6/18/2007 10:04:26 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Lancaster, CA
age: 20
What is the farthest, most exotic, worst, place anyone has been to?
6/18/2007 11:00:18 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
florida, soon japan were suppose to go on june29th. me and a group of friends i can speak a little japanese too.... tokyo wai doso
6/19/2007 12:19:13 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Ramona, CA
age: 47
Spain was fun. Sat on the side of the road eating that bbqed chicken. Sangria and blonde hash.
Italy was great after I got used to it. Could read the language better than I could speak it. It was the most amazing Christmas that year when I was invited into these peoples home for dinner, even though we didn't speak each others tongue. The best dinner party I've ever been to.
Greece,...yeah if you like that kind of thing.
Isreal,....made me a bit nervous and hard to figure out what to order to eat. Something about women walking into the nightclubs with firearms strapped to them might turn somebody else on but not me.
Egypt was fun especially after I tried what those guys were sitting there smoking, and that taxi driver should have never let me have the reigns of that horse. lol gidyup baby.
We don't need to talk about Tunisia.
England was okay but the beer was too warm and the food all tasted like fish. Picadilly Circus was filled with freaks and those women in that bar could have told me the pay phones didn't take coins before I traded those bills for the two bags full I ended up with cause I wanted to call the states.
Germany was so much like home I almost could have stayed there. And Gabby didn't make things any easier.
Cuba was hot.
Virgin Islands were too but in another way.
Iran so sucked. It so sucked.
6/19/2007 12:26:22 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Maryville, TN
age: 44
Pally, how r you? That was cool, what you wrote about. Youve been to many places. I'm almost faded out here ready for bed!
6/19/2007 12:45:44 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Ramona, CA
age: 47
lay down and sleep woman. we'll all be here tomorrow when you wake up. a kiss on the forehead and a hug that will last until the morning to you from me.
6/19/2007 1:00:54 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Akron, IN
age: 59 online now!
Spent many years in Western Europe, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. Actually lack a fight from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Bangkok Thailand to say I have been all the way around the world. The flight was set, but some brits talked me into going to a big party in London instead...LOL I also lived in a number of the Southwestern states. Now back in Indiana.
I do seem to mostly enjoy the more remote areas better...LOL
Then again it is known I can be happy living in a cave...LOL
6/19/2007 6:09:33 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
The fartherest south I have been was a small town near Mexico City, Mexico. It was quite an experience and made me thankful for the comforts of home. The church I was working at had no windows and every night the scorpions were running across the ceiling. My friend said if one fell on us we really were going to have a holy revival as there was going to be a lot of shouting.
6/19/2007 2:27:23 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Lancaster, CA
age: 20
Been to The middle east all over Europe and the some parts of the Mediteranian. Got som einteresting gift and had fun in all the countries, left my mark too.
6/19/2007 2:41:30 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Columbus, GA
age: 46
Been all over the world but Amsterdam was the best I was much younger then. Korea was the best for a single man which I was then, but honestly the very best was Germany. I live with the germans in a couple of large apartment complexes and they were the very best and the very friendlies people I ever meet. When Germans go on strike it is seldom for more money it is usually for more time off. It's leagle to dring up to 1 beer an hour at work or at play. Most beaches in Germany are nude and that is leagle at all beaches that took the most to get use to, well no I never got use to it but I sure did enjoy it. The Autobahns "freeways" have no speed limits. Plus I really love German Chocolate it's the best.
6/19/2007 3:09:01 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Edwards, CA
age: 47
Hmm, Australia, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Diego Garcia, Hawaii, Mexico, Grenada, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, England. I enjoyed all of them except of course for Grenada/Beirut.
6/23/2007 1:14:14 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Garden City, KS
age: 45
My favorite vacation spot is NW Arkansas. Beautiful scenery, lots to do and see, and I get to see most of my family while I'm there.
I love going to Silver Dollar City in Branson; as soon as I walk thru the gates, I feel like I've stepped back in time and entered a whole different world. People are friendly, courteous, fun, and smiles everywhere you look.
I plan on going back sometime in September for the American Music Crafts Festival.
One of the dumbest things I've ever done on a vacation was up on a mountain although I don't remember where. I was pretty young at the time and all I remember about it was we were going to see where someone was buried. Was no one we knew, just someone who lived a long time ago and was buried on the mountain. I don't think it was even anyone famous. We drove up the mountain as far as we could then there was a mile or so hike to get to the burial site. Was pretty rough terrain but we finally got there, looked at the grave and hiked back to the car.
We still laugh about that one every now and then!
6/27/2007 9:50:21 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Saylorsburg, PA
age: 42 online now!
Spain, Portugal, Canada, Vermont, Massachusettes, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Washington and Idaho.
Oh and Mexico City Mexico.
I adored both Spain and Portugal but came back sick as a dog!!! When they tell you to not even brush your teeth with the water they aren't kidding! Otherwise I'ld say South Carolina (best friend lives there); Idaho (best summer of my childhood); California (where I grew up); Arizona (honeymoon) and Florida (annual gathering of friends etc).
6/28/2007 11:59:17 AM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 37
Off the top of my head I can remember:
Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, New Mexico, Illinois, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, New York City, Niagara Falls
Jamaica, Bahamas, Honduras, Mexico (Grand Cayman, Cancun), Belize
Ireland, Germany, Austria, Czech, Hungary, Italy, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait
I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences on some of the places I’ve been with you all.
6/28/2007 12:10:44 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 37
As for: what is the farthest, most exotic, worst, place anyone has been to?
Farthest: Probably the Middle East
Most Exotic: Actually I'm intrigued by the history, food, music and culture of the Middle East. Hope someday we can safely travel and appreciate the region! Second most exotic would probably be remote areas of the Hawaiian Islands. Did some hiking and traveled around the Big Island in one day. The terrain changes as you make your way around the Island - it's amazing!
Best: Prague!!! Love this place in Czech. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Port Canaveral's fresh seafood and bars mostly visited by the locals when we left a cruise ship one day and decided not to take your typical excursions. The food was so fresh and great!
Worst: For me was Budapest, Hungary. I felt it was similar to Prague in many ways but much dirtier and the people were rude. Then again, we've all had a bad experience or two. I'd definitely give it a second chance. I did enjoy the Roman Baths there!
6/28/2007 12:10:51 PM |
Traveling.. Where have you Gone? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
Hey, newlife... Since you like SC maybe we can meet at the beach sometime! I live about 200 miles from Myrtle