate with you & give you understanding. God has promised to those who truly seek Him that you will find Him! What a promise! The Living Creator says if we truly seek Him, we will find Him, if we seek Him with all our heart. I did this and He kept His promise. 
Jeremiah 29:8-14 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets & your diviners who are in your midst deceive you, nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them, says the Lord. For thus says the Lord: after 70 years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you & perform My good word toward you & cause you to return to this place. 11. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace & not of evil, to give you a future & a hope. Then you will call upon Me & go & pray to Me & I will listen to you. And you will seek Me & find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord...
Acts 17:24 "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.
From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live; so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him & find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; If this is true, we shouldn't think of God as an idol made by men from gold or silver or chipped from stone. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."
Romans 10:14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? But not everyone who hears the Good News has obeyed it, for Isaiah the prophet said, ``Lord, who has believed me when I told them?" So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
If you have any more thoughts or questions, feel free to message me. God bless, Doc
9/5/2008 4:25:26 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
my advice is strictly that, but I offer that you attend a church that makes you feel comfortable.
That is what the followers of Joel Osteen do. They go to his "church" because they feel comfortable there. He tells them what their itching ears want to hear.
Christianity is not based on "feelings", it is based on objective truth whether we are comfortable with it or not.

9/5/2008 4:27:21 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
quoteheader]Quote from blessedlady48: |
9/5/2008 8:08:42 PM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 25
genuine christianity is no harder to conceive and understand than the number system
9/6/2008 12:24:13 AM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
genuine christianity is no harder to conceive and understand than the number system
Amen to that, It's the most simple thing there is but people make it out to be difficult.
9/6/2008 4:45:43 AM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Xenia, OH
age: 48
It is so simple that one tends to over think it and make it difficult. If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was raised after 3 days, have change your ways and let Love radiate from you then you pretty much have it. There is so much "legalism" out there that it makes things muddy. JMO
9/7/2008 12:20:34 AM |
Christianity is hard to understand |

Austin, TX
age: 31
Christianity is the attempt of an imperfect, sinful humanity made in God's image and likeness to follow the fullness of revelation as given through His Son Jesus. It can be "simple" in one sense and yet so deep, a life long believer still feels as yet that he/she has only just begun to understand...
The differences in the denominations is a countersign to the unity of the Father and Son, and thus a stumbling block to the world's acceptance and faith in Jesus. Full unity and brotherhood is not achieved by a mere recognition of "the basics" such as Jesus died for my sins, and acceptance of Him as one's Lord and Savior. The specifics of how one does this, what constitutes a saving faith, (fill in every other division on the "non-essentials" - as viewed by many good-intentioned Christians these days) are part of the full salvific message of Christ, and until our Theology is identical, we will continue as a couter-witness to the Gospel we somtimes only give lip-service to when it comes to challenging our slothfulness and resistence to theological and thus denominational unity.
For Example: Either the Pope and Bishops of the Catholic Church are instituted and preserved by God as the true Shepards of the people of God or they are not.
Either speaking in tongues, and prophecy, and etc. are true graces given by God for the building up of the Church, or the charismatic denominations (Catholic teaching fully accepts these gifts by the way) are wrong.
The point is that two contradictory statements cannot both be true.
How do you tackle such a daunting task of sorting through and finding which beleifs/positions are true? - It all begins with authority, and the scriptures cannot be the starting point - who or what authority determined what should be accepted as inspired and what should not is the key to a MUCH quicker way to seek the fullness of the truth.
Does this help?