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3/8/2008 7:31:21 AM just looking for a real man  

Arlington, TX
age: 35

why cant a woman date without having sex on first or first few dates.I want a real man

3/8/2008 7:40:05 AM just looking for a real man  

Pickton, TX
age: 46

I just wish I could get a date
seems as if there are no country girls or they are playing games to see how many they can get to chase them. Good luck on DHU

3/9/2008 4:49:10 PM just looking for a real man  

Hardin, TX
age: 47

Lailas sex without the emotions will leave you empty, its not worth the effort, So sweetie if thats all your date is interested in,I would hardly call it a date. Get to know someone first,let the emotions start to grow,then you will have something to build on. Now with this said I hope you will find someone who will want to know you first. Good luck sweetie

3/9/2008 6:33:20 PM just looking for a real man  

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37

Take your time and learn about the man first .
Second try to find in him what you want,not what you want to change down the road .
Make shure that you are being your self ,and you are not gonna change into some unwanted thing latter on.
Just be yourself and play the game of dating and dont try to shop for a real man , if you could buy one than it would be for sale at wallmart
and maybe made in china.
As far as sex on first date: What comes easy goes easy!
It takes two to tango.

3/9/2008 9:50:44 PM just looking for a real man  

Splendora, TX
age: 54

Most men know if she gives in on the first date, she ain't worth a second (notice I said men). If youre looking for a jerk thats a whole different thing.

3/10/2008 12:43:38 AM just looking for a real man  

Sherman, TX
age: 50 online now!

Hey I'm with you, even at the age of 50 it's the same way. Sex or no next date!

3/10/2008 2:07:03 AM just looking for a real man  

Mount Pleasant, TX
age: 61

lialas you asked: "why cant a woman date without having sex on first or first few dates."
ANSWER: She does not have enough will power to say "NO", and mean it.
I want a real man.==
ANSWER: Most all "MEN" require sex. God made us that way.
Lots of women dress so provocatively on 1st dates, everywhere for that matter--
and claim that they were not "advertising"==DUH !! give us men a break!
Sweet, wholesome, wise, women do not really have much trouble with the issue of sex.
Not all of us "men" want sex on the first,second,third,or! Some of us respect
Women, and want them to respect us==don't ya see?
1bit2spurs hit the nail on the head. As did woodcutter, "it takes 'two' to Tango"
and I might add, ONLY 'ONE' TO SAY "NO"......

3/10/2008 7:18:21 AM just looking for a real man  

Alice, TX
age: 44

Lailas--Hell i'd be happy to find and real man to date!!
Most of them have no respect or they lie from the get-go. and i'm a good person

3/10/2008 10:45:41 AM just looking for a real man  

Portland, TX
age: 43

I usually lurk in the background but I want to know A) where is Hardin and Winnsboro and are you guys all talk or do you really live by your posts. Also Hoofbeats this "sh&t" about men being wired for sex is crap. You can get your jollies any way you want without offending a woman. I have only been out twice since my divorce and both guys were on me like white on rice. I am 43 years old and have slept with 3 men in my entire life and was madly in love with all 3. I have trouble believing life has changed that much in 20 years.

Just my 2 cents.....

3/10/2008 11:33:54 AM just looking for a real man  

Ingram, TX
age: 55

I have to say I agree wth the guys on this one. The woman sets the tone of a relationship, most men expect this and good one respect it. If he doesn't ask you out again because you didn't have sex, what have you lost??? NOTHING, including your integrity, AND you find out the quality of a man or if you have anything in common. Isn't that what datng is all about??? Getting to know someone in a variety of circumstances BEFORE becoming involved?????

3/10/2008 2:17:59 PM just looking for a real man  

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37

Some of us man and please notice ! Real man!!
We do live by what we say.
The problem is that real man do not change.
Now some ladies do have a image of what they want , that is great ,man do too.
Except man just go get when they find what they want and they do not look for all things perfect.
They are happy with just a few basic things in life just ask them.
There is a map of texas available and yes takes some research to find some places.

3/10/2008 7:32:23 PM just looking for a real man  

Waco, TX
age: 52

lailas...I recently had a man (term used loosely) tell me on our second date that "hey, we're not kids anymore. We don't have the time to spend playing games, so let's either do it, or I gotta go". That was also our last date, BTW.

3/10/2008 7:51:15 PM just looking for a real man  

Arlington, TX
age: 35

i had a guy tell me that on first date and i just got up and lefted he had called me later and asked me what was wrong i told him to go find a hooker lol and and i told him i know why he is single.

3/10/2008 7:54:28 PM just looking for a real man  

Arlington, TX
age: 35

i was on a datin site and the guys there just r lookin for sex its the ( plenty of fish ) site and when i went on there i just felt like fresh meat always i wish women can just go out and be women not worrying about the guys coming around the corner i agree there is some nice ones out there but u know there is alot of crazy ones

3/11/2008 1:15:45 PM just looking for a real man  

Winnsboro, TX
age: 37

Sorry for you Lailas.
Maybe some guys have never meet a ladie that tought them to behave the right way so they think all ladies are supposed to do the same thing .
Well i dunno.
I was rised with two parallel cultures and i still learn the culture of this great country .
Sad is that most of some great music and great values are being replaced by some junk by some .
Most wonderfull is that on this site are some great people that believe in the right things .
And they are happy to share the good or bad oppinions.
Hang in there and good luck.
No need to change what you believe in ,just to be what someone needs.

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