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3/10/2008 2:36:16 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65

I am not quilty of this, THIS TIME.

I do not know how to post a video on DU.

I am sure I would have been quilty if I could... But if anyone wants to give me the heat, it is ok, I will just say I am sorry......

3/10/2008 2:54:53 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Middlesboro, KY
age: 51

Well being guilty of the charge I will say this...

I can only speak for myself.. majority of the videos I post are the ones I have done. Yes, occasionally I will post one from youtube that someone else has done but not very often.

For me, while I'm on this site looking for whatever it is I'm looking for, the videos are a source of entertainment while I'm here. I love to laugh and have a good time and videos are one way of doing that.

Life is too stressful not to have some fun and enjoy the trip that we all are destined to make.

JMO here... if you don't like the videos...don't watch them. Why complain if someone is having fun doing something they enjoy???

Oh and Morles sweetie.. You yourself gave me permission to use you in the 60's+ video and it was posted on this there a difference? Am I missing something here?

Now that that is out of the way...come here you sexy sixty...I got a hug with your name on it..

3/10/2008 2:58:20 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65

Morles, You do look good in Heather's video, so we don't want her to take that down, do we?

3/10/2008 3:57:43 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 55 online now!

I think if it's not a thread specifically designated for music... the posting of videos should be restrained and self-regulated... held to a strict personal standard regarding the true pertinence and relevance it has to the discussion at hand. Basically, it should be avoided... but, at times, I think it can be a great contribution... speaking "volumes". Yesterday, I posted a music video of Joni Mitchell singing her original "Woodstock" in a thread that was talking about possibly having a "50's Woodstock". It had a cavalcade of snapshots from the '69 event all woven together the way Heather does - and, I felt great about adding that... like it was one of my best posts, ever. (Always glad to share a few moments with Joni...) That also reminds me, that... yesterday, the word "pogo" was used in a thread... and, it reminded me of how much I missed and had always enjoyed the old comic strip "Pogo" by Walt Kelly. I spent an hour searching for little pictures which I assembled into one post, very tastefully "sized" (I won't use gigantic photos or montages that distort the size and appearance of the threads - I edit them out, immediately - if that should occur - and, go back to the drawing board). Anyway, I spent a wonderful hour, engaged in a little personal project - which I thoroughly enjoyed - laughed my butt off, numerous times - paid a long overdue personal tribute to Walt Kelly - and, don't think the whole thing made a "hill of beans" worth of difference to anyone else who didn't want to look at it. In one-quarter of a second, they could skim right by it, if they so desired. I think the freedom to express ourselves is at the heart of the fun and good feeling we can experience - but, we always should be mindful of the community as a whole and regulate ourselves accordingly. I don't think we need bans, or barriers, or harsh restrictions if we just try and be somewhat respectful, tasteful and considerate. Aye-yi-yi... well... I didn't mean to write so much about that... shoulda *spiced* it up with some pictures to break up the monotony... WHERE'S MY COFFEE???!!!

[Edited 3/10/2008 3:59:57 AM]

3/10/2008 4:05:26 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Dunkirk, NY
age: 62

Heck, I like doing all that stuff, its fun...

3/10/2008 4:08:07 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Irwin, PA
age: 56

I agree class. If there is a thread that you have no interest the song says...Walk on by. If there's a thread with videos, you don't have to watch them. Skip over then to the next posting.

3/10/2008 4:12:00 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70

It is fun, and allows me to relive the past and to convey some of my childhood dreams

but most of all, photobucket can convey in a special way sentiments not easily expressed i.e. get well, I love you, emotions, etc. I will continue as the spirit moves.

3/10/2008 4:46:49 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65

Huron and Class, when Ya'll post video's I always look and listen....Some I just pass or listen to a second or two of them....

Morles if you post a video, I will listen to it also. However, I do hear what you are saying that sometimes the topic, not a music topic is just one after the other with little or no comments. Same for pictures, but here again sometimes I enjoy them all and sometimes not, depending on my mood or time I have at the time I am surfing.

I am on DU to hopefully meet people, but do enjoy the fun when fun in in progress.

3/10/2008 5:15:40 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Fall River, MA
age: 52

Ya know what Morles your right man this sight is for finding out about people and I've read your posts your a good guy man not my type of course afew people so far has said it way better than I could we need to express our selves to show what a good person we are oooorrrr what kind of a pain in the arse we are people got a ittle to serious around here and I posted a nice painting well here I go again but hey man this is how I feel heatherhoney..sweetheart you keep on keeping on thanks again I enjoyed that you made us all look and faal very special and you husker hell ladie its always my fault and any one who wants to know how to do that stuff class is open just dial 1 800 BOB Morles take it light man

3/10/2008 5:19:02 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Gainesville, TX
age: 62

a wise man once said "A picture is worth a thousand words" Some of these songs and video's I think are also expressions of the person

3/10/2008 5:22:28 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Rogers, AR
age: 55

Puter has a switch just like a tv

3/10/2008 5:39:15 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Rolla, MO
age: 50 online now!

Art is a form of communication, and an expression.. If I am interested in someone, I do read their posts,, and it gives good insight....

If I dont like it, or not interested, I just pass it up...

3/10/2008 5:39:23 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Wayne, NJ
age: 55

i guess we all are bored and lonely aren't we all( i am at times) we have time for photo bucket 101 (hopefully to overcome boredom somehow) why not title a thread "photo bucket 101" then PB 102 and so on and in those treads everyone can do what morles thinks you should do esp since he already predicted this may not be a popular thread in a good way in his post and gives valid reasons he's entitled to bring up too...

It seems we may all be guilty posting stuff already in photo bucket's collection but maybe some like myself have posted our own stuff into photo bucket enabling us to use it on the treads and i think that's ok to do--

but copyright stuff, i don't think so as that stuff everyone has seen 100's of times already-(use the practice stuff to learn on but transfer your own stuff there is another thing i would want to see (like Jeannies10 learning photo bucket with her own photo collections is what i call great)...i believe this should be a text type of 50's group and not allowing pictures to express our feelings as we are all doing --where is the orginality everyone has within them???

Sorry i have to agree with morles on much of his thread and about You Tube stuff i hardly see people having a patience tolerance to watch/view something any way just a bit too long and it seems that's the same tolerance level reading treads/ posts just a little bit too long in length even to catch the punchline of something too that may be in the last line/word of the thread too...i say if you post from photo bucket make it your own stuff you post/ not someone elses'...

3/10/2008 5:52:45 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Ocala, FL
age: 56 online now!

And my 2 cents...Being pretty new to forum's (6 days...never been in any before here) I never knew what might be "correct' or what wasn't allowed, wanted, desired, etc., Morales; I had/have to go by what the majority of others were doing to find out how and what to post on a thread. I do tend to agree with you that sometimes it gets a little out of hand where a thread is meant (it seems) for a "vocal discussion of a topic and rather than talking many folk put pics and video's on their post, and I readily admit I am guilty of that, too - only because other's (old-timers here') had been doing it so I thought it was the norm... From what I've read above, it seems the majority still think this way and I agree that if you are scrolling down a thread to read other's input and suddenly see a pic or video - and it bothers you - simply keep scrolling. Some of the pics and video's that are put in non-vid/pic threads are appropriate and, like others have said, tell us a lot about the person who made that post, which is a good thing. Like one person said above, I just learned how to use YouTube and Photobucket, so these new "toy's' have been fun to play with, and I'll continue to play...
It is when the pic/vid has nothing to do with the thread that makes you (me) a little tic'd off, and then others (guilty here) continue that vein through more posts that it gets a little out-of-hand. Since we're talking about what is bothersome in some threads, I might mention that sometimes it seems that some people start using a thread to "converse back 'n forth with each other in back-to-back posts (been guilty of that a time or two myself) and gettin' off topic, which is a little annoying sometimes (so I will try and restrain myself from doing so...and will use email/IM instead).
I do enjoy the vid's on Alaskan's Music Thread and other vid/pic-specific threads and will continue to view/use them, and will try and limit putting vid's/pic's on threads where most folk are talking/writing.

Thanks for putting this thread out there...I'm learning something new every day...

3/10/2008 6:02:16 AM Photo Bucket and You Tube Video's  

Rolla, MO
age: 61 online now!

Morales.. I for one think that its great.. visuals helps put a little humor in some and it it just good...and I will be friend wiff ya even if ya don't like it...

Please don't make us stop

and with that said I'll be on my way

oh yeah.. PS.. Alaska u was a good lookin kid...

[Edited 3/10/2008 6:04:53 AM]

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