7/1/2007 5:43:00 PM |
why study the bible |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Real in the imagination of the weak minded.
Follow a false godd Bass. I'm gonna write your song in entertainment!
7/1/2007 5:47:08 PM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
my God is not false as a matter of fact God is love he loves us so much that as it says in John 3:16" For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" also a refresher that the first commandment says thou shall have no other gods before me and i am proud of the God i serve and satan is all over the bible it even says that sin will be destoyed one day and that includs satan, his angel ,and the wicked and i look forward to that day when my God comes back and sedtroys sin and sinner it says in revelation chapter 20 that fire will come down from of God out of heaven and devour the wicked
[Edited 7/1/2007 5:50:33 PM]
7/4/2007 5:48:03 PM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
There is absolutely no reason to study the bible. There are many great books available besides the twisted message offered in it to keep you in a state of fear and confusion so you will be talking out of the side of your mouth.
7/4/2007 7:04:41 PM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
there most certainly is andn that is so we can read about the love of Jesus Christ and the proce he payed so we may have salvation free
7/18/2007 7:04:32 AM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
it is nessecery for our spiritual growth and that we can learn of our redeemer
7/18/2007 8:45:47 AM |
why study the bible |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
You are passionate and devoted indeed. My response to you is to not intentional offend you or your faith.
To study the Bible should not be confused with reading the Bible. You say the Bible but which Bible are you referring to? There is the Christian Bible, Protestant Christian Bible, Catholic Christian Bible to name a few. In addition, which version are you reading because there is the New International Version, King James Version, Young's Literal Translation version and many more.
Depending on which Bible and version you read, take into consideration that not all bibles and versions have the same content.........
The Christian Bible contains 66 "Books." , so does the Protestant Christian Bible.
The Catholic Christian Bible contains the same 66 books and an extra 7 books.
You must also acknowledge that the books of the Bible were written by about 40 different people, including prophets, poets and historians. In addition, the Bible is divided by the Old Testament and the New Testament.
To read the Bible means you are doing just that, reading its contents. To study the Bible means to educate yourself in all aspects of its contents. The authors, the history, the culture, the geography, government, etc.............Another example.....Jesus was born, raised, lived, practiced the Jewish faith. How well are you educated in the Jewish faith?
You say Bible as if it's the embodiment of the Creator in one book. The word Bible basically means "collection of books", and in its physical sense it is exactly that - the Holy Bible is the collection of Holy Books placed together to form one book. It is not literally "THE BIBLE" as one book because it is a compilation of several books under one binding. Example. I wouldn't quote a verse in a book written by John Doe and preach it is the truth because it is written in the the Library. When in fact, the Library is a place which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, study or lending.
I am not questioning your belief, just questioning as to how you came to believe? If your only reference is the Bible, how well do you know what is written in it's pages or how the bible was originated? You cannot retort by saying
"The bible is the word of God inspired by God through man. This is true because it is written in the Bible"......................
7/18/2007 9:43:37 AM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Exactly...it is one thing to have the knowledge of something, though another thing entirely to have the understanding...he is a lonely fellow a lost soul like so many that are trained to enslave others to their own emptyness and needs...
The vague and mysterious holy spirit, symbolized by the dove, is the nothing more than the third part of the trinity, which is you, the self, you are the third part of the trinity that makes up the triangle...if you don't have a self, then forget about being intouch with a universal creator or a god...you are not in selfhood, you are in egohood looking for alleged salvation from a source outside of yourself...you have it all backwards.
[Edited 7/18/2007 10:00:43 AM]
7/18/2007 11:51:50 AM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
to study the bible is important because you get a lot out of it and devlop a relationship wit hJesus and learn that He is coming again
7/18/2007 4:39:43 PM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
he is not coming again...he is finished with this place...how gullable of you to believe such nonsense...he is not going to come and save your sorry ass from anything...that job is totally in your hands...the bible is for lazy people to be lead to the slaughter...the illumintai love your obedients...just don't get out of line or you will go straight to hell.
7/18/2007 4:44:38 PM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
that proves right there you do not even pick up a bible because he is coming again if he did not then the world would basically destroy itself and no flesh meaning us would survive but since he is going to return and on time i might add
7/18/2007 4:49:06 PM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
you believe in a bunch of BS because hes not coming back...there is a vibrational frequency shift happening as we are aligning with galactic center among other things taking place and jesus coming back is not one of them...what a joke that you believe such a mind control story...such a shame another one bites the dust but owell can't say I didn't try to warn you...you're paying attention to the wrong information and being led down the yellow brick road to no mans land...
7/18/2007 4:51:11 PM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
no the bible says Jesus will come back he will come back
7/18/2007 4:54:11 PM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Nope..sorry to dissapoint you he is not coming back...they are pulling your chain about it..
[Edited 7/18/2007 4:54:28 PM]
7/18/2007 4:56:48 PM |
why study the bible |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
you are getting confused again you are the one getting his/her chain pulledthe bible is true and tells about a loving God
7/18/2007 4:59:33 PM |
why study the bible |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
God is not loving..God is love itself...where ever you see love, there is god...you still have everything backwards from all the mind control done to you...you fail to understand that you have been tricked with the fruadulent use of language..